Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Goopster Says Her Kids Eat Normal Stuff - They Once Had Oreos

So, if you have kids, and I asked you whether your kids have ever eaten junk food, do you think you could rattle off a dozen junk food items they have eaten over the years? Probably. Gwyneth Paltrow recorded a segment for Dr. Oz and defended her previous remarks that her kids are not subject to strict diets because of her, but because of their allergies. She says her son is allergic to gluten and that her daughter is allergic to cow's milk. So hear that Chris Martin, stop taking your daughter out for milkshakes, she is allergic. The Goopster says her kids eat what every other kid eats and that she has even fed them carbs. She remembers one time they had Oreos. Probably at Jay-Z's house because The Goopster would never turn down anything Bey or Jay suggested.


  1. I may be in the minority, but I like Gwynnie. Yes, sometimes she says ridiculous, elitist things, but I don't get all the hate. I think she's a talented actress and seems like a nice person.

    1. She is a horrible, horrible person, especially to those who have worked for her or are in menial positions in the industry. Its a running joke at the PR firm I was involved with a good many yrs back, that hooking is preferable to having to deal with GOOP.

  2. God she is an idiot. Maybe it's all the bleach to her brain.

  3. The title of this is hilarious. I'm sure Apple is eating junk food at school, that her friends give her. When Goop is off on book signings, I bet Martin and the kids have a sugar free for all. I also think the gluten allergy of Moses is bogus.

    1. Gluten allergy very much so exists. Have you ever met anyone with celiac disease? I have celiac and not only am I intolerant to it, I am also highly allergic. I was at a pub a few weeks ago enjoying a nice hard cider and sitting at the bar in front of the food prep. They starting rolling out a pizza crust and the excess flour was blown int direction. That made for some VERY unbearable hives and constricted breathing. Luckily I carry my epi pen in my purse.

    2. @Angie, I know about gluten allergies. I meant I doubt her son has the allergy (just my opinion!). I should have used different wording.

  4. Henriette, watch the video. Enty completely misquoted her.

    The Gwynnie hate is taking over for the 'easy-clicks' Ang hate posts of yore.

    Geez, I AM cynical today.

  5. Of course she gave them Oreos; they're "accidentally" vegan :) And safe for people who have to avoid dairy

  6. You would think with all her resources she would have better hair.

  7. Are you kidding me that the dad takes the daughter out for milkshakes?

    I think she comes off ridiculous because she IS an expert in acting, but she IS NOT an expert in nutrition or cooking. So, when she puts out a cookbook she opens herself up to ridicule. The whole celebrity cookbook thing drives me nuts, and I'm saying this as an avid collector and studier of cookbooks.

    I kinda give a side eye to her in that she claims that her children AND Gwynnie herself have all these food allergies. The likelihood of that is absurd. I want proof, damn it.

  8. Goop creates much of this talk by talking about it all the time. Just stfu!!

  9. I don't know why, but I'm kinda starting to like her. I certainly never hated her. I reserve any hate I have for abusers. Until she kicks kitties and puppies and steals candy from babies, I'll just be mildly annoyed by her. ;)

  10. @greenmountaingirl, I don't hate Goop. I think she's a pretty good actress. She just comes off as very pretentious, and totally ignorant about how everyday people live. It annoys me. The fact that she keeps on saying stupid shit doesn't help. I think she really needs to think prior to saying certain things.

  11. I had Oreos once. Today.

  12. I'm just so tired of all the actors who try and come off as an expert in something and then tell us what we should be doing - I can't stand any of it - political, nutritional, educational, etc. Any and all of it. I pay tickets to see a concert not listen to political views.

  13. I don't like Oreos. I LOVE Oreos! /looks in direction of store 20 miles away

  14. In the VIDEO, G says MOSES is allergic to cow milk, NOT the daughter.

    Since everyone's taking Enty's word for it....BAD ENTY. Totally misquoted.

  15. @Libby
    It just her this incident, it's all of them combined. She is just so out of touch with everything. There are tons of paps showing her kids eating junk, so is she unaware of that? There was a pic of Peachfuzz eating potato chips. Another pic of Noah eating candy etc. Obviously Goopster is just lying and insulting the public in the process.

    Also why is she so touchy about being reminded she is a natural brunette? It's not like having a venereal disease or anything.

