Saturday, April 27, 2013

Blind Item #1

The bearding just became too much for this celebrity. You would have a tough time guessing her name, but she recently split with her gorgeous B list mostly movie actor "boyfriend," because he has pretty much given up on even pretending they are in a relationship and she didn't want to be dating him when he officially comes out. Considering what he has been doing the past two weeks, it should not be long before he does.


  1. Chris Pine & Dominique Piek? They're in the Daily Mail.

  2. Chris Pine and his can't-remember-her-name-maybe-model girlfriend just broke up

  3. Enty are you "family"? You refer to a guy as "gorgeous"? How do YOU know why they broke up? Love how you create blinds from pics and blurbs from the Daily Mail.

    I can't believe that folks still buy this crap from you but kudos to you. Nice little scam you got going here.

    Now dispatch one of your MANY fake commenters (you pretending to be a poster) and tell me off about TROLLING. Fraud.


    1. I can only imagine how sad and bitter your life is that you choose to do this in your free time. You obviously need a rage outlet, try kickboxing.

    2. +1 @sleep_deprived

    3. You make me sad :(

    4. Hey! Stop dissing Enty!

    5. Ok you have to be a bitter celebrity. I'm sure of it. If this is Amanda Bynes please get yourself some help. We actually care about you. If this is a Kardashian...well, I'm sorry. If this is Paris...please quit killing your innocent pets

    6. Gee, dude. I didnt i was fake. I thiught for damn sure I was real. (Checks pulse, pokes flesh.) Aw hell to the ell no!!! What i thought was my pulse was just my iPhone vibe going off and my flesh isnt genuine flesh, its Hollywood sillicone! Tssssk! Im gonna have to call my mom and tell her to go back to the hospital where i was "born" and have her demand a refund!!!!
      It truly sucks, finding out youve been fake when for almost 40 years I coulda sworn I was real!!!

    7. I love trolls! Where the hell is Shelly?

    8. How sad is your life when you're doing the same? Aren't you here as well in your free time talking about people? High and mighty now? Are you that blind? You're here defending your imaginary friend, how sad are you? Since you're the noble one, wouldn't your time be better spent doing charity rather than analyzing and addressing me? Why are you involved? Too much free time? Hypocrite come down from your pedestal you delusional hack. Try a reality check.

      I have the power to make you sad? Great.

      Fuck Enty.

      Why am I a celeb? Because I call out your hate and negativity (disguised as snark) about strangers, famous or not? GTFOH! I've been coming here since the beginning, you catch up.

      You're alive, unfortunately just brainwashed. And you people talk about CO$. SMH.

      For the love of God please come up with something better than the prerequisite "troll".

    9. Thank goodness someone is stirin' the pot!
      This place was getting boring.
      Thank You J!

  4. that guy is gorgeous BTW. I've never seen him in anything before.

  5. Idk how they do it....I couldn't be in a fake relationship. I suppose it's about money & fame. Just seems like an incredible waste of energy.

  6. cant belive people thought he was straight, data loung outed him long ago

  7. I used to enjoy the people that commented on this site. So few of us left because of the trolls.

    1. So few left because the small amount of people that do comment attack those new commenters that post an opinion differing from each of you.

    2. And more trolling. I'm over it. I'm all for different opinions but the rampant hostility is getting old.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Is something wrong with your scroll button? And she's absolutely right.

      More than a few have complained about being attacked for differing opinions only to be labeled trolls. If Enty wants only one POV maybe his blog should be private...or some of you like-minded, one dimensional bandwagoners can start your own blog and moderate the commentts.

      Amazing that people are personally vested in something that is of no benefit to them. How can you control Enty's board? Like WTF?

