Monday, April 22, 2013

It's Bigfoot

I always thought Bigfoot was in California. It turns out though the creature might have always been in Massachusetts. Police in Lakeville say that two boys brought in the decomposing foot you see in the photo above. No one knows what it is and according to no one has been able to figure out what it is or who it belongs to or what it belonged to for the month they have had the foot. The medical examiner had their shot and now it is on to bigger and better scientists. Definitely not human was all the medical examiner would say. How many creatures have five toes though?


  1. Somehow I always knew Bigfoot would be a Red Sox fan


  2. Looks like a bunch of chicken bones. Wish there was a ruler next to it, for scale.

  3. Just as long as Bigfoot doesn't wear a pink baseball hat, he's okay with me.

  4. I believe in bigfoot. If you check up on some of the evidence, as well as the people who have had sightings, it's convincing. In my area there are locals, upstanding members of the community, that have gone on the record and said they saw bigfoot, doing this, at this place, on this date, etc. I see no reason for normal people to lie about something like that, sensationalism or attention, yes, but when someone has their own money, business, home, family and nothing to gain from talking about it, then I tend to listen a little more.

  5. Where da rest of da body?

  6. Looks like an old rack of ribs to me

  7. Looks like toenails on the bone... Hmmm...

  8. @Anna Nonymous: I keep coming back to what I heard once about what Jane Goodall said on the matter of unknown great ape-like creatures, and that's the sound that clusters of people say it makes. These people are stretched out over vast geographical areas, yet they all report the the same sound. And if anyone's going to know the sounds that apes and monkeys make, you'd better believe it's Jane Effing Goodall.

    I'd love to have some scale, too.

  9. @Anna, love you!!! My parents are HUGE on the Bigfoot wagon. They attend mnthly meetings here in Ohio, travel 2hrs for it. I personally, make jokes about all of it, but I guess in the Bigfoot world, they're like top notch. Haha, gotta love growing up with hippies. Most amazing ppl in the universe!

  10. I think it is arrogant to believe that a new species like bigfoot doesn't exist. Just like I think it is super ridiculous to not believe in aliens.

    @snapdragon - thank you for that link. I love Jane Goodall and I like that she said she is a romantic and wants to believe!

  11. There are North American Ape legends all over the US, from Florida (Skunk Ape) to the huge swath of forest in Texas all the way into the Ozarks as well as Washington and California. The legend also exists in the Tibet as the Yeti. It is entirely possible an offshoot of the genetic tree still exists. They would have to quite diligent about burying their dead. If you want some truly trippy reading, check out the convergence of the UFO and Bigfoot legends.

  12. I was terrified of Bigfoot when I was little, in the 1970's. We slept with our windows open, and every night I would pray to God that Bigfoot would not come and snatch me away.

    I had seen those In Search of. . . shows, narrated by Leonard Nimoy and read about it, I was probably the most informed six-year old on the planet.

    Yeah, I was a weird kid.

    1. @momster - me too! I was equally parts fascinated/terrified by that show...glad I wasn't the only one :)

  13. Mulder & Scully need to investigate this.

  14. @Momster - I remember those In Search Ofs!!! I particularly remember one where Bigfoot stuck his hand in a woman's living room window. Maybe that is the same episode that haunted you!

  15. looks like someone forgot the sauce on their McRib

  16. I had the time-life books on weird stuff too.... and I remember the In Search Ofs!!! I believe /Mulder

  17. Where I grew up we had a version of Bigfoot that was called The Taylor Wildman. It used to scare the crap out of me when I was little.

    A couple years ago a neighbor's son called one of those lines for Bigfoot sightings where you could get a reward or whatever. Needless to say, once they called back and tried to talk to the son and explained why they were calling he got grounded for a month.

  18. I sincerely believe in Bigfoot. And the Loch Ness Monster. Or, actually, the fact that there are creatures out there we don't know about yet. I think I'm pretty normal, so I don't think it's out of the realm of, I watch Castle and he believes, too!

  19. When crafting meets rib dinner.

  20. Anyone who watches "Finding Bigfoot" knows they are in almost all, if not all, states in the U.S.

  21. It's already been ID'd as a bear paw.

    And no, there is no Bigfoot. There's no realistic chance of a mammal that size remaining undiscovered in this day and age. We'd have long since found evidence in the form of bones, scat, shelter, hair, and physical specimens either dead or alive. It's one thing for a fish or small mammal in a primarily wild continent such as Africa to remain undiscovered, but not a large mammal in the USA.

    Nope. Enjoy it as a terrifically entertaining 'wouldn't it be cool' idea, but don't take it seriously.

  22. Man. First Psych,then Castle, then real-life. Woot.

    Anyone else listen go the Mysterious Universe Podcast? They talk about Big Foot sightings and encounters frequently.

  23. I believe in Big Foot. In the early 80's were driving to Helena, Montana. I was in the backseat of our station wagon and happened be watching the mountains above us because there was a falling rock sign,those always scared me. I tended to get car sick also so looking out the window helped.

    So I had spent a good ten minutes just watching the tops of every mountain we drove thru. In broad daylight,standing by a huge boulder was a thing that looked like a shaggy tannish red gorilla.Too big to be a bear. He was what we would call auburn in color,very fluffy almost like the depictions of a Yeti. Actually, he reminded me of a red Chewbacca since I had just seen Star Wars not long before.

    We were on the interstate so it was a quick glimpse but enough to know it was ape-like .I told my family later when we stopped to eat I thought I saw Big Foot. I was a tale-teller at the age so I had avoided saying anything in the car in case they thought I was lying. Getting in trouble on long car rides was easy enough already.

    Much to my delight,they said it didn't surprise them I saw it . I guess sightings were pretty common in those parts in the 70's and 80's.

    To this day,if anyone says they believe in him or have seen him I agree they probably have good reason to think so.

  24. I believe in it too

  25. I dated a leading Bigfoot cryptozoologist years ago. Just thought I'd add that. He's dead now. Not because of me or Bigfoot. He's just dead. he thought he heard Bigfoot in California once.

  26. Ooh I love mysteries.

    I don't know why, I don't believe in Big Foot but I like to believe that dragons and mermaids once existed. I have no reasoning behind this at all!

  27. I have been a long time CDAN lurker and I finally had to create an account and comment, just to respond to Momster and Ms Cool. I remember those old episodes of "In Search Of"! I loved that show but it terrified me. The Bigfoot episode where Bigfoot stuck his hand in the window? I almost lost my shit, I was so afraid. I loved that show. I would watch the re-runs if I could find them somewhere.

  28. My favorite In Search Of was the Legend of Oak Island one. I re watched in on YouTube a while ago.

  29. I totally believe in Bigfoot and Yeti.

  30. i live in oregon and yes sheriff of clackamas county himself (15 yrs ago) had a BF sighting, watch it on 'Paranormal Witness' season One, episode 2 or 3. The sheriff's office (he works there now) says there are about 200 documented reports at their office but they are just that, sitting in a file folder ....they are so common in the mountains there that people just take it for granted.

    see you for in search of episodes

  31. I loved In Search of too, my favourite was the one about Roanoke Island.

  32. Oh great, I was just going to go outside to put the garbage out but you guys scared me with your Bigfoot stories, and its dark out! Garbage can wait until next week I guess...although I don't think he or she roams the canyons in Arizona, but there are snakes and javelinas. Lose-lose :(

  33. when i was a little girl there was a movie in the theaters called "The Legend of Boggy Creek" that scared the living crap out of me to the point i won't live anywhere near woods.

  34. Thank you squeezebox for being the voice of reason here on this topic. Now aliens, on the other hand...
