Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ted Danson's Daughter To Star With Him On CSI

After months of auditions and begging her agent for a chance to star in CSI for an episode, Kate Danson got her wish minus the auditions or begging her agent. All of those things were left to the people not named Danson. I know you have to get breaks where you can find them and if Kate does well and gets more roles it will be based somewhat on her talent. If she has no talent then she can just start calling herself Rumer and talk about the time she was a guest star on a few episodes and how she decided that she was too good for acting even though she would keep doing it if someone would actually call her and offer her a job. Pretty Please.


  1. Aight - if people don't giver her an extraordinary amount of shit for this I'ma be mad. Takes notes, people. THIS is what nepotism looks like. Having parents who are well known but not in your industry (and therefore unable to actually give you a job) is not nepotism. Stepping off my soapbox now.

  2. She's in the same boat as Brian Williams daughter or Tom Hanks' son or Ron Howard's daughter or Goldie Hawn's kids.

  3. So, if you'd been in *her* shoes, you would say no? It's hardly a surprise, is it? Been going on for years and years and years and will continue to go on. Let's see if she has talent before we tear her to shreds.

  4. Meh. Many jobs are gotten through networking because you "know someone." I don't care.

  5. @MonstersInc, AGREED! Colin Hanks is wonderful. I also loved him in Orange County.

  6. God he was amazing in Bored to Death

  7. 'You're forgetting Blythe Danner's kid.' LOLOLOL

  8. Very few jobs are actually gotten when you don't know someone. Very few.


  9. Meh, this doesn't bother me at all. I remember when Pretty Little Liars came out and there was a headline about Troian Bellisario. I kept thinking that name is really familiar - it's Donald Bellisario's daughter, and I saw her years ago in an episode of my absolutely favorite show, Quantum Leap - she was about 5 and had a pretty important role that I'm pretty sure she didn't audition for. FF and she's the star of her own show now. It's nepotism, sure, but it's worked for her, just like it worked for Goop and so many other actors.

  10. I don't think some of the people's kids named above are bad at what they do, it's more along the lines of:

    Would they be able to break into the business on their own without their famous parents?

  11. Colin Hanks IS wonderful in Orange County---Anyone reading this should rent it---It's a cute 'two college kids on a quest' movie, that wasn't raunchy (right? as I remember anyway).
    It also starred Sissy Spacek's daughter, and she really is talented too. She and Colin had great chemistry.

    (I had to google her name--It's Schuyler Fisk and I guess she decided to do music over acting.)

    1. @Libby Holy crap! I just saw Schuyler Fisk in a rerun of L&O SVU last night. No wonder she seemed "familiar." Did not know she was Sissy Spacek's daughter. She was very good.

      P.S. Love the pit pic. Don't ever take it down. ;-)

  12. Giada DiLaurentis (sp).....Dino's daughter? Granddaughter? Niece? That's how she got her foot in the door.
    Also, tits 'n' free enthusiastic blowjobs to all comers.

    *Ahem*. Bad pun, forgive. yuck!

  13. *absolute favorite

    @libby - loved Orange County! It was on the raunchy side.

    @Jolene - lol @ "clutch my pearls!" I'm going to use that one as often as possible today. Enty posted a sex blind? CLUTCH MY PEARLS, I'M SHOCKED! :b

  14. Oh man - really? After all the shit people threw at Lena Dunham we're giving Ted Danson's daughter a pass?

    1. @Lucas Dude...I'm not laughing at you, but ya kinda set yerself up there. ;-) The odds were not gonna be in your favor being the 1st post. Ha-ha!

      But I know what you're saying. Lena Dunham has definitely been viewed in a different light re nepotism.

    2. @cornflower - I really, really thought that with all the vitriol directed toward Lena Dunham (whose parents aren't even in showbiz per se) SOMEONE would say something. Lena Dunham, for all her many faults, at least created, writes and often directs her show. In addition to starring in it. AND she wrote the film "Nobody Walks" which starred John Krasinski (and Olivia Thrilby who was SMOKIN' in that). I dunno, I hate hypocrisy more than just about anything. And I have a leeeeetle crush on Lena.