    5. Thank you very much... I thought it was just me trippin and smokin too much xj-9

    6. And just like I said before, some of you tricks need to look up the def of what a troll is. That word gets thrown around so much here I think you forgot the meaning. This used to be a place to express our opinions on celebrity b.s but sadly, just like highschool, if you don't agree with the majority then you get shit for it. Just glad I'm not the only one feeling the bad mojo here. O_o

    7. Definitely. A lot of us have gone into hiding because of how nasty you "regulars" are

  8. He won't come out he still hasn't broken through to A list outside of Star Trek. I don't think Chris is gay. Just a control freak.

  9. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Chris wears awfully fancy shoes for a straight man.

  10. Didja see that chemistry between him and Reese Witherspoon in
    This Means War ?! Nahh, me either.

    1. Yeah, but it's Reese. She's cute but not really sexy, she seems too uptight to have mad sex appeal

    2. Unless she's stinkin' drunk. Then you better KNOW who she is. *snap*

  11. Oh great, another one... How about getting a life instead of being bothered with people reading a gossip blog and liking it here?

    1. Responding to it will only encourage it. Ignore & it will go away. ;)

    2. It's just as easy for you to get a life and not be bothered with the people that feel otherwise. Irony.

    3. That's not irony.

  12. I don't buy it. Chris Pine may be a little metro (because of his skin condition) but gay? Nope. I don't think so. He's a sad straight guy. Not a happy camper. And the lack of chemistry with Reese? Whose fault is that? Reese is one bitchy major turn-off.

  13. You can always tell when Blind Gossip's website isn't working, "J" or one of the others shows up to tell us all what's what.

    1. You're a super sleuth. Want a cookie?

      I don't visit BG but if it helps you sleep at night by all means.

  14. Anonymous10:13 AM

    whaaa he is gay?!!! shutup

  15. I don't know if Chris Pine is gay or not, but if he is, that takes those texts from Olivia Munn to a whole new level of hilarity.

    Man, I hate fucking trolling trolls. They are more pathethic than Lindsay and her tricks combined. Ugh. Please IGNORE those losers.

  16. @PARangersGirl He was the lead in Just My Luck (Lindsey Lohan movie). Horrible ashamed I know that.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. But what has Chris been doing the last few weeks while doing press, hooking up?

  19. Huh. I never got the vibe Chris was gay.

  20. I don't think Chris is gay. Ted always said he wasn't and he thought everyone in Hollywood is.

  21. Anonymous10:45 AM

    oh FUCK OFF J. You are a troll. The end. Chris is gorgeous and has a perfect body, that's suspect in itself as far as I'm concerned. No straight guy is going to spend eight hours a day in a gym staring at his own physique trying to get rid of every molecule of fat. Well, not many of them anyways.

    1. I guess you told me.


  22. @Reno yeah, but Ted also always insisted that "Robsten" was real too. I'd really like to know whether he's a liar or just stupid, but there's no way to ask him anymore!

  23. P.S. J and Marieeeee are major trolls just looking for attention. I'm here, I'm real, and I think you're both idiots. JMO. :)

    1. And I think you're a pathetic, no life waste of space spinster. JMO.

    2. How is posting a website for an actress a troll? I was literally doing to exact same thing as everyone else- stating my opinion on a certain person with fame. Just because it differs from your opinion, it doesn't make me a troll.

    3. Maybe not. But your troll hair does.

    4. Lmfao...troll hair...woo dfkm. Hilarious

    5. Lmfao...troll hair...woo dfkm. Hilarious

  24. I don't think Chris Pine is gay. And as for the trolls, I kind of figured as much that they are from BG because it is down. Also to many from DM are finding their way here also. Alot of those DM commenters are mental.

  25. It's like we're here playing dress up and having a great time with our imaginary play and someone's mean older sister comes in and tries to ruin everything. We know whats what and we know not everything we're doing is real but it's fun so get outta here!

    1. You like living detached from reality and I'm the crazy one? Your analogy is wrong. You're all pissed because I called you on your bullshit and pointed out the patheticness here. It was a sad reminder of how miserable you and your lives are. But I totally get you wanting to escape that existence.

      Sorry I disturbed your fairy tale life.

