Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

The old Britney Spears would not have bothered to hold her dress up.
Brad Goreski enjoying his 15 minutes with Terry Richardson.
That is Charlize Theron under there.
With that smirk, I guess Chrissy Teigen knows
that John Legend was going to spend some time with Salma Hayek after Chrissy went to the airport.
Demi Moore whips her hair. Whips her hair. You could make a song out of that line. Just say it repeatedly and boom, there is a hit.
Elton John at his birthday party.
Justin Bieber getting naked in Poland for his patdown at the airport. Heard there was a happy ending.
You know he thinks he is cool.
Also in Poland was Ozzy Osbourne. Ohhh. Sorry. Kelly Osbourne. My bad.


  1. Pull up your effing pants you idiot. So sick of that look. I can't believe were going on 25 years of that trend.

  2. Thank you so much for getting that Willow Smith song stuck in my head, Enty.

    Elton looks positively smashed in this photo.

    Bieber is such a tool. Tell me again why young women are lining up to shag him. Yuck. He's no NKOTB era Donnie!

    Charlize manages to pull off stunning in a winter coat with good. God I hate her.

  3. Justin is definitely on something to have made him gain some weight because last time I checked he did not have as much meat on his skinny self as he does now, not that that's saying much.

  4. Pants on the ground, pants on the ground
    Lookin like a fool with
    your pants on the ground.

    1. Damn you @Lotta-It took 3 months to get that out of my head the first time I heard it, now the vicious cycle starts again! :)

  5. Am I the only one who saw the pic before reading the caption and thought to themselves "What is Billy Corgan doing?"

  6. Go away, Justin Bieber!!!

  7. @Lotta, I'm going to that song stuck in my head now! I need to do some anagrams to get it out!!

    Brit's dress looks my swimsuit cover-up.

    Biebs has put on some weight. Wasn't there talk of enhancement drugs?

  8. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Hey to all you RHWBH fans go back and check the thread about last nights show there's a surprise on there from our feerless leader.

  9. QUICK Greenmountiangal lookie here


    (jimmy fallon w/ the boys version)

    This will cure you!

  10. I love when Enty is snarky. It makes me happy :)

  11. Lol @ lotta

    Call me crazy ( train ) but I really like Kelly's extensions

    Thank goodness old Brit Brit left the building .. Or at least has taken semi permanent residence in the loo

  12. Gah so sick of the pants falling down. Has it really been 25 years? Can't be!

    Honestly though I like a little of the top of the undies poking out of men's pants but not all of them.

  13. katydid: What post is the RHWOBH thread? Thanks.

  14. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Sherry, random photos 3 from yesterday

  15. Replies
    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Sorry Sherry part four, I forgot there were five parts yesterday

    2. Sherry, it's part 4 from yesterday:)

  16. I can't believe what a douche Bieber is?

  17. Thanks I found it. Can't believe Enty joined! Sweet.

  18. I am so happy to see Britney looking happy and relaxed. She seemed so sad for a few years. I like that she looks like a regular 30 something mother of two out enjoying herself.

  19. I am so embarrassed for Bieber. Geez Louise.

  20. At least his under wear is clean? I guess.

  21. I follow Chrissy on Twitter, she's entertaining.

  22. I love Bieber. He's such a typical 18 y.o., thinking everything he does is cool and cutting edge and important. Lol. It'll be fun to see him hit 30 or 40. Maybe he'll realize he had a moment in the sun or maybe he'll be just another former star trying to reclaim his fame and "growing" as an artist.

  23. Justin Beiber: DumbAss

  24. When Whip My Hair was on the radio a lot, my son & I would laugh uncontrollably & change the words to things like "I whip my pit hair back & forth."

  25. Considering just how cold and windy it's been in Boston lately, I can understand all too well while Charlize is all bundled up, especially since, living in L.A., she wouldn't be acclimated to the weather. (It doesn't seem so bad if you're running in & out of buildings, but if you're outdoors for any length of time, it's not fun; also, Boston is actually a windier city than Chicago, and while I'm not sure what part of town they're shooting in, the city of Boston is windier & more raw than the 'burbs, and areas nearest the water (e.g., the Financial District, Fort Point Channel, etc.) are especially brutal. Trust me--I've been outdoors a lot lately over the past couple of weeks, and I've had the windburn to prove it.