  16. She diagnosed them I bet, not doctors. Also, if your kid is lactose intolerant, you don't take them to get milkshakes. Unless Chris Martin enjoys the smell of Apple's swampass post milkshake, I am calling her bluff on the allergy.

  17. @greenmountaingal, I'm with you. Goop is ridiculous and completely out of touch, but I think that she's a good mom and a hands-on mom. I'm sure they have at least one nanny, but she is often with her kids and they always look really happy. I roll my eyes at a lot of things she says ($300 for a t-shirt?!), but I don't hate her.

  18. Is that last line a confirmation of Gwynnie and Jay Z?

  19. Count me as another Oreo lover. Fake oreos are gross.

  20. @PuggleWug
    I know! Whatever batshit crazy Goopster is on, the kids are too. She blamed them for her microbotic/vegan spell:"I have to eat this way for the children." BS!

  21. The problem is with all her control over food, her kids may end up with eating disorders. Aren't we always told the mantra of 'everything in moderation?' She is trying too hard to be perfect and it makes me sad for her.

  22. Henriette---In the VIDEO, she says that she never said they were on her strict diet. Clearly they're not, and this current quote is closer to the truth than many other things we've 'heard' she said, obviously.

    But by all means, fall into the narrative about why we're all supposed to hate her.

    She is a natural blonde, who ashed-up as she aged. I was, her kids probably will be dark when they're older, many many do. Maybe she's 'touchy' about it because it's not true?

    I'm not trying to be combative, Henriette, my tone is not intended that way.

  23. @libby
    I don't hate her, but she has stated on her website that she went "microbotic/vegan" for her kids.

    She is not a natural blonde. She took down her high school pic of her with light brown hair when someone asked her if she was really a brunette on twitter.

    I just think she is an idiot and a hypocrite, but a pretentious one. That makes her a bit more annoying than others in Hollyweird.

  24. Don't hate her just find her annoying! It's annoying when someone pretends to know everything about everything and wants to teach us "lesser" humans how to better our lives. And that post on Goop about her hard life as a working mother was the worst.

  25. Amen, mikey, Amen.

    Attending concerts during which the performer launches into a political tirade drives me INSANE - I'm looking at your Bruce and Madonna. I just don't understand why actors and musicians think we need to hear their expertise on everything. I can make my own health and political conclusions, thank you very much. I may browse Paltrow's book the next time I'm in Barnes and Noble for shits and giggles, but that's as far as I'll go.

  26. @libby, yeah my fiance had white blond hair when he was a toddler and now it's black. My best friend still considers herself a blond even though her hair has pretty much crossed the line from dark blond to light brown (used to be very very blond).

  27. Btw--I agree with everyone that Goop has disordered eating, and it probably rubs off on her kids. But many kids experience that or worse with a parent and turn out normal, so there's plenty of hope.

  28. It IS possible she took her kids to the doctor and the doctor diagnosed them and said there are some dietary corrections that can help. Both my brother and I are lactose intolerant. We also both dont do so hot w/a lot of grains, and he has IBS. I had pizza for dinner last night and my asthma and stomach freaked.

    I get that people think she's pretentious, but come on. Dietary issues can be a serious thing.

  29. I'm sorry a towhead kid is not a blonde to me. If you have dark hair from five to adulthood, you are not a "natural blonde." A "natural blonde" is a blonde until he or she goes grey or loses the hair. If you bleach fine, but having dark hair is not a sin either.


    1. @Henriette. Okay, so those 30 years that I was blonde don't count because my hair darkened to light brown after that? Good to know, I'll take that black marker to all my childhood and high school photos now.

  30. Yeah, the disorded eating thing is serious, but what parents don't have issues that they try to hide from their kids and raise them the best that they can?

    I have an eating disorder. I view food and eating in an unhealthy way and I work really hard to eat normally. When I have kids, all I can do is try my best not to pass on those unhealthy views.

  31. If I were a kid at their school, I would be asking mom for extra treats to bring to them every day. Hell, if I were a parent of one of their classmates, I'd be proactively packing extra treats to give to Gwynnie's kids.

    And then I'd send the hyped up on sugar kids home to Gwynnie to take care of :)

    1. @Seachica. *inspecting fingernails* I may, quite possibly totally by accident, have done this to one or two of my ex-BIL's right before they came to pick up the kid(s) for the weekend. Several times. Maybe.

