Friday, March 01, 2013

Blind Item #4

This actress is almost A list and is mostly movies. This other actress is B+ list, but a far better actress and knows it and is not afraid to let it be known. She does mostly movies. Both of our actresses nearly came to blows last night when the B list actress started talking about crap movies and how Hollywood has gone to crap for making such movies and rattled off two that starred the almost A lister and several others that starred the almost A lister's boyfriend. Words were exchanged and the almost A lister had to be physically restrained from punching the B lister. Apparently the two have been hating each other for a long time, but being in close proximity for press has made it even worse.


  1. Isn't almost A really a B+?

  2. Kirsten Stewart, Anna Kendrick and Robert P?

  3. @Catherine Beat me to it! Was going to say Michelle Williams throwing shade at Mila and Asston

  4. Well done Michelle!! Well done!

  5. Agree with mila and Michelle

  6. Michelle was in Dawson's Creek...she has no place to talk.

  7. She has no place to talk because she was on a TV show? Nonsense!

  8. B Lister could be Rachel Weisz instead of Michelle Williams.

  9. What are the movies?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sorry to hear Michelle Williams is such a nasty human. And hates comedy so much.

  12. Shocky took the words right out of my brain.

  13. I love a good catfight, but if both actresses are in the same movie (Oz presumably) Michelle has no room to judge. Besides, a check is a check. Not all actors get to pick and choose which projects they want to work on.

  14. Michelle is an über-cunt. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it was her.

    "B Lister could be Rachel Weisz instead of Michelle Williams."

    She would never!

  15. There are so many crap movies, starring A list bad actresses and there are quite a few B list. I don't know if Mila is an almost A list or a B list...and Michelle to me is an almost A list, but maybe a B list. There are too many actresses and not enough hints.

  16. I can totally see Mila getting scrappy enough to throw punches, ha!!

  17. Mila is a better actress than Michelle?! The only movie I've seen where I thought Mila was good was Black Swan. Michelle was in Brokeback Mountain and my played the lead in My week with Marilyn - she won a Golden Globe for that!

    Either you guys are wrong lol, or I'm missing something here...

    1. No no. Michelle is the smack talking b list.

  18. Personally I loved "Dude Where's My Car?", so fuck her. And Mila was in The Black Swan, which wasn't in any way a crap movie.

    1. And then?

      No and then!

      Wanner tthheenn??

    2. Shoot! That last line is supposed to be - aannd tthheenn??

    3. @Xander - What's my tattoo say?

    4. @lucas That's comedy classic right there.

      I refuse to play your Chinese food mind games!

    5. @Lucas -Sweet!

      What's my tattoo say?

    6. Never saw the movie Xander or Lucas but we ALWAYS say aaaaand then? NO and then. Cracks us up every time!

  19. Ohhhh wait, I just realised I've completely misunderstood you guys! Sorry, lol!

  20. They're both being very childish, the B+-lister in particular for starting shit in the first place. Actors can really only take the jobs they're offered, and you never known when you sign on for a given project just how it's all going to turn out in the end--look at all the movies that everyone assumes will be amazingly good/huge hits/etc., but end up underperforming at the box office, or being of much lower quality than one would have hoped, or sometimes just plain sucking bigtime. Actors don't really have any control over how that turns out, unless it's their production company that's involved, and even then there seems to be some mysterious factor at work that no one can quite put a finger on, but which makes all the difference in how a movie turns out.

  21. This reminded me of the scene in Forgetting Sarah Marshall where Sarah is trying to defend a really shitty movie she did where cell phones attack people.
    Then I see the guesses include Mila. Haha, idk, it just made me laugh.

  22. @ethorne: Isn't almost A really a B+?

    I read "almost A" (which, yeah, really does equal "B+") as meaning someone on the way up.

  23. Whatever gets Mila to dump Asston is OK.

  24. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I agree with the guesses that the two actresses are Mila and Michelle- Ive read rumors before on other sites that Mila and Jason Segel had a fling during the filming of Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Seems like that's reason enough these days, even tho it happened years before any Michelle/Jason action.

    I don't agree however that Michelle is a "much better" actress. Mila has great comic timing and that's not easy.

  25. What "crap" movies has Mila been in? I guess Michelle was talking about Ted, but that movie is really funny. And what else?

  26. I hate when an early guess derails everyone... I don't think anyone would put Mila ahead of Michelle on the letter scale. Mila "almost A" with Michelle "B+"? No fucking way. You can debate exactly what their letters are (I would probably have Michelle at A-, given the Oscar noms), but I don't think you can debate that Michelle > Mila. Also, both of them originally got famous for TV... so "mostly movies" seems an odd descriptor.

  27. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Michelle Williams is a good actress, but like most, takes herself WAY too seriously. Fuck her.
    If I were Mila, I would have kicked her ass too. Go Mila !
    Michelle Williams gets way too much love ever since Heath Ledger's death (RIP).She wasn't even WITH him anymore when he died !! And she walked around like a widow. What an ass she must be in real life.
    Get her, Mila !

  28. What am I missing? Why does everyone think this is Michelle?

  29. I agree with beth in the letters. I think we have the roles reversed.

  30. I would Love to see Mila punch michelle. I hope she yells"This for dawson"

  31. Heath was the father of her child, I think she had a right to mourn.
    That being said, I don't think this is about Mila/Michelle...

  32. I just can't picture Michelle Williams doing this, what does she have to complain about, she's a great actress with a lot of impressive roles. She was wonderful in Blue Valentine. Mila is a good actress too but I see her more as a comedy actress, even if she was pretty good in Black Swan.

  33. Rachel Weisz is a good guess. She can be very haughty.

  34. Keep it classy, ladies. Whoever these two women are they're not exactly mature.

  35. Keep it classy, ladies. Whoever these two women are they're not exactly mature.

  36. i saw Deception with Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams so i can say "shut up Michelle !" and if i was her, i would look the filmo of her ex-boyfriend

    Michelle W and Mila K

  37. How could Rachel Weisz talk about crap movies someone else was in? She was in The Mummy AND The Mummy Returns!

  38. Anne H & Amanda S from Les Miz.

  39. Also I would say Mila is Almost A whereas Michelle is B+ based on audience, not talent. Like it or not, way more people watch Family Guy than the Indie flicks Michelle is in.

  40. That Week with Marilyn movie sucked.

  41. Michelle Williams sounds like a jealous bitch.

  42. Why all the Michelle hate? Not feeling it. I liked Mila til she took up with Asswipe.

  43. I agree with Michelle/Mila. I could definitely see Michelle citing Ted as one of the movies (Seth MacFarlane's recent press), then referencing how No Strings Attached/Friends with Benefits were the same film (Mila and Ashton). And then she could have dissed Ashton's new Steve Jobs movie because it's already getting negative reviews. Those seem like recent, organic picks.

    I'm definitely on board with this guess.

  44. What about this...

  45. My secret connection confirmed James Franco pulled them apart.

  46. Thanks, head chick. I suspected something like that had to have gone down.

  47. Aw, this blind is awesome. Makes me feel like it's the 80's and everyone is snorting coke and pulling hair and pushing people in fountains...
