Friday, April 12, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

If you have one of these hymnals from 1640 kicking around your place, you could sell it and pick up $30M. They are the first books ever printed in America.
This beaver is a man killer. He killed a guy in Belarus who took this photo. Yep, the beaver bit him in the thigh. Got the artery.
Brandi Glanville cleaning out her garage before she has to move.
Chris Brown and Rihanna are dating again this week.
Not dating,but always happy to lend a hand to her breast is Charlie Sheen with Lindsay Lohan.
Heather Locklear and her look-a-like daughter. Glad she does not look like Richie.
And Ashley Tisdale tries to stay as far away from her boyfriend as possible.
Halle Berry still in Rio.
Hugh Jackman needs a spotter.
Jessica Alba looks a bit sad.


  1. Holy cases of smart water Brandi!

  2. Hugh Jackman looks as if he's about to go Wolverine on somebody's ass.

  3. You can almost see the bacteria floating around Charlie & Lindsay.

  4. WTF did Heather Locklear do to her face? I actually think her daughter does look like Richie Sambora but with Heather's coloring.

    Crazy Halle looks stunning.

    Ashley Tisdale is fug.

    Rihanna & Chris Brown deserve each other.

    Imagining the amount of STDs between Charlie Sheen & Blohan is enough to make me want to wear a hazmat suit.

  5. For some reason I like Brandi. She seems like she would be fun to go drinking with. I just wouldn't reveal any secrets to her.

  6. Why is Brandi moving?

  7. If they killed that beaver, I don't want to know! Yes, it's unfortunate a man died, but dude was possibly messing with an animal and...well. I'll stop.

    Brandi is just like us! Messy garage!

    Lindsay used to be so cute. Gawd, stop messing with your face!

  8. A la EmEyeKay - Wolverine Wolverine Wolverine!

  9. Heather stop messing with your face, too! :(

  10. brandi is my fave housewife. wish i had her body!

    beautiful clothes on tisdale and alba

  11. My roommate who's an Aussie has a BFF that trains Hugh in NYC - last time we were there I missed him by a day - I'm always trying to get my roommate to have her friend send pics but nope - he says he doesn't take photos with people he likes :(

  12. I think Ava DOES look like Richie! And Heather has GOT to stop messing with her face....

  13. That's one angry beaver!
    Count me in on being jealous of Brandi's bod. Wolverine looks smokin'. Heather Locklear looks like she's done something with her nose, scooping do they call it?

    1. Anna, of course brandi has great bod!! Shes had like 19 surgeries!

  14. ugh look at how skinny Heather is, makes me sad.

  15. LILO and Charlie are like walking Petri dishes, there will probably be a new STD named after them in a few years.

    Hugh...I can spot you anytime!!! He's so hot, makes my heart skip a beat.

    Aaaaaaannnd there's Jessica Alba, as usual.

  16. Dude, don't f* with a Russian beaver. Or a Russian Beaver. Just don't.

    Why is Glandville strapping ankle weights on a little kid? And is that a bunch of Costco pallets of soda by the washer?

    Heather looks great, and Halle is working pg nicely (cough * hint KK * cough)

    Wolverine. I'll be in my bunk.

    Alba for the actress reveal?

  17. Maybe Brandy would have money for rent if she would quit getting expensive plastic surgery and chemical peels. Priorities all out of whack.

  18. I think looks like Ritchie also, it's not a bad thing.

    Dayum to Hugh Jackman, what a fine specimen.

  19. Love Hugh's shoes!!!

  20. Yeah, more Alba. What IS this obsession?

  21. Hugh looks like he has chicken legs.

  22. LiLo looks like she's in her 40s!!!! She's about two years away from resembling Meg Ryan!

  23. That doesn't even look like a beaver; it looks like a pig!

  24. @SubaruGirl: LOL, and darling, you gotta make it ALL CAPS! :)



  25. I certainly hope they didn't destroy the beaver either, Meenie. I will never understand when they do that. They see a mt. lion on a tree in the Palo Alto, find it and destroy it rather than move it to a more remote spot in the Santa Cruz Mts. Why?

    I happen to think Richie was very good looking and Ava is gorgeous. She got the best of both, you ask me.

    Where are Sleezy and Sleezier? Wonder who she stole the dress from and if it was shortened before the night was over.

  26. I don't usually care about this but I'm on board with those who want to know why Jessica Alba is in the random photos just about everyday. Is she that exciting?! It's a bit of an overkill with her and the Afflecks.

  27. i agree with Pogue. That looks like some kind of crazy hairy pig.

  28. I hope Lilo is a better actress with her *cough* friends. She positively radiates disgust.

    Hugh looks like he's practicing for a wolverine photoshoot.

  29. You can tell the beaver is ready to strike because his tail is under him. RUN!!!!!!!!!

  30. Didn't Brandi *just* post a picture of her post-chemical-peel face??

  31. Wolverine, those had better not be those toe-glove sneaker thingies. C'mon now.

  32. People joke about beavers, but here in Canada, we know they're vicious little buggers. Very territorial and aggressive. They'll shank you for a nickel!

  33. Dayyyyum Hugh Jackman!! My newly single self is loving that picture!

  34. I don't think Heather's daughter looks anything like Heather did when she was young--Heather's done something to her face but she was very pretty and fresh looking when she was a young actress--I see her dad in her--she has her mom's coloring is all.

