Monday, April 22, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Now Her Parents Are Involved

One of my longstanding favorite people to hear more about is this former B list Tweener from an A list hit tweener show. She has been in this spot several times because of her less than normal relationship with a much older guy. So far, the only confirmation of the drug use and near statutory rape by her boyfriend of our Tweener has come from people who are sources or friends of friends. Now though, her parents have decided to get involved in an attempt to try and rescue their daughter from the clutches of her drug abusing boyfriend before he completely takes her down. Both parents have started small but are going to tell the world about how their daughter first started having sex with the 30 something producer of her show when she was just 17 and how she was even younger when he started hitting on her. They just know about the 17. It could have been much earlier. As their daughter slides more and more into addiction and losing all of her hard earned money to this loser of a boyfriend, everyone close to her is doing their best to try and save her from a doomed future if she continues to stay on the same path. I wish her parents would start talking about what else they saw happen on that show. I think it would blow the lid on everything.


  1. I yhink its the olsen dating creepy 3x her age french guy, who has a daughter that looks just like her. Disturbing!!

    1. Yep. Totally an Olsen. They were tweeners on a show @ 17. They're 30 and yep, their parents are getting involved. After the Heath Ledger incident and pill encrusted purses, their parents put their foot down and Enty LOVES talking about them. *eyeroll* Do you people ever read the blinds or just pull shit out of your ass? Although he's older, the Olsen girl is a grown ass woman. Women can be cougars but guys are dirty old men. Ridiculous, judgemental, haughty biddies. SMH.

    2. Lmao. Who's being judgmental now?

    3. I am and I own my shit.

    4. I am and I own my shit.

    5. Anonymous5:24 PM

      He said the guy was 30 at the time No tv show at 17

    6. *3 snaps in z formation*

  2. Amanda Bynes? And if the parents knew she was having sex with this guy when she was 17 and did nothing, the blame is all on them IMO.

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Isn't this Jeanette McCurdy?

  4. The chick from the Miranda Cosgrove show iCarly

  5. Glad to hear about some tweener parents who are actually doing something about the problem.

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Too little too late

  6. yeah sounds like sam from iCarly

  7. Yes that's who I was thinking about but her name escaped me @bflogurl

  8. I like when people blow the lid on things.

    1. @FSP LMAO! Even tho I'm mostly in lurker mode, you make me laugh at least once a day. Thank you cuz I sure need the laughs these days. :-)

  9. sam from icarly. sad because i think for a young girl shes really talented with her comedic presence.

  10. I thought Jamie Lynn Spears right away, her fiance is old

  11. You know what? Screw those parents. If they could "blow the lid" off all the terrible stuff that happens behind the scenes, then why did they let their underage daughter stay on the show? I mean, great--I'm glad that someone's trying to do something to help her NOW. You know, now that she's "losing all of her hard earned money." Bet they don't care about the money at all.

  12. This is "Sam" from iCarly....Jeanette McCurdy.

  13. Finally something said. Can't save those who have gone before but it can save others going forward hopefully.

  14. Funny how these parents step in when the gravy train is being emptied by someone other than the parents

    1. timebob, that was my thought.

    2. The letter the mom wrote (link below) is just as much about her own suffering & sacrifice) as about her daughter's struggle with the guy. I wonder how long this shenanigan has been going on.

      As always, when smart talented people begin acting in self destructive ways in Hweird, gotta start wondering who is operating the machinery behind the curtain.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Jeanette McCurdy. I had no clue she was deep into addiction. Why did her parents wait this long to get involved. Why didn't they step in when she was a minor. Something tells me the true reason they are stepping in is because she's No longer the money maker she used to be and if she's their main source of cash, not only will she be broke but so will they.

  17. OT: Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders were seen out last night. The same day Rob left for Morocco to film a movie. (Check the dude in the car. There are more pics around)

  18. I don't think iCarly was a messed up set though. I think it was pretty normal wasn't it? Plus, everyone raves how professional and great Miranda is. I don't buy this about Jeanette. Doesn't she have a new show coming up on Nick even?

