Saturday, April 13, 2013

James Keach Cheats - Jane Seymour Kicks Him To The Curb

After two decades together, Jane Seymour and James Keach are calling it quits. More accurately, Jane is calling it quits after James cheated on her again. This will be Jane's fourth divorce, but you know what, 20 years on the fourth one is pretty good. The couple have twin sons together and apparently James cheated with a very good friend of Jane's so she kicked him out of their Malibu house and they are negotiating the terms of the divorce. I bet Jane is already getting calls from guys who would like to take her out.


  1. Wow. He is not a attractive man.

  2. I hope she kicked the so called "good friend" out of her life as well. Don't understand why people cheat.

  3. AN attractive man, I meant!

  4. He's a fool

    And a "good friend" doesn't boink your spouse

  5. He must be a master dickmatizer.

  6. Or would it be dickmatist?

  7. Holy sheepsh*t! This woman is 62 YEARS OLD?! What in the name of amazing magical elixers is SHE drinking?? And where can I get some....seriously, the woman looks about 45, tops!
    You go girl. You go.

  8. He looks a lot like his brother Stacy.

    1. RCB, I always thought she was married to *Stacy* Keach... didn't realize it was his brother...

  9. He's 66. How good does he think it's going to get for him? Way to damage a family dude! Good show!!

  10. Jane is gorgeous for 62! She must get her secret potions from Helen Miren!

  11. Do you think that's her real hair? It looks real to me, and if so, again, total AMAZEBALLS! (sorry, been watching too much of the New Girl!:)

  12. Is this guy famous? I have no idea who he is. Way to mess up a good thing. You can't get much better than Dr. Quinn.

  13. I think he read a little too much into her "open heart pendants"

    1. What @VIP said.

    2. My thought as well! God those things are tacky! offense to anyone who has one.

  14. Damn, she looks fabulous! I recall seeing her on TV 30+ years ago.

    He's a douche and her 'friend' is no better. Time to take out the trash, girl!

  15. I guess the husband got confused, Jane loves with an open heart not an open marriage.

  16. @VIP and timebob. Hahaahaa! But not...

  17. Those open hearts always just look like snakes to me.
    Perhaps she was just subconsciously channeling her husband when she designed them?

  18. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Funny how it's not about the woman's looks, but more about something going on in the guys head, when there's cheating. No one can deny she is stunning. At least I think no one can.

  19. That's too bad, I thought they were happy and good together and that she had finally found a nice guy.

  20. Is it wrong she drives me CRAZY? She was the original HOOP

  21. That sucks...losing the marriage is bad enough, but her "friend" as well....assholes. It's indefensible. Luckily she's aged flawlessly, soooo fuck them both!

  22. This one made me sad. My first thought was the heart pendent, it may have to change from open to broken!

  23. She's looking good for her age! I'm not worried about her going the Demi route, she's too classy and apparently too good for her douchey husband.

  24. LOL VIP and Timebob! *Waves to Meenie*

    What a fool and again..a good friend doesn't sleep with your husband. Maybe it's just me but I cannot find my friends husbands worthy of killing a relationship for sex.

  25. Well, never saw their names as blind item guesses but I bet they're in there somewhere.

  26. *waves back to Sherry*

    Shtupping my s/o is a deal breaker in a friendship. I think that betrayal would hurt more.

  27. Aww :( I hope her heart mends soon!
    You can be the most beautiful woman in the world, and be courted by men far more physically attractive than your cheating spouse, and it still doesn't dim the pain of being betrayed. Speedy recovery Dr Quinn!

  28. Call me Kat. Kitty Kat.

    1. /dying of laughter
      I was completely traumatized, seeing her that way

  29. Good for her, and I hope she drops the friend too.

  30. @Xander- they look like snakes to me, too. So fug. One of the open hearts commercials came on once when I was watching tv with my sister, I started bitching about how ugly they are and how no one in their right mind should spend money on them. So of course, she pulls out her open hearts necklace her husband had recently bought for her.

