Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Blind Item #5

This mid-teen B list mostly movie actress has been visiting her A+ list chain smoking future co-star almost everyday. They are not having sex yet, but he has been reading lines with her and doing them too.


  1. Elle Fanning for the teen actress? Got nothing for the co-star though.

  2. Chloe Moretz for the teen

  3. Hmmm Chloe Moretz is going to do a movie with Tim Robbins but I don't know if he is a smoker or not.

  4. Abagail Breslin/Hallie Steinfeld and Harrison Ford!

  5. Moretz was my first guess, but Elle Fanning works too.

  6. "tweener mayhem!"

    Oh boy here we go....

  7. Sean penn better not touch my dakota!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Chloe Moretz and she's doing tons of blow and acid and smoking cigarettes the whole time and then they go to happy hour and get hammered!

    /troll baiting

  9. Chloe Moretz. However Elle Fanning works too and somehow I suspect she may have more of a naughty side than Dakota.

    I would be super surprised if Sean Penn went after Dakota, she played his super young daughter in that I am Sam movie.

  10. No guess on the teen (Elle F., Steinfeld, Moretz all come to mind) but the A+ lister with the nicotine-coke habit is either Depp or Penn for sure.

  11. Chloe is my guess, she's such a skank and druggie!

    Troll baiting too! Waving @ Amber! Hehe

  12. @All about Eve - ;)

  13. It should be Chloe and Tim Robbins who is addicted to a lot of things. Their movie is in development/ pre-production.

  14. Depp or Penn have no teen co-star in their next filming movies

  15. Tim robbins is not A+ list actor

  16. I like the Depp guess. He's known for being a chain smoker and seems to have reached that age where some men need to reassure themselves about their masculinity by hooking up with young girls.

    On a somewhat related note... Is it just me or in the last few years has he started to crossover from eccentric to creepy uncle territory? I think it's his habit of wearing scarves with layered beaded necklaces that's skeeving me out. Or that whole not-bathing thing. Either way...

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Tim was the star of Shawshank Redemption. He will always be A list. Chicka Chicka Yeah-uh.

  19. @Speakeasy yea he's either the creepy uncle or the homeless pirate, yuck!

    1. @ Swanky, I have started to wonder if he's possessed by Captain Jack.

  20. There is 0 chance this is Tim Robbins. I am 110% sure of that fact. Pot head, yes. Pedophile- not a snowballs chance in hell.

  21. The entire thing with Johnny Depp isn't that he's changing from a hot young eccentric to a creepy uncle. It's that he's not changing at all as he's getting older.

    Imagine if grandpa kept his zoot suits, reefer, swing dancing and hot rodding into his dotage. Kinda creepy, yeah?

    1. @ Spike Gomez... Actually, that sounds like an awesome gramps to me, especially if he isn't stingy with his weed.

  22. Wasn't Elle Fanning pretty much outted as a lesbian for her Twilight fling with Kristen Stewart? Or was that that other Fanning?

  23. @MrWolf - that was Dakota. Elle is her just-turned-15 younger sister.

  24. Depp and Brand with their scarf fixation. It's like they raided Steven Tyler's secret scarf stash. They better watch out, he looks like he bites.

  25. Just for the sake of argument, why wouldn't Tim Robbins be A list? He does have an Oscar.

  26. It's got to be Chloe Moretz and Sean Penn.

  27. Good god people. If you're going to throw Moretz' name out for stuff like this at least make it plausible. She likes Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, and Chris Pine, not craggly old farts like Robbins and Penn.