  32. Nope, Hen--I've seen the pic too. that's my hair (my avi is dark dye), although I had a touch more red than G. In pics it looks dark, but up close it's transparent. She was probably very blonde every Summer; just an hour of sun would bleach mine.

    I knew a copper-redhead guy who had the same 'ashen-ing' of his head-hair as a late teen, so he looked brown-haired. But he WAS a 'natural' redhead, if YKWIM....and THAT could be why Gwynnie is adamant about being natural blonde. Seriously. It's in the pubes.

    (Sorry to gross you out.)

  33. "Seriously. It's in the pubes."

    AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! Awesome, Libby.

  34. Karen--I have disordered eating given me by my parents, from neglect and scolding me for eating. Also made fun of me for being too skinny. Fucked up, for SERIOUS. I'd take Gwynnie as a mom any day. At least she does love them, it seems.

    There are as many reasons as there are people I think. Good luck with yours, Karen!

  35. pretentious and insufferable

  36. Karen, those red pubes were one of the happiest surprises of my LIFE. (Read that in a George Bluth voice)

  37. @libby
    Then Goopster could have said something to the effect of "being a blonde on the inside" or some such thing. It's not a big deal if your hair goes dark.

  38. There is a weird phenomenon in our society. If someone eats (or feeds their kids) McDonalds and junk food all the time, no one says anything to them. But if you (and your children) go vegan or macrobiotic, suddenly everyone is coming up to you and telling you how concerned they are for your health

    1. @VIP, I think it's the opposite, or at least that's what it seems at my son's school when I talk to other moms.

  39. If Moses is allergic to gluten then I do hope he isn't the one chowing down on Oreos. I must be the only person on the planet that has no love for those cookies. I'd rather have chocolate chip or peanut butter cookies--homemade preferably.

    1. @audrey - I had PB filled chocolate cookies come across my dash the other day. Must. Find. Recipe.

  40. @Libby, awesome! Love AD references!

    And thank you. I had my disorder in check for a while, but then I started dieting for the wedding and so that I could fit into my old clothes (I went up size). When I realized that I was gleefully fasting on Ash Wednesday, I had to make myself eat food so that I wouldn't just keep starving myself.

  41. Isn't there gluten and dairy in oreos?

  42. 100% Agreed VIP!

  43. Goop doesn't bother me. She means well, doesn't upset foreign leaders etc, but I don't consider her a guru either. She was brought up differently to all of us, went to Crossroads school etc.

    She's no different to any of the women they interview in sunday supplements, you know the Primrose Hill London Yoga types. I wouldn't want to spend time with her but I don't begrudge her the air that she breathes.

    Anyway I think her face is too thin she could do with eating an oreo or two.

  44. @VIP, that is so true and how phuqued up is that?!

  45. guise. you guise. a little more understanding, please. she's just cementing her First Lady of Doucheachusetts role in life. allow her to embrace the delusions and effery that it demands, requires, and entails.


  46. I just ate a Newman-o in honor of Gwyneth's children.

    (Yes, they are better than Oreos and I get to think of Paul Newman when I eat them.)

    1. @Kelly Nice! I am obsessed with Fig Newmans!!

  47. Karen, ya gotta keep vigilant against ED. I know it's tough and man, nothing like the pressure of looking good for the wedding to set it off, huh? Be strong, honey and be healthy. <3

  48. Thanks, Meanie ;)

  49. Karen, I feel you. Seriously.

    Good luck for your wedding! The stress will be over soon.

  50. VIP - I notice the same thing. I have a relative who died blind. He was a sugar freak. Nobody connects the dots. I see friends down Prilosec but never eat decent food. Old people have horrible arthritis but continue to drink milk. People take alergy drugs instread of removing pesticides from their diet. It's like everyone is in denial that a change of diet could make them healthy. Not even Honey Boo Boo can get people to eqt healthy. Her 6 fingered neice has to come from something! That's not natural!!

  51. There may be me gluten in Oreos but no dairy. I'm lactose intolerant, and I can eat them. Actually, I call Oreos "Vitamin O."

  52. Here is the thing with Gwen, Sliding Doors is one of my all time favorite movies. It pains me to see her acting like this.