  26. Chris is gorgeous (those eyes!) and I loved watching his dad on CHiPs. (and Six Feet Under)

  27. @Sugar...great analogy! Or like the kid who says we can use his soccer ball then takes it and runs off to play with the cooler kids.
    Lots of new commenters these days. Welcome to the newbies and lurkers.

  28. I don't think j is trolling and did @anna nonymous say no straight men would work on their body? Now that just trolling. Men know women love men with great bodies and he in an industry where image is everything. Just because he had bad chemistry with Reese's Witherspoon doesn't mean he gay. Some people get along others don't. I'm sorry enty but saying dominque was beard a day after they broke up isn't believable; this is as believable as Jennifer Lawrence missing the movie awards after doing coke for the first time. No need to make stories more scandalous then they really are.

  29. I have been recovering from surgeries (again) so only get on once a week instead of daily and can't catch up. So since I have been out of the loop who is trolling bath houses or gay clubs? I have no idea. I would love to be a beard but getting off the couch these days is pretty hard so not physically up for it. But pass my name around if you know anyone who needs one!
    As for the one who shall not be named, I have read a few posts this last week that are NASTY from "it". This is a fun little snarky community where we like to share our opinions and are or were a fun little "family" or community. Some of us have even met up in person. T shirts are made, private e-mails exchanged, we genuinely support each other even if it is anonymously. You certainly don't have to comment and piss in everyone's Wheaties daily. I normally never speak out against anyone and ignore it but geeze when one or 2 or 3(what happened to the sci bot?) commenters bring everyone down it is a bummer.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Best wishes Opie. Rest up & a speedy recovery!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Feel better soon Opie. Don't trouble yourself with the trolls, we're gonna play with them for a bit, like a cat with a bug, before we turn them into crunchy bits ;-). WE GOT THIS. You heal and feel better and say hi when you can.

    5. Fun snark? That's the same thing I'm doing. My post was the first nasty post you read here? Are you new? I'm not. Tell them Enty since its a close-knit community with t-shirts and all. Fucking *dead* at the poster threatening not to come back. Well take your ball and go home. Just how the fuck are we bringing people down? Your happiness depends on this bullshit site? I'm brought down too when I read some of your "snark". Only a handful have a right to be bitchy here? And by whose standards? Yours?

      Eat a dick and STFU. Unless something's wrong with your scroll button why are you even responding? Attention whore much?

    6. @Opie Hi Opie! Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I think I was still in lurker mode when you mentioned having an upcoming surgery. So I'm glad you're back & feeling a bit better. :-)

      As far as your question about our little $cilon, I'm a bit concerned since they've not been around lately. Tiny McFist's mighty Co$ empire is crumbling around his feet fast these days & he's alledgedly beyond pissed. I really mean it when I say I hope this person hasn't been RPF'd because "They couldn't make things go right."

      Feel better soon, Opie! :-)

  30. @Cee Kay, at the time there was a blind going around about a blogger being paid to plug a big franchise, if I remember correctly. Ted's still around on Twitter, btw.

  31. I don't think this is Chris Pine...I think it's a more two-celebrity relationship like Kristen & Rob. Not them, but similar fame pairing. If Chris Pine is gay then God is a gay man or hates women or both.

  32. What about Jake G?

  33. I'm with you, The BLS....Jake is/was dating Sports Illustrated model Emily DiDonato...I would be shocked if Chris Pine was gay, and if he was gay, that he would come out- considering his movie star persona and the roles he goes after, it would be career death for him. But Jake...I mean, the guy's not exactly known for being macho. And the rumors....the rumors!!

  34. Thank you Sherry, see every time I have surgery or something bad happens people wish me well here and yes we shall all skip together in our shared lobotomized happy CDAN world! Hugs to you all! Lalalalalalalalalala

  35. scratchy kitty, I love that new avi! I just saw that picture last night after looking for pictures of Dina Eastwood online in regard to that rehab post and thought, "What the holy hell is going on there?" Yikes!