  35. Actually from what I read this particular beaver's 'victim' lived and wasn't seriously injured, but another man in a similar situation was not so lucky....the guy in this pic/video asked for it though, if you ask me.

    Here's a link to the video of the attack (that I'm sure this picture is from) if you're interested:

  36. I highly doubt that Brandi straps weights on her kids daily. I can imagine being a kid, coming across them as we are moving and packing, asking what they are and how do they work, and my mom stopping to explain and show me. My mom was very hands-on like that, and liked to make it an educational moment if I asked her seriously about something. Is it that unbelievable that BG might do the same?

    Not a regular viewer of RHoBH or a big fan of Brandi's, but I do get the sense that she loves those kids.

    Also, rich people shop at Costco too. And are known to buy generic brands. Is there a "People of Costco" website?

    I shudder to think what folks might think of any of us if we happened to have a random pic posted somewhere for the world to view and judge! LOL

  37. @Martita, good points, I just thought it was weird - ankle weights on the kid while wearing ankle weights herself. Shopping at Costco, don't care, but pallets of soda seemed weird, too.

    But ya know, these pics aren't put here for any reason but for us to judge/make fun of/look at, right? If someone took a pic of me after my morning run and plastered it all over the tabloids as if I was something special with my random sweaty panting... laugh or cry, pick one. :D

    The Alec Baldwin pic cracked me up - my sister got a shot of me eating yoghurt once. Let's just say it ain't pretty and I had to bribe her.

  38. I zoomed in at the beaver picture, and saw a hog. I am wearing my glasses too. Either it's a horrible shot of the animal, or it is a hog.

    I realize animals can attack when totally unprovoked. Many times it is assholes bugging wild animals, amd they end up injured. Beavers are cute, yes, but they are wild animals, stop provoking them. Go pet a house cat.

  39. @mira222 - the man in the link you provided *did* die. It's stated in the article and I read it in several reports today online. I haven't read that he was trying to antagonize it, just trying to take it's picture and he just got bitten in the wrong area and they couldn't stop the bleeding. Horrible accident.

    It looks like Brandi is also wearing the ankle weights and weighted gloves as well.

  40. @Lelaina - not to nitpick over beaver attacks, but I'm pretty sure the video was posted by Alexander Targon who actually managed to escape/survive the attack; it states in the article:

    "Earlier this week a video was posted on YouTube showing a man in the Tver region, northwest of Moscow, running away from a beaver who charged at him as he was filming in the area."

    I believe they're unrelated (yet remarkably similar) incidents :)

  41. I like Brandi, but I'd not confide in her. I'm not sure I'd confide in any of the RHofBH ladies.
    I would, however, volunteer to spot Hugh Jackman any time. Yes, I understand he may be gay/bi, but he's still hot.

  42. @mira - Whoops, sorry. I thought you were saying the man from Belarus survived. I didn't watch the video, just read the link you posted. ;)

  43. @Lelaina, no worries! I should have been clearer that I thought the guy in the video sort of provoked his attack - he should have quit following it the first time the beaver stopped & stared at him....glad he survived though, looks like it would be an awful way to go.

  44. I don't care much for beavers, they can be mean little things but if you leave them alone they won't come after you. Unlike nutria rats, which I always think are plotting my demise using those icky red teeth. Ack!

  45. @mira - I watched. I think you are right. And in most of these videos Enty has posted (remember the idiot parents w/ the buffalo??), it IS provoked.

    If we have learned anything today, don't eff with beavers and geese. :-)

  46. I missed the Buffalo video but think I can guess... and agreed - most times if not outright provoked, could most certainly have been avoided (although the other lady mentioned/linked in the article was apparently attacked by a beaver as she exited the lake after a swim, lol, not funny I know, but so random!)

  47. That does not look like a beaver. Beavers have flat tails.

    On another note (halie berry) Saw my OBY today and asked her about a 46 year old getting pregnant w/o any intervention. She said "extremely unlikely but not impossible". In 10 years of practice, she has had only one patient that was 46 when she gave birth, (halie will be 47). The interesting thing to me, wax that the woman was 7 months pregnant, before she went to the MD, and then it didn't occur to her that she was pregnant, because of her age. The woman thought she had a tumor. So i was thinking that halies pregnancy couldn't have been too much of a surprise, if she thought to take a pregnancy test. This is a Kaiser OBG (bazillion patients), not some country MD with a few dozen patients a year. She said she has had several patients who were surprised at 44, but there is a really big difference between 44 and 46 when you are talking about fertility.

  48. I'm getting the feeling that Halle is going to pull a KimK and try to dress sexy while pregnant. Blah. Halle, girl you are a beautiful lady but stop with the mesh cutouts on your sexy formal wear. Pull it back a notch or two

  49. Good Morning CDANers! I wonder why Enty is commenting about Alba looking a bit sad. Wasn't there a blind thought to be about her about issues with the hubby?

  50. Anonymous7:46 AM


  51. hotchacha: Wolverine was photographed wearing those sneakers the other day walking with his family

  52. Did Heather Locklear make her daughter bleach and cut her hair the same way as hers?