    She wouldn't come off looking so much as an ass if she could knock her ego down a bit and see what she really looks like. She contradicts herself in interviews all the time.

    And honestly people like her who claim their kids have all these allergies really do more damage to those who really do suffer from food allergies. I am deathly allergic to shellfish, carry an epi pen allergic. You would be amazed at how many people say, just eat it you will be fine, you know all these people who claim all these allergies are making it up.

    And I have no doubt that she would be diagnosed with Orthorexia Nervosa. Which is the obsession with avoiding foods that they perceive are unhealthy, sugar, dairy, gluten all seems to be the most popular.

  53. I thought she said she did the micro diet while her dad was going through cancer. Anyone else remember that?

    And I don't hate her or like her. To me she is getting overexposed and my natural reaction to her is now an eye-roll.

  54. I think the Big Mac families are under constant criticism , look at Mayor Bloomberg's failed efforts to control soda sizes. I think the best way to plan meals is to assume everybody is pre diabetic. Fresh, natural and with a lot of effort to eliminate processed foods.

  55. The problem with her IMO is that she comes off as incredibly pretentious and spoiled , seems to have zero fucking clues as to what life is like for anyone not born into Hollywood royalty, yet thinks she somehow has the moral authority to tell everyone else what we're doing wrong.

    And if she's so healthy, why oh why does her hair always look like shit?

    1. I just ate an EL Fudge cookie in honor of the starving children in London.

  56. The filling of an oreo is vegetable shortening and sugar, whipped together.

    @VIPBlonde, I agree, although I will say with my 4 year old there is more awareness with nutrition now and in our group of friends, McDonalds (or any fast food) is a very special treat.

    We are a moderation family, dessert is for birthdays, special occasions and when eating out. They don't ask for it at home. We keep a bowl of fruit on the table, you can eat from that at anytime without asking. You want more than fruit and you have to ask.

    But I do not forbid them from eating a cupcake at school or getting candy at the Easter egg hunt.

  57. @VIP oohhhhhhhhh I am hungry!

  58. VIP you totally nailed it!

    Also, I have always loved Gwynnie and will continue to love her. Gwyneth-hate is so bandwagon-y to me.

  59. I'm giving her a mini-pass for that lovely outfit she wore at B&N yesterday.

    Goop reminds me of Effie Trinket in the Hunger Games (sans the makeup & crazy outfits, of course). She grew up in the fabulously wealthy Capitol and is used to eating delicacies and wearing fine clothes and sleeping in deluxe apartments, and doesn't understand why Katniss wouldn't shave her armpits or why she'd possibly hunt for her own food when you can get it at the butcher's - that's kind of Goop to me.

  60. Milkshakes can be made just as tasty with non-dairy ice cream and soy or almond milk. Considering she lives in L.A., I imagine most places offer milk alternatives. Starbucks does.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I was allergic to sugar (still am to a lesser degree) when I was a kid. If I had sugar I would get hyper then throw up. I had a book called "parties make me sick" and would have to take carrot sticks and celery to birthday parties. Now every now and then I can have 1 square of dark chocolate or 1/2 can of soda but for the most part sweets make me feel ill and make my joints ache.

    I'm just thankful natural sugars like the ones found in wine don't affect me, although if I have more than two beers my shoulders will ache for hours.

    My point is what she's discussing is real, I think people are just sick of her discussing it. I'd imagine Chris Martin hates her talking about their kids on Dr Oz.

  63. Look we don't know absolutely whether or not she gave the children the diagnoses or if a Dr. did. She mentioned that only Moses has gluten and dairy issues and I cannot blame a mom for doing what she can to keep her kid safe. Even if that mom is a pretentious weeny.

    Lotta: At Safeway out in CA there are cookies that are actually better than Oreo's so my husband claims.

    And the filling in Oreo's is the same as frosting you'd see on a cake. Ain't nothing but shortening and sugar.

  64. I kinda enjoy Gwynnie - even though a bit elitist, she seems really sweet, she actually reminds me of one of my best friends. And unlike my friend, I bet she doesn't drive a Mercedes adorned in Hello Kitty vomit.