  36. Get well soon Opie.

  37. Yeah jake g make way more sense than Chris. Everything I hear about Chris is he like women but jake.

  38. @scratchy kitty

  39. this is definitely chris pine. i live in the area he does and he used to come into a restaurant i worked in with a bunch of gay guys. i never saw him kiss or touch but a hot dude like him surrounding by gay men tells me he's gay as well. nice guy too :)

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. *gasp* He couldn't possibly be gay. Why if he were gay, he wouldn't have worn that appalling wig in "Bottle Shock"! Worst.Hairpiece.Ever.

  42. The last 2 weeks he's been promoting Star Trek.

  43. I hate that one of the new trolls has my name with a couple of extra eee's :( its not me! I like Emma Watson!

    1. Not a troll. Just a regular ol' commenter :)

  44. Well if you inspire T shirt designs you know your cool! Thanks CBH!!!! My cat is sick too so I am uber stressed, maybe why I posted. You go get those bugs!
    Opie is the name of my cat BTW.

  45. I haven't worked with Chris Pine, but I've worked with and am friends with people that have. I've actually heard a fairly equal amount of "he's gay" and "he's straight" comments over the past couple years. Usually when this happens it means one of two things... they're bi-sexual, or their straight. In all my years in Hollywood I've never heard equal amounts of comments about how someone is gay or straight and had that person be JUST gay. I know some people have the opinion that bi-sexual equals gay, so I suppose to those people Chris Pine is gay... but in my experience this could also mean that he's straight and just gives off a gay vibe to people.

    The people I know that have worked with him didn't have any stories about seeing him do "gay" things, it was all based off of a vibe they got from him. As for Jake G, I've worked with him and he didn't give me the gay vibe at all. I've heard the rumors, I've heard from people that have worked with him on other projects, and some people do say he's gay... but that wasn't my experience with him. Actually, I've heard more straight comments than gay ones about Jake. I don't know the exact numbers, but I think it's probably 2 to 1 the amount of "he's straight" to "he's gay" that I've heard from my friends and co-workers that have worked with him, (a couple are even good friends with him).

    I don't claim to be good friends with Jake, but we worked together, he's been over to my house for a party or two, but I don't know him well enough that he would confide in me that he's gay. Anyway, just my thoughts on this blind... and I just wanted to say that I've had good experiences in my short time commenting on this site. I come on here when I'm having trouble sleeping or just to un-wind after a day working on set, and I ramble a bit... yet most of you have been very kind to me and have not said anything bad about my rambling post. It's my way of calming my mind, and the people on this site have been very welcoming and non-judgmental when I talked about my experiences working in Hollywood and the life of someone in show business. Thanks again, don't let the trolls get you down!

    1. Same. I have an old connection to the business, and that's almost verbatim of what I've heard about both Chris & Jake G. The people I know all seem very split. Like you, when that happens, I usually tend to go with straight as my guess, or really, really deep into the closet. Got no idea. I dont find either one that interesting/sexy, but that's just me.

  46. @J - Not attacking you, but it might help to put an "@" with the name of the person you're talking to in your comments. It can get a little hard to understand what you're referencing without going back and reading all of the comments. I know you feel attacked (and my little "don't let the trolls get you down" didn't help) but I think it's okay to have a differing opinion, just let us know which person, or person's, you're making your comments towards.

    1. They're directed at anyone that has a problem with me.

  47. Nice info @jayjay I've never heard someone NOT call jake gay. As for Chris since he hasn't been caught doing anything gay and only give vibes then I don't think he gay. It's refreshing to hear someone from LA that don't think every male is gay.

  48. @J - Fair enough :)

    @Tae Scott - Oh not everyone in Hollywood is gay, not by a long shot. If we include hair, make-up, and wardrobe departments, then yes, we've got a ton of gay people, (I know it's probably a stereotype, and not everyone is gay that's in those departments, but a whole lot of them are).

