Saturday, March 23, 2013

Dax Shephard Pays Tribute To His Dad

If you have some time today, you should take a few minutes and read the blog post that Dax Shepard wrote about his father who passed away at the end of the year. Except for the comments everyone left for I Do The Robot after her loss, this is probably the best thing I have read all week. You can read it here.


  1. :'(

    On that note, today is my dads birthday. I was going to visit tomorrow, but I think I'm going to surprise him today.

  2. I cried when I read this yesterday. Beautiful. I hate cancer.

  3. This is the most beautiful moment! I am so touched by the raw emotion and the love between those four beings. Absolutely beautiful!

    Thank you Dax for sharing a very private moment of pure love with the rest of us!

  4. I love Dax. He seems like a really good guy. Michiganders represent!

  5. That's a beautiful tribute and lovely photo to go with it. It made me cry. I've always liked Dax Shepard, he never failed to make me laugh on PunkD.

  6. Made me cry! Losing a parent is indescribable. He and his father were lucky to have each other. I also never knew he was a fellow Michigander.

  7. I'm crying. God damn you, Enty.

  8. that was beautiful.

  9. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I'm a mess now.

  10. What a beautifully written tribute, and how generous to share it. I'm especially touched by how the resentment he was carrying fell away and he was able to enjoy the last part of his dads life.

  11. And I am crying too. But it's worth it. Seeing people who love each other this much is such a gift. Love makes the world go round.

    We all need to be reminded of this from time to time when life's BS makes us spin out of control.

  12. Anonymous10:54 AM

    complete and total wreck now.

  13. He called Kristin 'wife.' So I guess they are married.

    That was beautiful.

  14. Yes, puggle, he said and Kristen both are when he hosted Chelsea lately.

  15. Incredibly touching. Thanks for sharing, Enty! MWAH!

  16. Beautiful. My love for those two is totally cemented now.

  17. He's from Milford, she's from Berkely.

    1. She's from Huntington Woods. It's part of the Berkley school district, so i think that's where you got Berkley from.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I I read this a few days ago and thought it was great. I never was a big Dax fan, but I appreciate him more now.... Sounds like he is at peace with his Dad and I bet that'll make him a better Dad for his own kid...

  20. Anonymous11:15 AM

    at worked and boy did i choke back some tears so these people couldnt see

    Lost my dad suddenly
    no drawn out affair on day boom, gone out my life forver
    BOY does that kill a piece inside of you

    i will forever love these two now

  21. I'm really glad this was posted. I saw it yesterday and passed over it. I felt like he let us in on the journey and have us a snapshot of how true love prevails. <3 Dax Shepard. Never got the Kristen Bell partnership but to see him so real, so raw, it reminds me I only judge on what I think I know. They are people, humans, who are not what we think they are.

  22. This was so eloquently written. Now I love Dax and Kristen Bell has always been a cutie pie. I'll bet his relationship with this child will be even better now.

  23. Wow, that was beautiful. I'm a total mess...

  24. Love, pure love. We rush through life so much that we do tend to forget the important things. Between this and what happened to me last night I have started writing letters to my children. So many things pass through my head about certain things that I am starting to put them down so they can truly appreciate them when they are older (they are only 2 and just shy of 1). I wish his dad could have held his little grandbaby though, such a tough thing :(

  25. Shit- I read all of your comments and STILL clicked the link!! Damned pregnancy hormones!! I'm still crying! Btw.. Mr Alicia and I are six weeks along .. All of our blood tests are normal and our ultrasound confirms there's a little bean in there! Scorpio baby year of the Snake on its way:)

  26. What a wonderful tribute. Sounds like an amazing son who will be a fantastic dad. I wish I could stop crying as I have to go out now. No point in trying for makeup. Here comes the glasses...

  27. Alicia, congrats!

  28. Congrats Alicia! A Scorpio Snake - you'll have your hands full!

  29. Alicia! You are going to have the hippest little baby! So happy for you!

  30. I did not like the idea of the show Punk'd and didn't get the appeal of Dax for Kristin. But I read this tribute last night and thought "I totally get it now". What a literate, thoughtful and observant tribute.

    There are only a couple of other posts but they made me think conversations with him must be really entertaining. It looks like Kristen snagged a good one when no one was paying attention. Well played.

  31. @ Reno thanks fellow Goop lover!!
    @ dia - I already have a Scorpio monkey so this should be an interesting sibling pairing! :) my monkey is the sweetest thing ever and loves his mama so much! He's stoked
    @ EGB - thank you! :-) hopefully not tooo hip lol - we have an over populous in hipsters here in Portland

    1. Are you still in the nursing program?

  32. I had a fried in South Lyon lose her mom around the same time. Fucking cancer.

    Nice to see there is a lot more to Dax than meets the eye. There are good, normal folks in La-La-land after all. Glad he had time with his Dad like that.