  65. I m now torn between calling the Goopster the First Lady of Doucheachusetts or the Orthorexia nervosa Empress ... thank you all for the creativity :-)

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. She and Jolie and Pitt need to team up and share with all us normals their obvious skill at everything - food, art, politics, child rearing, furniture, decorating - you name it they just know it all. SNORT. How will the world continue with our so very deprived children leading it....

  68. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I love it, @Pookie. You're always awesome.

  69. I've had sensitivities to sugar for years, only made worse by my chosen profession - I'm a pastry cook. After moving to a very food allergy/intolerance obsessed city (Portland, OR), I bought myself a Groupon and got myself tested. Results: intolerance to egg and the combination of grain + dairy.

    Was scared for years to see if I ever had an intolerance or allergy, I definitely didn't want to change my diet, I ate super healthy but felt that for all my healthy eating I wasn't getting optimal results. Why the sores around my mouth? Why the sluggishness and 5 pounds I can't shift?

    Well, I stopped eating certain things and certain combinations - grain + dairy was a hard one (pizza! mac and cheese!) but now I wouldn't eat that way again on a daily basis, and only rarely do I indulge. I feel so much better, and I finally kicked my sugar addiction. Do I still have sweets? Hell yes, but things I make myself with natural sweeteners (coconut palm sugar, xylitol, maple syrup). I have something sweet every day and just finished a lovely breakfast of buckwheat pancakes made with flax meal (egg replacer!), almond milk, and walnut oil with a rhubarb and strawberry compote and maple syrup.

    I am not rich by ANY means, cooks do not make much money. But my health is important to me. I'm seeing too many people around me in their late 20s/early 30s get cancer, and the Standard American Diet is long overdue for some revision, and the US government's guidelines on how we should eat is not doing anyone any favors. It's funny how personal it is to talk about food, it really riles people up! But it's a conversation worth having.

    1. @europium Agreed! And those pancakes sound amazeballs!! Your recipe, or cookbook? The ones I make most often come from Veganomicon, but I'm always looking for new recipes!!

  70. I don't get all the strong emotions about Paltrow. But I do find it fascinating the way the public can sour on certain actresses (See: Anne Hathaway, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Anniston) Goopy seems to be particularly divisive, though.

    My impression? Paltrow is a walking, talking issue of Vogue. An escapist, aspirational, window into privilege that we like to momentarily pretend we exist within but then resent when we're reminded too much that it's not the lifestyle we actually live.

    People seem to fall into this, "Bitch, please. Your wardrobe budget is more than my house is worth! I'm now going to read and watch your every interview to remind myself why I hate you!" Everyone thinks she's talking to THEM, relating to THEM. And, sweet baby jesus, do I even have to explain this? No, no she is not. She doesn't care if you exist. Let alone follow her diet. But please do buy her book! Which makes her EXACTLY like every other actor out there. She's got a "brand" and she's hustlin'.

    As Jay-Z would say, "I'm not a businessman, I'm a business, man. Let me handle my buisness, damn!"

    1. Good answer NomNom but if the Goopster doesn t care about my humble existence, why is she baring herself and her intimacy on a daily basis in all the very big media outlets, Daily Mail, KneePads, TV?
      She could hawk her crap to the other 200 other Primrose Hill Yoga mums who can afford it in close circuit and the whole humanity d be the better for it.
      She doesn t like, understand or tolerate "us" but she decided she was going to enlighten "us" at all cost through headlines and educative interviews about her hardships. She delusional, contemptuous, cray cray and shoving it in my face more often than tolerable. That s why she s getting so much flack. The idiots who keep their idiocy to themselves are always more seen more favourably by society.

  71. She's a control freak but most mothers control what their kids eat. Hopefully she doesn't control what they eat to the point that her kids are miserable. I'm not sure if it's ever been revealed if a physician has ever confirmed their allergies or if Dr. Paltrow is behind their diagnoses.

  72. She's in the daily mail saying "I smoke one cigarette a week."

    which is probably worse than sugar

    1. How the fuck do you smoke one a week? Why even bother?

  73. Oreos have gluten in them, so I have no idea why she would give them to Moses. Yes, I googled it to see.

  74. @pugglewug Maybe it goes with her one glass of wine each week, idk.

    But . . .Newman os come in dairy free wheat free:

    just saying.
    I have gotten virtually NOTHING done today but it has been fun thanks guys.

