Friday, March 22, 2013

Matthew McConaughey Says Lance Armstrong Is Not A Liar

I'm not sure what planet Matthew McConaughey lives on other than the kind where shirts are not usually worn and Magic Mike gets a sequel, but in said world, Lance Armstrong is also not a liar. In an interview with Details magazine, Matthew says about Armstrong, "He told a lie. he is not a liar." When you tell the world a million times that you did not do something and fool the public and companies who are paying you and ruin lives because of your failure to come clean, I would say you are a liar, rather than just a person who told a lie. Matthew says that he is happy for Lance and thinks everything is great now that Lance has come clean.


  1. Lets put it this way Matthew isn't exactly the brightest bulb..

  2. Matthew was just trying to give a good interview without bashing anyone, I forgive him.

  3. Reminds me of Clinton. "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is." Better to stick with Shaggy's "it wasn't me!"

    I watched You, Me and Dupree the other night. Forgot how much Lance is all over that movie! I still love his "Lanceness" bit at the end though :)

  4. I got sucked into watching You, Me & Dupree while I was channel surfing a few weeks ago and couldn't believe how big of a role Lance played in that film. He was Dupree's personal hero and tried everything to emulate him.

    It made me really sad for everyone Lance duped.

  5. @VIP lol we probably watched it the same day!

  6. Anonymous8:17 AM

    How did Lance ruin lives by lying about bicycle races again? Genuinely curious

    1. I cant remember exact details, but theres a TON of stories about how good ole One-ball harassed,threatened, slandered, and bullied ppl throughout this whole ordeal. Hes cost many people millions, ruined reputations, and generally (yes) ruined lives...i could care less to bother googling but yes im quite sure "ruined lives" applies.

  7. Maybe he meant that it was the only lie Lance told. And apparently in Matthew's world, one lie does not a liar make.

    Of course, in the real world, we are all liars.

  8. In Matthew world does one murder not make you a murder? Or one affair make you a cheater?

  9. Does one sexual encounter with the same sex makes you gay or bi-sexual?

  10. @hag, if stories are to be believed, he forced other teammates to dope, too. When they spoke out about it, he lied and said THEY were the liars. People wanted to believe Lance so turned against his accusers. "Ruined" might be too strong of a word, but he hurt a lot of people.

    Also, many supporters were hurt to find out that he'd bamboozled them. All the people with the LiveStrong bracelets and people who financially supported him. All for lies.

  11. Or does sniffing coke one time make you a cokehead? This could go on and on. LOL!

  12. Wow - a Hollywood actor/actress that doesn't have a clue but uses celebrity platform to broadcast opinions. That's a shocker - only surpassed by the fact that the public hangs on their words.

  13. Matthew, I don't think "liar" means what you think it means.

  14. Matthew must be an idiot.

  15. Lance is to Matthew as Scientology is to Tom. Both can't admit the truth or see their whole belief system turned upside down and admit to themselves they were wrong. It is much easier to make excuses and keep those rosé colored glasses on.

    1. Exactly, King of Denial. I imagine it went like this, "Hey Matt, Bro, you know me! I told one small lie, man, and yeah, I shouldn't have done it, but all the rest is just BS from people who been wanting to bring me down for years. Now they aren't just running me away from my first love, they are destroying me, dude! I hope I can count on you having my back and setting the record straight."

      MM-"Right on, brother! You know we're family and family sticks together, with or without blood ties. You made a small mistake, that's how it is at the top, always with the negativity and hate instead loving everybody, the awesome world we get to be a part of, in a serene and peaceful life, bro. Hate's been banished from the place we surround ourself in nature's glory, man. Its all cool."

  16. Matthew - you are dumb!

  17. Well they are close friends WTF is he going to say? Hd done another interview were be also stated that he was upset and disappointed. He is probably tired of people ask him about lance.

  18. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Oh Wow. I guess he doesn't want to believe that Lance is a bad guy, that he just told one lie over and over again, but isn't a bad person.

  19. I believe Matthew doesn't want to dis his friend and like dragon said, is tired of people asking him about it. He knows he lied to tons of people.

  20. Matthew McConaughey is sticking up for a friend and I admire that. Under the circumstances, that's a true friend.

  21. Wasn't Lance in Dodgeball as well?

    Hmmm.. Maybe old Lancie has some dirt in MM hence the PC statement - probably not but this subject is boring enough for my mind to wander ...

  22. Also, Matthew isn't stupid and calling him that just because he's not piling on Armstrong like you think he should is really petty.

    1. The dtupid part is denying lance ever lied.

  23. One-Ball is part of that human sub-species. MM needs to study up before he gets sucked in deeper. Not wise to loose whatever street- cred you might have. One-Ball has a trail of misery behind him that we'll never know. Run MM Run!!

  24. So you think he still smokes pot with all these churrins running around? I still think he's the answer to that blind abt the dude and his wife that are undercover H addicts.

  25. Lance was a non-actor member of the Frat Pack.

  26. Ah, he LIVED a lie.....I'm pretty sure that = being a liar.

  27. @hag he also threatened the people around him with ruination to keep his unethical secrets. You have to understand what kind of power he had in his world. When the people in his inner circle were interviewed after his confession, I could not get over the depth of their hatred and disgust for him. It was truly profound.

  28. Matthew loves everyone. It's one of the benefits/side effects of pot smoking. I seriously would like to hear his definition of a liar.

  29. Everything about what Lance did has been admitted, testified about, been printed, televised and judged by the official bike racing community.

    MM should have had the good sense to simply say "Lance is my friend". To say any more is to attempt to defend a guy that can't rationally be defended.

  30. Gotta wonder what would happen if MM was suddenly on the D-list or went through some big scandal. Would Armstrong stick around, stay his friend and take up for him? I seriously doubt it -- I think he's only friends with MM for the perks of having famous friends.

  31. Matthew is being a better friend to Lance than Lance has been a friend to him. Friends don't lie to their friends.

  32. Don't you have to lie to be a liar?

    Or have I ha it wrong this whole time?

  33. I get his point that he is trying to make about what a liar is in a bigger since. There are a lot of people I don't consider liars, probably more than less, but there is not one person who hasn't told a lie.

    The problem with MM's logic is that Lance did tell a lot of lies and lived a very big one so he doesn't fit in the just a person who has told a lie category.