  15. Izzie--but it wasn't DUMB, like American Pie. That's what I was expecting, from the trailer.

  16. @Ari, I miss Bored to Death. Loved that show!

    @Lotta-lmao at Blythe Danner's kid-nice!

  17. Love Colin Hanks and Orange County- Colin did a movie where he played a serial killer, it was great too. He's very talented.

    But CSI stinks and I'm sure it won't be a launching pad for this girl but her last name sure is.

  18. Hey, at least, she picked a better debut part than Lawrence Fishburne's daughter.

  19. Sort of OT but speaking of throwing s* - did anyone see the DM article where Capt Pretentious James Franco is throwing shade at Anne Hathaway?

    'She comes off like the goody two-shoes actress and it's just fun to sort of hate her. Hate is a strong word . . . but dislike her, even though she is a great actress. Is that accurate?

    'I'm not an expert on -- I guess they're called 'Hatha-haters'-- but I think that's what maybe triggers it.'

    HAHAHAHA - because everybody lurves James Franco.

    1. @Izzie-He's just pissy because he never got an ear.

    2. Yeah, franco, way to kick someone when they're down. And classy too.

    3. Haha @ethorne, truth. @auntliddy, yep, that's Sir Franco.

      You know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Team Anne!

    4. @Izzie What a POS! I never got the hate for Hathaway, although I grew tired of her Oscar campaign.

      I suffered thru the Oscars they hosted. And while it was terrible, what I saw was a consummate actress who picked up the ball & did the best she could do. All the while he was stoned out of his mind & texting onstage.

      He's the consummate asshole.

  20. Angela, good point:)

  21. @Izzie - Troian was also in an episode of NCIS where she played McGee's sister (his half sister or step sister in real life). She was ok. Didn't know she was in anything else.

    I like Colin Hanks - he does seem to have talent, as opposed to Rumor and her ilk.

  22. She's currently doing a play in NYC called "The Drowning Girls" so it's not as if she doesn't have experience.

  23. Maybe it's a little like basketball players or other athletes; they inherit the genes and maybe some of the talent. And their dads know a lot of people.

  24. Kyra and Kevin's daughter was also really great on The Closer. I wish she had decided to do more acting.

  25. I know she's adopted but she looks like him...

  26. Libby: I loved Orange County and the soundtrack is totally awesome! It was a great movie and I had zero idea that was Sissy's daughter but she was very very good..And as always Jack Black.

    Also let's go down the line kids:
    Sheen, Douglas, Barrymore..frankly I am always surprised when someone actually gets discovered because if the actors aren't a child of someone already famous, then they're the child of someone in the studio's. Stephen Dorff's father is a composer for TV shows. H'wd runs on drugs, sex, and nepotism.

    Izzie: I love your cute little kittle!

    1. @Sherry, isn't she adorable?! I found her in a Reddit thread titled "Please where does one buy tiny boots?" The guy said she's a Scottish Fold/Munchkin (fairly rare to find a female) and she stands like that to get him to pull out the laser pointer to play. He posted a couple of other pictures and I started glaring at my lazy boy tabby who all stretched out on his Trader Joe's scratch pad waiting for someone to come over and worship him. :b

      But he does pee in the toilet, so there's still that.

    2. Wow cute kitty picture my cuz has a Scottish fold they are the sweetest! How on Earth did you teach your Baby to use the toilet? No wait I can't train them to come when I call (they do show up eventually) so even knowing your method wouldn't help.

  27. Ted Danson is great on this show. I guess we shall see if his daughter is too.

  28. She should join the cast of Girls. She'd fit right in.

  29. In all fairness, it's not just showbiz--life in general runs on nepotism. I have no doubt we've all been in situations where we interviewed for a job, not knowing that the employer was already planning to give it to someone's SO/kid/relative/best friend, but was conducting interviews because they technically have to "open up" the search.

    She's getting this break because of her dad, but in the end, it'll come down to whether or not she has the talent and drive to make it herself. We shall see...

  30. @misch - thanks for clarifying that this was the daughter that was adopted. not that it matters, but the last news i heard on his kids was when he and his first wife, casey, were divorcing - and the birth mom was fighting for custody or money or something. she was a cute little blonde girl then. now she is an attractive brunette w/a jay leno chin - oh no, shades of rumer - who was actually a very very cute Little girl...