  19. Please please please let the parents blow the lid on the whole pedophile ring that is that show,that network. JEANNETTE MCCURDY. She has that sweet carefree bubbly thing that young girls have, that is gone so quickly once little girls start maturing. Thank GAWD her parents are jumping in to try and save her. She's too young, too wealthy, too talented to be destroyed by a thirty something loser producer drug addict pervert scumbag. What is the guys name???? How can we insure that he will never work in this town again??..... Enty???? Surely you can put a few well placed whispers around town??...... Doesn't word get around about pedophiles? Who is shielding him? Are they a pedophile too? Does he have dirt on that person? Why is this still going on? Can he not be fired? Isn't this a Penn State kind of situation where if you know about it and turn a blind eye, like Paterno, then you're going to be held to the fire when the law and the press comes knocking?? Couldn't everyone get in trouble? coudln't the studio pay a huge fine? have a TON of bad press? Is Nickelodeon the Penn State of Networks? Do they have special rooms where they take the twelve year olds? Versus where they take the fifteen year olds? Is it a requirement that you be a pedophile to work for the pedophiles at Nickelodeon? Are they in to young boys too? What is it going to take before there is some outrage, police involvement, whistle blowing? Nickelodeon's going to be known as the child molester channel if they don't pull their heads out of their asses. NICKELODEON's money, employees and buildings are being used to rape children. Remind me how this is different than the Catholic Church shielding/helping/covering up for child molesting priests? Oh that's right, it's not different at all. For SHAME NICKEOLODEON. FOR SHAME. YOU SUCK!

    1. You are delusional woman. You're this wired, foaming at the mouth and irrational from innuendo?

      I suggest Xanax.

    2. J: Anna is a frequent commenter. She never goes off. I am sure this is very upsetting to her and she has a right to say whatever she wants. One thing I really like about CDAN is the courtesy & comraderie. I personally think you might have come up with a more polite way to respond to Anna's post. So. Um.

      Be nice. M'kay?

    3. I also have a right to say what I want. Frequent poster? So that makes her off limits? GTFOH! This cliquish shit is exactly why I am posting what I think and not what I think people want to hear.

      Kiss my ass.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Good points made about the parent's concern kicking in at the same time money became a concern.

    Do what you can to help your daughter and leave the world out of it. You're all adults now.

  22. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Wasn't there a reveal about... Kiki Palmer? I think? ugh... I have no idea.

  23. First off guys her name's Jennette not Jeanette. And yes she does have a show coming out Sam & Cat. I doubt she's hard up for money. Finally this blind says parents and Jennette only has one parent: her mother who has cancer.

  24. It's not Jaime Lynn, she was preggo at 16, and if you believe the rumors, her parents would have known of the producer thing prior to that.

    I like the olsen guess to an extent just because that other recent blind we thought alluded to him using her for money and the family was flipping abt it. But this is really confusing..."so far the only confirmation of the drug use and near *statutory rape* by her boyfriend" and then later talks abt the parents wanting to leak the incident with the producer that happened at 17, making it sound like she's older now. Is that about a different boyfriend?

  25. I agree with those who contend that if the parents in question knew about this, they should have done something about it at the time, not waited until they see their little gravy train's career possibly going up in smoke.

  26. McCurdy. Her mother sent this to her fansite a few days ago and it was verified by the siteowner and her father's twitter account has it linked

    1. Thanks for that link @trudi, after reading that its def about her, but sounds like a sad story. I made it clicky for you.

      Jennette's Mom's Statement

  27. I don't think this is Jennette McCurdy. She is 20. Way to old for the parents to step in now. Her boyfriend is said to be a writer for a nickelodeon show, not her producer. And I doubt she is having money problems. iCarly just ended and she has a new show coming out soon where she reprises her role.

  28. @Erika, That's not Rupert.

  29. Her mom mentioned "Paul" in that letter she wrote... Is she using that as a cover for Dan Schneider? Cause I can't find a Paul that Jennette hangs out with

  30. His name is Paul Glaser

  31. I have no idea who Jennette McCurdy is but I read the twitter link that Trudi provided - very sad. You can tell its a loving mother reaching out to try and gain protection for her daughter :(

  32. What's "near statutory rape"? Is that a way of saying "it was legal but I thought it was yucky"? Because I hate to fan this fire again but if it isn't statutory rape, it ISN'T statutory rape. It is not illegal, stop acting like its a sliding scale of legality there.

  33. "Get a life old cat ladies."

    "Ridiculous, judgemental, haughty biddies."

    @ J - Why is all your ire directed at the females who post here?

    1. It isn't. I just haven't found an annoying post from a man yet. Give it time.

      Nice try at starting a gender war. Do we really know who is behind the keyboard?