  26. Somebody tell Bieber that in certain areas, within the gay cruising culture, wearing your pants like that means you are available and a bottom. Perhaps that will cure him of his idiocy.

  27. @FS...
    What ALL of them seem to not realize is that sagging came about in prison. When a guy was available he would pull his pants down like that. Letting the other guy or guys that he was ready to have have sex.

    1. Thats what my sociology professor said too.

  28. I love Chrissy Teigen on Twitter.

    I loathe Bieber. Pull your pants up and put a shirt on, douchebag.

  29. That's an urban myth.

  30. Too funny, a friend of mine just stopped in looking a bit haggard so I showed her the Beibs pic and said she looked way better than he did. She told me that not too long ago she was working a venue and Beiber was performing. Before the show he stood backstage with my friend and another "older lady" and, uninvited, did a stupid underwear dance. In just his underwear. They thought he was SUCH a TOOL!

  31. Enty, John Legend isn't concerned about Salma, she's a REAL woman unlike Johnny's tranny gf "Chris"sy. I don't know how people mmiss this.

    1. @J, now that you mentioned it, she does look like a guy...

  32. FS, how do you think he got his music career? With Usher as his mentor?

  33. Good point Mooshki, good point. A whole new meaning to 'if I was your boyfriend'. ;)

  34. I really want an I <3 Enty shirt in a v-neck....can someone please keep me posted?

    1. Lissette, Xander just put up the v neck t.


  35. I know I'm an old fart, but even so, I'm pretty open to interesting fashion and new trends and all that, but I will never, ever get the stupid pants dropped halfway down your ass look. It is ridiculous!

    Britney is looking really good (i.e.; "Happy") lately. Maybe they gave her a bit more freedom?

  36. "Brothers need to pull up their pants." - President Obama.
    Good sound advice for all!

  37. With the way Chrissy complains about her "ladytimes" on Twitter...and posts the Pizza Hut bingeing evidence...I highly doubt she's a man.

    You know PMS just got real when hot wings and cheesesticks are in bed with you.

  38. I'm a 5' non-violent middle aged woman but Bieber makes me want to kick his ass.

  39. The only way Beiber could look cooler is if he had a big brown streak up the back and yes, that totally looks like Billy Corgin

  40. I LZoVE Elton. He is supposed to sober. Long term sober. I hope none of the blinds are about him. I adore him.

  41. Wouldnt it be great if Beiber had a poop stain on those drawers?

  42. I'm glad Bieber isn't getting special treatment & has to strip down when traveling.

    Sort of OT: I'm watching The Voice & it never occurred to me that since Usher is a coach, Justin Bieber was gonna be mentioned after every few auditions.

    Tonite was so bad (only the 2nd night), within the 1st 5 mins, I screamed at the TV yelling this is The Voice! Not the Justin Bieber Purple Drank Droopy Diaper Pants Variety Hour!!! Gee-yawd, I despise that little punk.

    Not that anyone cares, but I've been very surprised with Shakira. She's pretty awesome. They can dump Usher with his macho peacocking & bring back Cee-Lo Green creepiness.

    Well, signing off for the night. I might go back to lurking. Reading & posting is taking forever on a BB. But I still love CDaN Town with Burrito Whore Island just off the coast. :-D

    Where's Shelly?

  43. Actually Bunny Honey that's an urban legend about the low hanging "fruit" and being available in prison culture. Gawd one could only hope and put an end to it but tis not true. Dang it.

    Check it out on Snopes.com


  44. I think Bieber shows off his underwear to prove that he no longer wears diapers. ;)

  45. I thought Brad Goreski was a new actor whose movie was "Where's Waldo?" Nice bod.

  46. Did Kelly Osbourne pay extra to look so fucking ugly?

    1. Nice. Where does this fugly beyotch get off being critical about others when she looks like she looks.
