Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Remember when we were inundated with Pippa Middleton photos everyday? Yeah, then her sister got caught naked and then got pregnant and now Pippa gets confused with Pippi and you wonder if they will ever remake those movies.
Rosario Dawson in robe and Uggs.
Guess what? In Robert Pattinson's movie he stares. Again.
Rachel Weisz out shopping in NYC.
Amanda Seyfried also went shopping yesterday, but as you can tell, the weather was just a touch warmer than for Rachel in NYC.
Shakira and her boyfriend and son.
Sean Stewart gets his jog on after splitting with Adrienne Maloof.
Twinkies will hit shelves this summer. The same company that owns Carl's Jr. and Hardees bought them.
Even Alison Williams loves Twinkies.


  1. Well of course R Patz stares in his new movie, but does he sparkle?

    And how nice that the paps where there to catch Sean Stewart as he fled from Adrianne Maloof :)

  2. Ewww what the heck is that on Stewarts stomach??? Ugliest lettering I've ever seen.

    1. you'd think he'd go to a decent artist rather than some inmate with a Bic pen. Oy.

    2. @J Sara- I just now made out that it's supposed to say Stewart. Horribly done.

  3. Rosario is wearing an evening gown & Uggs, topped with an unzipped fleece jacket.

    Sheesh. Men. ;P

    1. @amber- and people swear enty is a woman O_o

  4. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Yay! Twinkies! Ohhh Amanda.. honey, no, go back and change. LOVE Pippa's coat. Pippa not so much. Tell me what she's done again? Oh yeah, she was born.

  5. Yayyyyyy!Twinkies are back! The fat kid in me is celebrating.

  6. Wow, Rosario looks gorgeous - Uggs aside.

  7. Never particularly liked Twinkies. Give me a Ding Dong any day. *wink*

  8. The Twinkies in that picture look like they're filled with shit. Sorry not sorry lol!

  9. @Gayeld - {snerk!}

    I hope Rosario is just between takes because that is FUG.

    I have never seen anything Robert P is in (except for the 5 minutes of torture - erm, Twilight - that I saw once) but I like him just from the interviews where he was saying the script wasn't that bright. Laughing all the way to the bank, that one.

    It is feeling quite a bit warmer out west! Woohoo, spring!

    Is that dog poop twinkie? And I thought they couldn't get any grosser...

  10. LOL J Sara! I was also wondering who the hell did that artwork. It's fug. AND you can see the beginnings of a belly on Sean. Put. On. A. Shirt!

    Twinkies are like cockroaches and alligators; they can survive anything. I wonder if eating all those preservatives also preserve you.

  11. Anonymous12:52 PM

    There are too many gross things in this post, Sean Stewart, twinkies, Robert Pattinson being "serious", Rachaels coat and Pippa Middleton. Ugh.

  12. katydid--But our lovely Amanda is here! A kind of tonic, she is.

  13. Sean Stewart has a thug prison tattoo? Never would have thunk it. Maybe Redmund O'Neal did it for him.

  14. Amanda Seyfried is hotter with sunglasses covering her mad eyes.

  15. Question: Is LA Fashion Week as cool as NY Fashion Week? I'm just asking because a friend from high school got to walk on the catwalk in it.

    1. @kelgela2- not trying to be snarky but I had no idea there was even a fashion week in LA.

  16. Yep, Rosario's between takes--you can see the sign behind her that says "Crew". Presumably she's bundling up a bit in between takes lest she freeze her booty off.

    A wee bit disappointed that our Cardinal from Boston isn't Pope, but he's probably relieved--he was asked if he'd stop wearing his monk's habit if he were elected Pope, and he said that he'd been wearing it for 40 years, and anticipated wearing it for the rest of his life; also, that he'd bought a return trip plane ticket that he expected to use. Not a Catholic myself, and I definitely disagree w/a lot of what the Church preaches, but it's still interesting in light of the Pope being a temporal as well as a religious leader.

  17. No way would they elect a pope from Boston. Sadly, Boston is synonymous with the church's little boys problem.

  18. I NEED some sunshine! F it, I should move to LA...
    I hate stomach word tattoos. It makes me think of those Jersey Shore dudes. Is it only d-bags that get those tattoos?

  19. Speaking of Twinkies. . . .Just remembering Jamie's SNL "No Love for The Ding Dong" routine is making me smile now.

  20. Forgot to mention I saw "The Great and Powerful Oz" yesterday. Mila and Rachael have THE biggest eyes. Mila looked so gorgeous but wasn't so great in the first half of the movie. I expected better acting from her.

  21. Anonymous3:37 PM

    @Libby yes I agree there's something wonderfully weird about her (Amanda) that I like. She seems like a normal person that just has a strange job.

  22. Anonymous3:44 PM

    sean looks like such a douche

  23. I like Drake's better - Ring Dings and Yodels! Far superior to Hostess.

    I really like Amanda.

    The cardinal from Boston sounds decent, in a monk's habit. But the conclave went ahead with a brand new kind of Pope - White!!! Old!!!! /sarcasm

  24. Screw twinkies, let me know when chocodiles come back

  25. Why does that man have his name on his stomach? Is it so he doesn't forget, like in Momento, or when they put it on your undies when you go to summer camp? Really, it's his name.
    Those are chocolate filled Twinkies, which didn't impress me at all. Blah. My husband was very happy to hear they're coming back(the reg. cream-filled). I like Hostess choc. cupcakes.

  26. those are some funky looking Twinkies.

  27. kelgela2, no, but that's still pretty cool!

  28. Please let them bring ho ho's back!

  29. Rosario is always stunning. On a side note I call Uggs winter flip flops

  30. An ex of mine called Rosario the ethnic Angelina Jolie. I think her personality gives her the upper hand.

  31. ? Chocodiles are chocolate coated twinkies. They make twinkies interesting (and yummy).

  32. Shakira is so. Freaking. Gorgeous.

  33. There have been a lot of Allison Williams pics crush of yours, Enty?