  75. Don't oreos have gluten?

    I don't think she is a bad Mom but she seems extremely strict.

    She doesn't get how unlikable she comes off by spouting off her wares and goods.

  76. My problem with Gwyn is she comes across as preachy. She seems to think that because she has discovered reasons she wants to live certain ways that makes them universal truths that she feels obliged to educate everyone about. Like her personal growth is somehow applicable to everyone.

    Just a few yrs ago, she was traveling with Mario Batali through Italy & talking about eating everything. Then when she was in Louisiana, she was eating southern comfort food. Then she was doing macrobiotic with colonics, then eating raw, then drinking beer & wine daily, then only juicing, then she fainted & thought she was going to die, but turned out to be anemic & vit D deficient. And she talks ad nauseum about how much she hated her body. Girl has issues. My point is, this is HER path, there is no reason for her to constantly share it with the world like her situations apply to us all as if she were re-discovering the Rosetta Stone each time she makes a change.

  77. I hate Oreos. I don't hate Goop. Looking forward to the cookbook, actually.

  78. @greenmountaingal...I like Gwynnie too. She makes me smile and sometimes makes me laugh. She's a little delusional and innocently ignorant about some stuff...but I like her, and her diets are geared toward people who are allergic to gluten and are loaded with yeast. I've been studying that stuff for years, and she's right on about a lot of it.

  79. I watched her on Oz. She is more goofy than evil. I bonded with her over her use of Oil of Oregano and Magnesium, lol.

  80. I would like to add, I don't "hate" G for all of her fake BS personas she keeps trying on to cover her insecurities and lack of personality. My dislike is strictly based on how she treats those in positions that she can take advantage of. Here's a helpful hint-the celebs that get little nasty tidbits written about them, it doesn't happen in a vacuum. It comes from the PR folks, the set designers, the wardrobe people, the interviewers, the dog walkers, etc., this is how the "little" people get back. Ever notice how it some A listers never get this? It's because they understand who fuels US Weekly, or TMZ. The help.

  81. @Amber--those sound yummy. If you find a recipe..share!

  82. amber/audrey, this is a gluten free recipe for those cookies:

  83. @VIPblonde, Sorry for the delay in response! Just got home from work.

    It's not my recipe, just the one on the back of the Arrowhead Mills Organic Buckwheat Pancake & Waffle Mix. I sub in different things (listed above) and omit the honey.

    The compote is easy, I started doing this a few years ago when I wanted to make my own fruit yogurts - all the store bought ones have sugar. Take a saucepan over medium heat, add 1/4 c agave or maple syrup. Swirl around and bring to a boil. Add 2 - 3 C fruit and let cook for 3-5 min. If more liquid is needed to fully cook fruit, add 2 - 3 T water to loosen.

    I put Veganomicon on my holds list at the library, thanks for telling me about it! I've looked at their cookbooks before, are there any you like and recommend?

    Agree with your point about people getting a pass for eating badly, but being given *lots* of concern or the cold shoulder when they try an alternative diet. Very weird.

    1. @europium Thanks for the recipe!! As for cookbooks, I have a ton! But the ones I probably use the most are Veganomicon and How It All Vegan. I've also gotten some great recipes from VegWeb, and they're all free :)

  84. @Agent---thanks!

  85. I don't care what they eat. Why is that big kid sucking her thumb in that video?

  86. I like free! Thanks for the info, VIPblonde!! :)

  87. VIP, I grabbed that VegWeb site. Looks great. I also have your "oil" chart taped to my fridge. Very helpful. I am diabetic and these slight changes in prep of my beloved veggies make a big difference in blood sugars. Thanks!

  88. VIP and europium, so true. I find it so amusing when people ask me, "But what can you EAT?" if I mention being paleo/primal diet. Um, all animals and most plants?! I don't see how hard that is to understand, nor do I find it limiting. It's yummy for the most part, and besides that, it's what I've found that I have to do. *shrug*

  89. Oh, and I second the HOW IT ALL VEGAN recommendation (even though I'm clearly not vegan anymore), and any of Sarah Kramer's other books, too. Sarah is a friend of a friend, and her books/website are GREAT.

  90. @AKM - Paleo/primal FTW!! Animals and plants, pretty easy. :) And bacon!
