Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I Guess Dogs Can See The TV


  1. My JRT has always attacked the TV, when there are animals on, and she used to attack people in wheelchairs on the TV too.

    It sucks when I want to watch my favorite movie ever, "Best In Show". And forget the real dog shows....

  2. My dogs always respond to doorbells and dogs barking on tv.

  3. Great catch by that guy! Very quick caught it just before it would have been damaged.

  4. I've seen this with dogs and cats. Cats sometimes (hey, they're cats) will focus if they see or hear a cat on TV.

  5. My dog always watches the tv, I have multiple videos of her trying to play with tv dogs. Cartoons are really upsetting for her.

  6. I once had a cat that totally ignored the TV unless people were speaking Japanese. Then she would stare in fascination at the screen. When it went back to English, she'd walk away. It had to be Japanese, not Chinese, or Korean, or French, or Spanish. Just Japanese.

  7. My chihuahua watches TV with me all the time. He'll only look for about 30 seconds at a time though, unless his favorite movie is on. And that's The Adventures of Milo and Otis, of course!!

  8. My kitty M'Liv (RIP) growled every time a doorbell would ring on TV. Cracked us up every time.

    Our TV is on the wall, I have no idea if the beagle can see the picture. Interesting.

    @SusanB, that's hilarious! They're quirky little twits, aren't they?

  9. My dog goes nuts every time there is an ANIMAL on TV - it gets awful at times (especially when I've fallen asleep with the TV on and he sees a critter and barks so loud I nearly catapult out of the bed). And it's not like he is not familiar with animals - we have three more dogs and three more cats! He sees the picture - he goes straight up to the TV, looks at them and growls, barks, etc. until they get out of the pic.

  10. @SusanB. How funny and adorable is that! LOL

    I had a kitty who would watch The Animal Planet. =^.^=

  11. Oh believe me, Dogs watch TV, My Dog watches TV, I mean REALLY watches and the second an animal comes on or a fight scene, whether a commercial or in a movie or tv show, he goes nuts and attacks the TV. After much therapy, he TRIES SO HARD not to do it but just can't help himself. At least now when he does it he stops himself and looks at me with his head hung low.. LOL.. poor guy has issues.

  12. My shih tzu's love watching tv in bed with me. They particularly love any animal planet show.

  13. i can't watch tv with my shitzu she actually starts barking when certain commericals start -she remembers the ones that have animals in them...its kind spooky