      Please spare me your faux feminist bullshit. Lesbian doesn't equal feminist.

  34. So they were having sex when she was 17, which was "almost" statutory rape. Therefore she must have been legal in the state where they were, age of consent in California is 18. So the show is shot elsewhere? That seems like a big clue

  35. Hey J, I just came to say that your trolling sucks. Old cat ladies? How original! You calling Mango a lesbian is classic. Since we all know that is SUCH an insult. I'm starting to get jealous of your intelligence and wit.

    1. Thank yoy PuggkeWug. Methinks J is needing some attention. I hereby declare today a J-attention day then down the memory hole. NOT WORTH THE ENERGY. Life is too short to engage with crankypants trolls. Lesson learned.

  36. You flatter me.

    Next time bring roses, I hate hydragaenas

  37. @ J - Calm down there, Sparky; it's just an entertainment blog. You're starting to sound a little manic. Breathe.

    1. I am manic, that is irrelevant. I am pointing out the hypocrisy (sometimes) and snarkily commenting. Just because it's counter general opinion doesn't mean I am a troll. Everyone else dumps on post subjects daily and complain when they get a dose of their own medicine. How are my posts disrupting your lives? Truth hurts? If you're bold enough to post nasty lies and speculation about complete strangers, be prepared when someone calls you on it instead of whining "troll".

      I simply feel like stating exactly what comes to mind. I shall.

      Referring to Mango as a lezzie wasn't intended to be an insult, it was an assumption based comparison. Do YOU view lesbian as a derogatory term?

      Mango, not that it matters, I like you.

  38. So, um..... Hijack achieved, huh?

  39. Hey, Puggle? Empress? Do you like ice cream? I prefer sorbet.

  40. The Olsens are about 25 aren't they and I don't think Sarkozy is 75. And didn't at least one of them already go to rehab years ago so why would their parents be getting involved now. Besides, these girls have gazillions. They wont be going broke anytime in this lifetime.

  41. @mango: I had pinkberry for lunch. It was amazing. I'm sad that I'll most likely soon be moving somewhere without it :(

  42. timebob said...
    Funny how these parents step in when the gravy train is being emptied by someone other than the parents


  43. I really like Jeannette McCurdy, i remember getting the first blind about her right and was very sad. Hopefully she can get away from all the leeches, just wish it had been sooner

  44. @ J - Seriously, why get so wound up? This isn't, it's a gossip blog and we are posting to weigh in with our opinions and guesses on the posts and, in general, to snark. From your posts I don't understand who you're angry with, individual bloggers, bloggers as a group, or Enty (who, incidentally, makes a shekel with each rant you post, so he probably loves it when you rant!)

    We are here to have fun and snark about celebs like Bieber, who probably make more in one day than we (okay, I) will all year. So yeah, when he walks around with his pants around his knees, spitting at his neighbors, he's fair game. Reese "Don't You Know Who I Am" Witherspoon is another; she thinks that because she won an Oscar she and her husband can walk away from a DUI. That's certainly worthy of snark, isn't it?

    So join us... it's fun!

  45. I'm wondering if the Sam and Kat thing has fallen through. Ariana Grande has been on Disney Radio numerous times recently and it's virtually unheard of for Disney to put anyone but Disney stars on Disney Radio.

  46. I'm wondering if the Sam and Kat thing has fallen through. Ariana Grande has been on Disney Radio numerous times recently and it's virtually unheard of for Disney to put anyone but Disney stars on Disney Radio.

  47. Mango, sorry I missed you on here. Every time I go to Publix I think of you:)

  48. McCurdy of iCarly, the most famous and depraved tweener show. God knows all that happened there, with the creepy obsession that the producer had with the star of the show. Since the end of recording of the show, Cosgrove suffers constant bullying on the web. Sure thing Scheneider is behind it.

    "I wish her parents would start talking about what else they saw happen on that show". Me too, me too! Feel free to share anything you know, enty.

  49. I don't get why all of these parents wait until AFTER the show. Are they that money-hungry that they sacrifice their own kids? I wish one of them would speak up while the abuse was happeneing.

  50. "timebob said...
    Funny how these parents step in when the gravy train is being emptied by someone other than the parents"

    My thoughts exactly.

  51. I thought this line was revealing -

    "I have worked too hard, going through chemo again for the past three years, and yet she continues doing what she does."

    As though Jennette's life should be dictated by her mother's struggles.
