Saturday, March 23, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 11, 2012

What former A++ list all movie actor and Academy Award winner/nominee and now still probably a B+ with extra points taken off for being an ass spent most of last night hitting on women in their teens. In fact, he would ask their ages and if they were out of their teens the, man old enough to be their grandfather would move on to the next. In the end, despite his perviness and him being almost three times their age, he got lots of phone numbers and as he said six months of one night stands.

Mel Gibson


  1. Yuck. I'm glad I'm not a teenager anymore

  2. Eww. An why are girls so stupid?

  3. Ugh. Gross. He doesn't even fall into the "Hot Daddy" category. More like foaming at the mouth psychotic old pervert.

  4. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Yuck! Mad Mel is a dirty old man? Sick.

  5. As for the Road Warrior...

    That was the last we ever saw of him. He lives now...

    Only in our memories...

  6. Dina Lohan---where are you?!?! Perfect opportunity for Aliana---she wont mind one bit, girls are always attracted to guys that remind them of their fathers

  7. So gross!! Where is your self respect ladies!?

  8. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  9. I loved this readers comment on the original thread (TracySwingKid):

    "DM today has an article on Mel Gibson at a UCLA Bruins game leering at the ladies. Gross."

  10. I miss hot Mel. Now he's just a gross, dirty old man. Why couldn't you just age gracefully instead of turning a disgusting, bigoted old lech?

  11. Oh, Mel!! Mel!! You were so freaking beautiful! Why do you have to such a shitty human? Why?!?! :/

  12. Jinx, Reese!

    (And thanks for bringing back Nellie! :)

  13. Aww, poor teen girls. You know they think he will help them or that they will at least be a real girlfriend.

  14. gross!!!!! must be nice for his kids to know he is such a man slut

  15. His decline makes me so sad, I used to adore him and his movies. Those beautiful blue eyes, and he was such a great actor...such a shame

    1. Same here Primadiva. I had THE hugest crush on him when I was younger and we're close in age too. Does power in H'wd do that to people? Because it makes me glad I never got famous acting.

  16. F**k off, Mel. You're pathetic.

  17. 20 years ago I would have been one of those teens throwing myself at him. But 20 years ago he was still hot and not so crazy.

  18. Mega-Mid-life-crisis. 'Nuff said!

  19. The Mad Max Mel of my teenage night-owl midnight HBO watching fantasies--smoking hot. The Mel, of my grown up face the reality he's an old, drunk, grizzled, perverted, racist, misogynistic asshole--not. Growing up succkksss. So does Mel.
    But I've still got Snake Plissken. :-)

  20. Anonymous11:16 AM

    dirty ass old man

  21. Between him and Jodi Foster they could start their own teen date foundation - cars for everyone!!!

    1. Lol @Alicia, I think Mel would rather supply hot tubs

  22. Ugh!! Isnt he getting too old for this?

    1. Have you heard of Jack Nicholson? They dont quit until the equipment does, and even then, they still try.

  23. This coming from the guy that said the Catholic Church had become too liberal and he needed to start his own church to stay true to the original Catholic teachings. I still think his whole church thing was a tax write off, but I remember all those interviews he did where he was so pious. Ugh, I cannot stand him.

  24. And just like that--the voice from that leaked tape comes to mind, so no Mad Max or Lethal Weapon one and two for me.

  25. Lecherous old pervert!

  26. Get some Mel. Yer liver will fall out soon and you'll be too decrepit to use dick pills. Just make sure they are legal and on the pill.

  27. All this hate is because he is Mel Gibson. If he were harrison ford, George Clooney or anyone of that age, comments would be "what lucky girls, who can be banged by him".

    They freely accepted to receive Mel's wiener, as most of you would with any of the written before, or anyone his age.

    Your hypocrisy is as huge as liberal goop (paltrow) saying that anyone can afford luxury.

  28. YEA! I FINALLY GOT ONE!!! *doing the Pee Wee Herman celebratory dance*

  29. Oh, fuck off yomismo.....and Count Jerkula...I wish there was a like button!

  30. Ew.

    @Elizabeth,I think his dad actually started his own church.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Holy shit, I totally misread that (in case you saw my deleted comment). Never mind!

  33. Mel Gibson is proof that no one is permanently A list unless they're dead, and even then perhaps not.

  34. "All this hate is because he is Mel Gibson."

    Well, yeah. That's what you get when you're an abusive bigot!

  35. Anonymous5:10 PM


  36. I think this one was supposed to be Hugh Grant as the popular guess? Or was that the Birthday Teen Boy?

  37. And he thinks his wife is going to hell for being a Presbyterian...huh.

  38. YoMismo, I don't think that's true. I think the readers here would cheerfully tear apart George Clooney, Harrison Ford, and anybody of that age who was out picking up teeny boppers. In Mel's case, since he apparently was at a UCLA game , he would have been surrounded by college age females, so he may have been joking with them.
    Maybe.. now I didn't say for sure:)
