Saturday, March 23, 2013

Blind Items revealed

November 13, 2012

Producers of this very very hit television show are extremely worried. Their A list star needs rehab desperately but they really want to finish shooting the show for this season first. When the actor shows up for work they try and get as much finished as they can as quickly as they can and have even made alternative scripts in case the actor does not make it through shooting before heading for rehab. I can't imagine how they would be able to write out his character. It is his show.

Charlie Sheen (at the time this was written, the show was doing really well - now, not so much)


  1. Gotta wonder if they'll make those 90 episodes they ordered.

  2. Ahh.. The beginning of the end. Isn't this during the time where his car(s) mysteriously started diving themselves off of cliffs?

  3. Anonymous11:01 AM

    hes starting to shrivel up and be walking dead like gollum

  4. His cars disappearing?! What the what?!

    1. Few yrs back, when he was still married to methy Brooke, around the time they were trying to kill each other, he had a couple of cars go "missing," showing up in ravines, all kind of weird mess. We just didn't know how much weirder it would become soon after.

  5. Yup Reese.. I'm on my mobile so I can't direct a link but google Charlie sheen car crash - first thing that comes up is about his car being found driven off a cliff .. This was 2010 I believe .. Right before he went off the rails

  6. If I remember correctly there were 2 cars of his that went off a cliff.

  7. As much as I love John Cryer, I cannot watch this show with Asshat Kutcher in it. It was stupid before, but now, it is just, ick. Go away Kelso.

  8. Yeah. Two of his cars in the same week. Off the same cliff. #winning

  9. Where does his interview with Dr Oz fall in this timeline, the one where he says he's not an addict anymore because he just decided not to be and once he makes up his mind that's it?

    He's Goop's neighbor in Delusionville, right?

  10. Liz I think you're right! That's why in my first post I wrote car(s) because I seemed to remember a second on meeting the same demise. Just too lazy to investigate :)

  11. Say what you want about Charlie Sheen, but that guy has cheated death, prison, and a mental ward like a boss.
    A regular human could never smoke that much crack and remain employed. I don't condone his behavior, but I do believe he has Tiger Blood.

  12. He was on Dr Oz this past week. He looks AWFUL!! His voice is gravelly from smoking. His face looks like an old catcher's mitt. He must've aged 20 years in the past year or so. Ugh.

  13. Why do you gotta bring the Goopster into this?

  14. I actually like his new show, and maybe I don't understand functional addicts well enough, because I don't know how he gets through it as well as he does if he's really that messed up. Maybe the finished product is the result of a million takes, I don't know. I don't think much of his life choices, but he does manage to make me laugh on that show. *shrug*

  15. Wasn't he already off the show in November?

    1. I think this is referring to Anger Management.

  16. He looks terrible now, ugly inside and outside. I don't feel bad for him at all, he has made these choices but I do feel bad for his kids, they have to watch their father slowly destroy himself and now they're getting teased at school about their drug addicted father.

  17. I don't watch it but didn't Martin Sheen make an appearance recently? I was surprised to see the promos, as I thought he and Chuckles were estranged.

  18. This show is awful. Selma Blair is horrid in it too. She needs ED rehab. And I adore Martin Sheen. He will do anything for his kids but what a stinker to be guesting on. Give me the retired life of Jed Bartlet!

  19. Whatever he and Lohan can both die

  20. I wasn't sure if the timeline was 2 1/2 Men or his new show. I liked his new show.

  21. Jon Cryer gave a very funny interview about the time of Charlie's sudden exit from 2 1/2 men, before people knew if he was going to work it out with Chuck Lorre or not. He said we all have those co-workers with stories we can't quite believe, but in Charlie's case they were true. Your car is stolen? Oh, it was driven off a cliff? No, dude, you already used that excuse this week. Oh, it happened AGAIN?

  22. Wait, so Nov 13, like 4 months ago? So we're talking about his new show not 2 1/2 men? Is Anger Mgmt really considered a 'very very hit'? Just clarifying cause the timeline feels wonky.

  23. Yeah, the timeline IS wonky. Anger Management isn't a hit show (and never was) even though it has Martin Sheen.
    Though this blind is believable, it's a gimme.