  33. I read this when he first posted it on his blog and definitely teared up. I've liked him for a long time and think he's the actual sweetest, and I'm so glad other people are seeing that now!

  34. Beautiful, crying before breakfast.

  35. That wasn't sad at all. Everybody dies, and it sounds like his father was well taken care of in his last months.

    It was very funny in places. ("a proper Alexander Payne Movie" - LOL @the capital M. "He was a selfish asshole, and I lived to hold a grudge, so it was a thoroughly symbiotic pairing.")

    It was realistic and fond, and I'm happy for him that his grudge finally wore away to nicotine-patch size. He still has a tiny grudge, and I think most people do towards their parents. It's normal.

    I laughed at the description of his dad's horniness. I think this is so true. Death, or approaching death, seems to trigger our most primal urge - to fcuk, so the species continues. Not just the dying person either.

    I had a loser selfish ahole Dad like he did. When my father was dying, I visited him for the first time in 20 years. We didn't resolve our relationship the way Dax did. But on the plane back, I had this almost irresistible urge to invite a handsome stranger to the bathroom and beg him for some mile-high sexy time. Luckily, I was in coach and they were skimpy on the booze.

  36. Nothing in this world is as beautiful to me as my native Michigan.
    An absolutely heartfelt tribute.

  37. Congrats Alicia

    I've barely spoken to my father in years. I hope, when the time comes, i can have as meaningful a death as Dax Shepherd and his dad.

    Knowing my father, i'll walk into the room and he'll grunt at me. I'll have to accept that as it.

  38. That was beautiful to read. I'm so glad he had the chance to spend time with him and resolve their issues. My own father passed when I was eleven and the only man who came close to filling that space, my stepfather, died when I was twenty very suddenly.

  39. So... They're married?? Love them together.

    Haven't spoken to my mother in 7+ years. The only way I'll go to her funeral is to make sure she doesn't get up and walk out of the place. Pride's a bitch. I'm glad he got resolution & his tribute was open, honest and sweet.

  40. Beautiful. I got nothing else.

  41. Those were such wonderful heartfelt words! I have always felt that Dax and Kirsten were genuinely lovely people - they seem so real and grounded and not like assholes at all which would be rare in celebrity land.

  42. @Cathy, probably right. She went to Shrine, I think.

  43. This just won me over on him. Very well written and I hope he finds comfort in the birth of his baby soon.

  44. I've always liked Kristen after reading an article where she was doing an interview, tv show or magazine, can't remember but they said she traveled with no "people" was very humble offered to wear theirs or her clothes, etc. it was just her and how nice and humble she was.

  45. Awww, I love Dax and K.Bell so much.

  46. What can I say that hasn't already been said by the rest of you? *sniff* Perhaps this story will end up helping other people in similar situations, who knows?...

    (For everyone who needs something silly, STAT, just scroll down further to his fashion take on the accompanying photo of Adrien Brody. Oh, Adrien...WTF happened? I know you're still a damn good actor when you find the right material, but that outfit...I just can't...*shakes head sadly*)

    1. @Robin, I saw that and it made me giggle lol

  47. That was amazing. What a lovely honest eloquent piece of writing. The photo is wonderful.
    And they are a lovely couple.

  48. He's a really readable writer. I wasn't expecting that. My pop died on Friday, it was kind of comforting to read this today.

    1. I'm so sorry:( my sincerest condolences

    2. Margaux, may your Pop RIP.

  49. I enjoyed reading this piece. It was engaging and honest. For Dax to have closure with his dad is a very good thing. Will only help going forward.

  50. I trust and believe you all. I am not clicking that link. Everybody is thanks.

  51. enty, you are the best!

  52. I also didnt know Dax was a fellow Michigander. I knew Kristen was. How very poignant

  53. Beautiful tribute, totally ripped me up. (Lost my mom to leukemia.) But the best is, "He was like a perpetually stoned, pregnant woman." Chortled through the tears.

  54. I am so sorry Margaux. Peace and prayers to you.

    I had never heard of Dax (except for here) I guess because I never watched P'unked and such. This was a beautiful/honest/touching tribute. His father would be proud.

  55. Margaux i am so sorry for your loss. and @ABlake i dont think he ever registered with me either. But he wrote with great compassion and love. I think Kristen Bell is an angel for surprising the both of them. They are family.

  56. I just love these two. They seem so normal.

  57. That made me laugh and cry. What a touching tribute to his dad. **sniff**

  58. My father and I aren't speaking. This was brutiful to read.

    Also, Dax is quite a good writer. I don't know that I could even tell you one thing he's done, but I like Kristen a great deal and always have.

    Go Alicia! Bring forth another wacky Scorp to keep this world on its toes! ;-)

    Many hugs to you, Margaux. <3

  59. My thoughts are with Dax, Kristen & Baby and the rest of the family. Thank you for sharing your special memories with us, beautifully written.