    1. Hee.
      I think that they would be beautiful gifts for all the ladies of Slytherin.

  31. She is beautiful and lovely and loveable. Some stars radiate charisma and likeability, even if they seem like they could, perhaps, be a little tough when they need to be. Seymour is an iconic goddess. 62? That's what kills me. When I'm that old, I hope I look that good, though of course with shorter hair.

  32. I wonder if this answers an older blind.

  33. Anonymous10:06 AM

    @VIP and Timebob. Very funny.

  34. I've always loved Dr. Quinn!! She looks amazing!! I hope she can recover from this :( Being betrayed by your husband AND a friend...that's rough!

  35. she looks grew and she's the money maker...she'll be fine

  36. great....I meant great

  37. I met her once waaaay back in the day when she was the "face" of some perfume. Lancome maybe? Anyway, I was just starting out and had to mike her for her interview. One of the crew guys said I should just stick my hand under her jacket to hide the mic cord. I don't know if he was serious or not but there wasn't a chance in hell I was doing something like that. So I just clipped the mic to her jacket and asked to to hide the cord herself. She was very professional and pleasant. Very tiny, but absolutely gorgeous even back then.

  38. LOL, Nellie, I was trying to figure out what HOOP might stand for before I saw your second comment. :)

  39. She cheated on her ex-husband with Keech, so what did she expect? Karma's a bitch.

  40. All I can think of is the time Stacy Keach turned into a lizard from smoking too much pot.

  41. Married fourth times ???
    62 years old?
    Only dudes calling her are the ones looking for a sugar momma .

  42. Wow, beautiful woman. Forgot all about Jane Seymour.

  43. Ugh...he looks like Bill O'Reilley.

  44. One of my friends had her best female friend cheat with her male de facto partner (I figured in this day and age I should be specific). My friend never cut ties. Still plays sport with them & went to their wedding. Hates the woman, blames her entirely, but would take the cheating douchebag back in a second -it has been 14 years & she has wasted all of them pining for this loser. Good for Jane for being strong & getting rid of him.

  45. Haha Jason I thought he looked like John Cleese

  46. She is beautiful and I have always loved her speaking voice - the accent, I suppose.

    What is wrong with people? My best friends's husband started an affair with a coworker/friend of hers WHILE SHE WAS NURSING HER TERMINALLY ILL MOTHER. His excuse? 'You neglected me for your mother.'

    Yep. Total winner.

  47. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I'll take her out. Now where did I put her phone number...

  48. Some men are faithful to their wives even though they might be overweight and would never win a beauty contest. Then other men who are much less than average in the looks department cheat on women considered the most beautiful on the planet. I'm confused, because it seems that men are either awesome or assholes.

  49. What an idiot.

  50. My husband has that old Sinbad movie with the crappy stop motion effects in it, it's one of his favorites. Her in the skimpy princess costume is the main reason. She's not changed all that much. That husband of hers is a fool.

  51. She cannot that harmonious to live with herself if this is the fourth divorce.

  52. Douchebag loser. Gotta wonder why she keeps picking the wrong men. Apparently he's cheated before and she didn't kick him to the curb.

  53. @feraltart - That story is really depressing! :( Went to their wedding?? What torture that must have been.

    I saw the headline of their divorce and wondered the cause after all those years. She has not had much luck in the love department.

  54. I remember there was a bit of controversy when these two got married back in the 80s. I think they were married and divorced their spouses to be together. It also could have something to do with Stacy's drug problems. I just remember it was a big deal back then.

    Beauty has nothing to do with anyone cheating. The most beautiful women often get cheated on. Halle Berry is a perfect example.

  55. I have always classified her with someone like Christie Brinkley: great looks and smiling public images but multiple marriages and husbands that always cheat on them. While it is possible to serially marry adulters I would suggest that the other commonality is the wife. In interviews they always struck me as vain and self-absorbed. Maybe they need to look in the mirror for something other than their looks.

  56. ...but he's so ugly...and she's so gorgeous. What a fool.
