Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hell's Kitchen Contestant/Justin Bieber's Chef Arrested For Beating Up Boyfriend

I was trying to decide what would be worse. Working for Gordon Ramsay or working for Justin Bieber. I suppose that Sara Horowitz did not really work for Gordon Ramsay when she was on Hell's Kitchen and finished fourth. She was just on the show. After the show she got a job as Justin Bieber's chef. Yeah, brownies for everyone filled with lots of pot. I can't imagine working for Justin and having to carry around a mirror at all times for when he talks to you. Well, Sara got into a fight with her boyfriend and things got a little out of hand. Sara was arrested after she punched and kicked her boyfriend and broke his glasses and scratched his face.


  1. She's got psycho bitch from hell eyes in that pic. I wouldn't phuque with a bitch with those eyes!


  2. someone mentioned it already, but just wanted to send prayers to the west, texas community


  3. Yes @Reese- I was just going to say she looks crazy as hell!

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Maybe he got outta line.....

  5. Bieber better eat his peas, or she'll deck him! (Please don't eat the peas, Justin, please don't eat the peas...)

  6. Betcha she wouldn't try that with Coolio.

  7. Anyone else wonder why Monica Lewinsky was wearing a chef's jacket?

  8. What does a woman say to a man who has broken glasses and a black eye? Nothing. She told him once already and he didn't listen the first time.

  9. What was the mirror reference? I ain't watching the video to find out.

    And another story of a woman getting slap happy with a man. Listen kids, violence never solved anything and domestic violence is bad whether the man hits the woman or vice versa.

    Okay I did watch the video and I hate Gordon Ramsay. What is the purpose of yelling at someone when their actually talking to you with respect. What a small puckered dickweed.

  10. Hope she feels the full measure of the law.

  11. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I guess dark humor is only acceptable if it comes from a man.

    SIDE EYE....