    In the "real" world I think the percentage that I've heard thrown around over the years is that 10 percent of the human race is gay. (I know I'm probably way off, but just for the sake of argument, let's that's the number.) If we're just talking actors and actresses, then the number of gay might be 15 or 20 percent. Yes it's more than the "real" world, but it's not anywhere near what most people seem to think. Heck, according to gossip sites 80 or 90 percent of the men in this business are gay! I'm sure if I did a little searching I'd find that some think I'm gay!

  49. *let's that's the number = let's SAY that's the number.

  50. I feel like every blog I read, I have to make the "everyone has their own opinions, it doesn't mean they are trolls, let's just ignore rude comments and keep scrolling down!" comment. Adding rude comments back and forth will just entice them to keep posting. Keep it funnnn, even when others are being downers or have a difference of opinion from the majority. :)

  51. What the heck.. I'm stuck in a hotel room bored out of mind, so I guess I'll tell a quick story.

    I used to have to go to auditions and wait all day to get my shot in front of a casting director, but after getting a supporting role on Broadway my career really picked up. My agent was actually contacted by a director who saw me on the stage and asked for me to come in an audition for a movie. The audition was in a hotel (this is actually fairly common in the business), and I was supposed to be in a small conference room that they had there. When I arrived I was told that the director was waiting for me in his room... I instantly got the "casting couch" feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I thought that I would politely turn the director down and him know that I was straight. When I got to the room an assistant answered and showed me in. Now I didn't know what to think, luckily I didn't just assume that this was some weird three-way scenario, because it turned out the director had bad allergies and his face was all swollen and he had a killer headache.

    A couple years later I was at an event with my then girlfriend, and ran into the director. We ended up spending the rest of the night catching up and telling stories. Eventually I told him how I thought he might be trying to "casting couch" me. He laughed and said, "I'm straight, so I would never do that with you!" He told me that he's never done the "casting couch thing". We talked a little more and I told him about the struggles I was having with getting jobs in movies and TV. At the time I had only worked on Broadway and in this directors movie, as well as a few TV guest spots... I wondered out loud if it had something to do with being based in, and having an agent based in, New York City. He laughed and said, "plenty of people are based out of there! Actually, I had to fight to get you in (the movie) because the studio thought you were gay!"

    Turns out, because I was in a few musicals on Broadway, that everyone assumed I was gay. This is a couple decades ago, and it's obviously better for gay actors in Hollywood, but back then it was very hard to get work if people thought you were gay. The director spent the night seeing how in love with my girlfriend I was, and did me a big favor by spreading the word that I was straight. A month and a half later I got offered a leading man role in a movie. The movie got great reviews, and my performance was given as a big reason to see the movie. The movie didn't do great at the box office, but it was enough to convince Hollywood that they should hire me more.

    I've had a really good career, and I've been able to act in all kinds of movies (serious drama, action movies, comedy, etc). I owe all of that to this director, without him telling producers, directors, casting directors, and studio execs that I was straight, I would probably still be in musicals on Broadway. Since I had my foot hold in movies I'm able to go back to Broadway without fear of losing movies because they think I'm gay just because I'm in a musical. Sometimes you don't know what Hollywood thinks of you; my experience ended up okay, not just because the director had my back, but because he was able to tell them that I was straight. I don't know if that director would have contacted all of the Hollywood power players if I had said, "actually, I am gay." If that were the case, if I had been walking around with a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend, then I don't think I would be where I am today. It was hard enough for me, a straight man, to get work just because people THOUGHT I was gay. I can't imagine what it's like for people that are ACTUALLY gay.

  52. Great insight, Jayjay! Thanks for sharing!

  53. Crazy story jayjay but it make sense. I'm pretty sure it was tough for Matt bomer and Neil to get jobs. But it make sense why Hollywood wouldn't want an actor who seems/is gay. Thats why I don't think it's that many gay guys in the industry. I think gays their to fill the quota.

