Friday, March 01, 2013

Michael Jordan Hit With A Paternity Suit

The mother of a 16 year old is suing Michael Jordan. She claims that the former basketball star got her pregnant back in 1995. Even though she has never filed any kind of lawsuit in the past, she has now and wants Jordan to pay child support and medical expenses for her son. As for the son, his name is Taj and he says that he has met Jordan and that Jordan knows he is Taj's father. Why wait 16 years?


  1. Maybe they had an agreement and he stopped paying? Maybe it's bs? Time will tell..

  2. We will see. I think they had an arrangement and the new piece, that he's due to marry, probably told him that he's done enough.

  3. I briefly knew a woman who got knocked up from an athlete. She was an independent woman and (shockingly to me) understand that her pregnancy was a repercussion of one nite stand and that the athlete never promised her anything. She went on the raise the child alone. Then about 10 years later she afflicted with pancreatic cancer, unable to work and used up all her savings for her medical bills/raise her son. She was forced to sue for child support because she actually needed the help. I dont know how that situation resolved itself but I always wondered about her.

  4. Who doesn't have a secret teenage love child anymore?

  5. I can't pass any judgment on this either way. Maybe she's just looking for hush money, and maybe the kid is really his. MJ is not the most monogamous guy on the planet.

  6. Oh, it's just like Lindsay and Caleb (or Jim from Neighbours as he'll always be) in The OC.

  7. MJ's 50,he may not be around much longer.Probably the reason why the heffa waited until now to file paternity not a smart move.
    MJ should have stayed with his ex,Juanita.That young whitegirl he just married looks very plain.They're not equally yoked.She probably caters to Jordan's ego more than she should.

  8. My daughter just turned 19 and she was born in 94. How can this kid be 16 and be born a year later???

  9. Also, regardless if the person is famous or if a pregnancy resulted in a one night stand...that man is responsible for putting that child on earth! Going it alone is hard and it's really unnecessary.

    Like I've said in the past I was a single mother for most of my daughters life and I tried for a really long time to get support from her father until eventually I just gave up.

    To me it's a shitty thing impregnating a woman and not wanting to take responsibility.

    Should this woman or any woman wait this long pursue financial responsibility? Hell NO! I'll never understand that.

    1. You make a good point BUT there's no such thing as an UNPLANNED pregnancy.There are more birth control devices for women than men.There are condoms specifically for made for women!!!

      How come when a woman's getting her freak on...itz her body,her right.

      If she wants an abortion...her body,her right.

      If she decides to keep the child...itz HIS responsibility.

      Why do women become so passive when it comes to getting pregnant???

    2. No such thing as an unplanned pregnancy?
      I wish I knew that when I fell pregnant despite using a condom when I was 28.

    3. I was on BC and using a condom. Muy unplanned.

    4. Condoms aren't 100 percent effective,they never were.You can't sue Trojan if you get PG or contract an STD.
      Plenty of guys have stood up in court saying they should be absolved from child support becoz they used a rubber.They were not trying to get anyone PG but the judge doesn't want to hear that shit.If itz proven you stuck your penis in ol' girl,you're paying.

  10. Although I definitely agree with what JC is saying, I also think that shit happens...every day!

    Yes a woman who doesn't want to get pregnant should take the necessary precautions, but so should a man!

    And the sad truth is this...if your sex rather it be casual or not most men (not all) won't cover that shit up unless he's made to. So take that for what it's worth.

    What I was referring to in my last post was the oh shit scenario and you're pregnant and that man is like "that ain't my baby". Or he's married so the women don't pursue this issue which is probably what happened in the case of Michael Jordan IF that is his child.

  11. The post specifically says she wants medical expenses paid for her son. Maybe he is sick or has special needs.

  12. This is why the newer generation of athletes (lookin at you Kobe) hit the groupies in the backdoor.

    Me, I fear writing another child support check more than I do STDs or another child. I wrap it up every time. If I'm not with a woman I'm planning to marry by the time I'm 40 (few years away), then I'm getting a vasectomy for my birthday that year.

    1. This is why the newer generation of athletes (lookin at you Kobe) hit the groupies in the backdoor.

      ** crickets **

  13. Just Curious - it doesn't become HIS responsibility, it becomes THEIR responsibility. If a guy and a gal have sex and the girl gets pregnant, both of them are on the hook.

    1. No arguement here,but considering that the woman goes through the body changes for the next 9 months,she's needs to protect herself.Barring certain circumstances (rape,incest),there's no reason for an unplanned pregnancy considering the vast choices in preventive measures.

  14. Being from Chicago, and a acquaintance of MJ. He probably has a folder full of Baby Momma's that the public doesn't know about. He usually pays them off- A lot of cash.

    She probably knows her payday is over once the kid is 18 and wants to publicly disgrace him and get a new payday.

    That's all I will this forum

    1. Know him too and agree. Keeps George busy. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Desiree, I was pregnant in 1995 and my son is 16.

  16. I'm with just curious.
    And why are so many idiots having unprotected sex? Who wants a baby daddy that doesn't want to be in their kids life? People need to make better choices. I need to know what kind of a man I'm sleeping with prior to having a baby with them. What if they're full on crazy, like smother their kid crazy? A bunch of women are idiots


  17. You do realise, JC, that is pretty much no temporary contraceptive measure is 100% effective (apart from abstinence)? You can't mention condoms not being 100% foolproof and then fail to mention the pill, IUDs, even the morning after pill and so forth because they're not foolproof either. Not to mention a lot of places won't sell women the morning after pill at all in the US.

    However, I completely agree that if you have unprotected sex there is no such thing as an unplanned pregnancy. I will never understand women who complain about getting pregnant when they didn't use birth control.
