Thursday, April 11, 2013

Janet Jackson Didn't Tell Her Family She Got Married

In an interview with Global Grind, LaToya Jackson said she learned her sister got married the same way the rest of the world did, through the media. I don't know why LaToya was surprised that Janet didn't share the news with her. If I am Janet I don't trust any of my siblings not to sell the story, because you know they would. Plus, if you invited them to the wedding, then they will want to go to the reception and they will eat all the food and drink all the booze and then get up and sing their songs which no one has ever heard and pay tribute to Michael and complain about how he did not really give them enough money to live so if everyone could pass the collection plate and spare a few bucks they would be obliged. Plus, that woman from Shahs Of Sunset if probably going to come with her Jackson boyfriend and pass out diamond water and do palm readings. Do you think LaToya bought Janet a wedding gift? I don't.


  1. How does Janet just happen to find some mega-wealthy guy to marry? Craigslist?

  2. What a family! Makes me grateful for my slightly less dysfunctional parents and siblings

  3. I don't blame her. Look at her family.

  4. Her eyebrow situation scares me.

    1. Her face scares me. She needs to stop with the surgery!

  5. @libby
    She probably did a show for his family or he contacted her via his money. A lot of these entertainers get paid huge bucks in the Middle East and Asia.

  6. Janet is so dull. Wasn't she trying to get ahold of money that Michael left for his kids? She's no different than the rest of them.

  7. Janet has had those eyebrows since about 1993.

  8. Think his money had something to do with it....all them jackson's seem to need some.

  9. Her face! Omg! Stop with the freakin' plastic surgery, people!!

    Yeah, she's just as bad as the rest of them.

  10. @PuggleWug, I think that speculation was that she wanted them to get Michael's money so that they'd stop hitting her up for cash. Doesn't really excuse her, though.

  11. Henriette--THAT'S what I wanted to hear. I assumed that's true..but ick!

    What do you call a prostitute who marries the john? HMMMMM......

  12. Knowing the Jackson family, they would be demanding that Janet give *them* wedding gifts, rather than the other way around.

    Then again, color me surprised that Janet didn't ask her siblings for wedding gifts.

  13. I just caught the sentence about the gifts. Why would she ask anyone for gifts, her husband is a billionaire. She needs for nothing at all.

    Unless... LaToya wants to hand down those fabulous wigs.

  14. "...and get up and sing their songs which no one has ever heard"

    Haha that made me LOL

  15. This family!!! One is stranger than the other.

  16. Why would she? They'd take a battering ram to her front door.

  17. Is that her husband? He looks like an Armenian Michael Lohan.

  18. I don't blame Janet.

    I realize the whole kids-money-altercation snafu last year looked REALLY bad, but Janet's been with this guy a while and she's got her own money, so I never understood the Janet-is-out-for-Michael's-money scenario. Maybe it was accurate, but maybe it wasn't. It just didn't make sense. The whole thing is weird and I've given up applying logic to the Jacksons.

  19. @NomNom83 "...I've given up applying logic to the Jacksons."

    True words of wisdom.

  20. Nothing Janet Jackson does surprises me.

    I remember reading Michael told his children not to trust any of them and didn't except Janet.

    I think this family is the definition of dysfunctional.

  21. I lost my love for Janet when 'granny gate' happened. And I was a lifer, I remember seeing her when we were both young kids, and she would come on stage with her pink boa (yes that long ago!

    Wasn't it rumored that her last boyfriend/husband James Dupre spend a whole lot of her money and never made it back?

    And remembered how shocked everyone was that Janet wasn't gaurdian for Michaels' kids?

    And one has to wonder, just what would have happened to the kids *IF* Paris didn't have a twitter account?

    1. Thats Jermaine Dupri, the only man in Hollywood whos smaller than GMD. And he threw up in her lap some years ago-probably while they were both standing--right before she dumped him.

  22. Armenian Michael Lohan Hahahahaha He so does! @lil miss smoke

  23. She did this everytime she got married I think, so I guess nobody was surprised she did it again.

    She married some time last year, right? That probably means that she was already married when Katherine was 'on a break'. So when did the family start hitting her up for money? Two or three minutes after she told them?

  24. I wouldn't tell those over dramatic idiots anything I did.