  54. @Tae Scott - What's weird with Matt and Neil is that they weren't really in the closet early on. Well, I guess you could say that Neil was when he was a child actor, but it could have just been that he didn't know he was gay, (or didn't accept it). Matt wasn't really public about being gay, but he wasn't hiding it either. Then someone got a hold of him and told him that he should pretend to be straight, I believe they even gave him a beard so that people would hire him for more "straight" roles.

    I think for a lot of gay people that are in, or are trying to be in, show business, they look at someone like Neil Patrick Harris and think "If he can be out then I can!" Neil has a role on How I Met Your Mother where he's a "man's man" and then he had the part in the Harold and Kumar movies where he was the same. He's been able to host the Tony awards and be in public with David and it hasn't hurt his career from what I see. I hope this is a sign that things are truly changing in the business, because it's so hard seeing people pretending to be something they're not ALL the time. It's one thing to pretend in a movie, TV show, or play, but it's another to pretend every second of your life. Neil is such a great guy, and I'm really happy that he's been able to be successful without being typecast as the gay best friend.

  55. I re-read my post and realized that I didn't really say a lot about Matt. He's also out, but he was getting bad advice early on. The "beard" didn't last for long, and it was early in his career... then he stopped pretending, but wasn't out publicly until maybe 2 years ago when he gave a speech at an awards dinner.

    I was there, and while most of the people in Hollywood knew he was gay, it was still a great moment to witness. He's really talented and I know he has a great career ahead of him, assuming directors, producers, and studio execs can realize that a gay man can play straight characters as well as a straight actor can.

  56. Take care Opie. I hope your recovery is speedy and trouble free. People here do care that you get well.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. @J - I don't think Enty is 'family', I think Enty is a woman.

  59. Thanks @jayjay! Very interesting!

  60. @J: yer name is too short. Choose a new one: Suckleberry Finn or Suckleberry Hound?

    I figure both are fitting since your act sucks nuts.

    I await your timely response to this matter.

  61. Can't believe no one is trying to figure out who jayjay is. Certainly are plenty of clues in his posts...

  62. I was trying to figure it out, but don't want to make him have to leave here. I like his stories!

  63. @iknowpeople - I'm trying to be careful to hide my identity. I use a fake e-mail address, and my username has no meaning to me. So I hope I didn't leave something behind in one of my post! Although, there are a few things that I would like to post about in the future, but I'm trying to figure out how to tell the story without giving my identity away.

    @di butler - I have always gone with straight, but it's possible that they're just really in the closet. I guess my view on it is, "if they want people to think they're straight, then as far as I'm concerned their straight". If they want to confide in me, or go public, then that's great, and I will support them any way that I can. But if they want to stay in the closet, well, I've witnessed how staying in the closet can break a person's spirit. It's really like seeing the weight of the world being lifted off someone's shoulders when they can be who they are.

    1. @jayjay: Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your posts and hope you figure out a way to keep your identity hidden. You have a very kind way of writing. Although I was never musical or bitten by the acting bug, it's amazing to hear how much actors have to go through (and how much they put up with) to develop their craft. Please don't be a stranger.

  64. Jayjay, I'll take a wild guess; Matthew Broderick. NY-based. Broadway before movies. Still go back and forth. No need to answer. You should stay anon. I have friends in the biz I know come to the site and have been called trolls when they comment. I do get a kick out of A/B actors being called trolls by people who come to a gossip site to read about them.

  65. I only comment occasionally, but sometimes I feel like I'm breaking some rule because I'm not involved with the regular commentors stuff. I don't attack people, I'm not a troll and I hate to think I'm a lurker. But I feel like I'm supposed to get involved w/everyones personal stuff or I am not welcome here. It's a shame to be called names (lurker) for not being vocal enough.

    Sorry if I'm offending anyone but there is a definite vibe at times that is not welcoming. Then again, maybe I'm paranoid.

  66. @Jeri: I always recommend lurking for a bit, then jumping in like you've been around forever. Entertain yourself, share your opinions. If others enjoy them, great. If not, oh well.