  31. Don't forget RDJ, pretty sure his dad was a director and the original RD

  32. And Jessica Capshaw is Spielberg's daughter-in-law.

    1. @Jason. Step-daughter. Spielberg is married to Jessica's mother, Kate.

  33. When you're in production and you need someone to play a part a lot of times it's just shloads easier to find talent this way. You don't have to audition and deal with agents and managers and blah blah blah. Oh your kid can act? Have them show up at 6. Casting done.

  34. I didnt know he had a daughter. I guess she was raised properly because there is no sex tape or pap photos of her acting like a Hilton/KarTrashian. Good for her.

  35. Does anyone watch Workaholics? I just saw an episode with which ever Willis/Moore kid (I'm guessing Rumer?) and it was awful! I am still outraged at how awful her 'acting' is/was. It sucked all the energy and hilarity out of the whole episode. I felt that twitchy rage you get when you buy an overpriced coffee, take it to work, and realize it's the wrong drink but you're too far away to get it fixed and there's nothing you can do but sulk about how much you just wasted.

  36. Also, I'm not horribly against nepotism, unless a job/opportunity goes to someone less deserving than someone without the connections who tried just as hard to get the job/opportunity.

  37. She might be getting a break because of her dad, but can we at least wait to see if she has talent before we storm the set of CSI?

  38. @svetlana Workaholics is the best show on tv, hands down... Till the Kroll Show started right after. That show is all kinds of genius. That being said, i didnt think Rumer was that bad. Its not like that show is known for its strong performances. She played the part. Adam's bellybutton piercing was pure gold.

  39. I should also add something, it's kind of a blessing and a curse to have that leg up. I got my job because my dad is the boss. It's just the two of us and now one other person. It was totally unrelated to my field of study, but I was sick of the industry I was in and decided I needed a big change. It worked out because I now have these amazing transferable skills and I do a damn good job, but I still get about half of the people walking through the door asking me where 'my dad/daddy' is. I'm 24. It's wildly infuriating that some people think I'm only here because of him. It's how I started, but if I didn't do a good job I still wouldn't be here. He hired someone else in my family and fired him 3 months later because he was totally incompetent. I'm not complaining because I love my job, but it's not necessarily easy being known as the bosses kid.

  40. @plokzy, apparently the guys started on youtube or something? I'm not really up on those things, but I thought that the part probably could/should have gone to someone better. I don't know how much recognition the show has, but if that's the reason she was on I hope more people watch it. OMG the belly button thing, damn that show is ridiculous. He's probably my fave, his facial expressions are the best.

  41. @ Izzie - I looked at the DM link and they refer to Anne H as James Franco's "ex-girlfriend". Were they ever a couple? Or is that another of the DM's effed up captions?

  42. Ted opened the door for his daughter, as most parents would if they could. It's up to her now. If she's good she'll get other roles on her own.
    To be upset about this is just silly.

  43. @svetlana yup, they were called mail order comedy. Most of their old stuff is still on youtube. Never heard of them before the show so i checked it out not too long ago. Its ok, but nowhere near the genius they show now. Props to Comedy Central for taking chances like that. Watch the Kroll Show rght after, guaranteed you'll like it... And Adam is the man. Ders is cool, hes a sick straight man for the crew, but Adam KILLS every scene he's in. So fucking funny. Every scene he has with his boss (forget her name) makes me break up everytime. Jillian too, she's pure gold... Man, that whole cast is amazing, come to think of it.

  44. @Izzie, I love Quantun Leap too! If we had been able to have children I was going to name my son Sam.

  45. I like Jillian. She's so funny, I hope she gets more roles after this. I haven't seen the Kroll Show but I'll check it out tonight. I don't have tv so I have to download/buy dvd box sets. I love how Adam will try to sleep with literally anyone, and make it seem like he's taking one for the team. That was smart on Comedy Central's part, I actually thought they were pro actors.

  46. Danson may hv helped her get the job, now its up to her. I hv no issue with this. Not like she beat me out of a job, lol

  47. @Izzie--That kitteh! So cute! And I'm not even a cat person.
