Sunday, April 14, 2013

Justin Bieber & Anne Frank

I'm sure one of Justin Bieber's people had the idea that what Justin needed to do to help his image was to walk away from the hot box marathon in Amsterdam and do something cultural. So, what better thing to do than hang out at Anne Frank's house. According to officials at the Anne Frank house, Bieber stayed about an hour and at the end of his visit said that Anne was a great girl and that hopefully she would have been a belieber. Yeah, I am sure that would have been at the top of the list. Try and stay alive followed by memorizing the words to Baby.


  1. The level of ignorance in Justin makes my blod boil. You should be a fan of her you twat.

  2. His level of immaturity is unbelievable.

  3. Why hasn't somebody snapped and castrated him?!

    1. You can't castrate until the balls have dropped. But as soon as puberty sets in!

    2. Youre assuming he has balls. In the case of Bieber, thats a hell of an assumption.

  4. How much longer must we be subjected to him?

  5. His head is so big I hope it explodes.

    1. Msg, he DOES hv the big head. Hes just a kid, goingvthru the motions about anne frank. He'll realize what a jerk he was when and if he ever matures.

  6. When I review what little I know of him---raised by a religious single, young mom and loving grandparents. Everyone recognized his talent when he was very young. Then said loving family sells him off to Scooter for a bag of gold. He is molded into a cartoon rock star and is now am of age douche and no one knows why??

  7. Can you imagine how this punk would handle persecution? He can't handle people talking about his hair or lack of a Y chromosome.

  8. No one ever said Diaper Boy was very smart.

  9. He should be locked in an attic.

  10. This kid is stupid, and at 19, it's time to grow up. It's his parents fault for letting him traipse around the world making scads of money instead of studying history and the like. He could've learned more visiting historical sites instead of the insides of arenas and hotel rooms. Maybe he should tour a few of the concentration camps in Poland and Germany.

    I know he's young, but damn, my nephew was more educated at 9 years old than this kid. You don't joke about shit like this unless you are evil or stupid, or both.

  11. Arbeit macht frei, Justin.


  12. Next stop, the Sixteenth Chapel!

    1. @car54, LOL he would totally call it that

  13. Enty's joking, right?

    Please tell me diaper pants didn't actually say that. Please.

    1. No its all over the regular news too. Pampers is really that stupid.

  14. Yes, he's an idiot. But I just hope some of his fans look into this 'great girl' and learn about the Second World War, the Holocaust and what families and kids like them went through. Some good will come of this.

    Or the beleibers could be hunting Anne Franck down on Twitter to harass her for taking the Beiber love away from them.

    One or the other.

  15. Mango - the quote I saw said he wrote it in the visitor's book.

  16. I was a bit harsh up there, but I do not like this kid. And he is only a kid compared to someone of my age. I am against an older generation devouring the young, but I do not like this little shit for some reason. And yes, I am a horrible human being. :(

  17. "Whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make famous."

    We have ample, ample evidence of the truth of that, and this little tool is one more example.

  18. Anonymous10:12 AM

    This kids just acts more and more stupid. Yes, I'm sure his clueless fan girls won't know who Anne Frank is, and will be sending hate tweets into the universe with Anne Frank hash tags.

  19. How self-absorbed do you have to be to visit the Anne Frank memorial and comment that you hope she would have been a fan of YOURS.

  20. MadLyb I thought you were far too kind to him in your first post. His self-centeredness is more like a toddler's.

    I want him off my lawn!

  21. My mind is officially blown. I thought this kid was an idiot; in his photos he's always a bit slack jawed and empty eyed but this, THIS takes the GD cake. He's a FUCKING MORON.

  22. @ ms_wonderland - thanks for that clarification.

  23. Calling him a fucking moron is an insult to all the world's fucking morons!
    I saw him do TMZ Live once, he went to the TMZ studio on Sunset & Crescent Heights talked to the crew.
    I've never seen anyone that stupid in show biz. Every third word out of his mouth was 'man', followed by 'umm'!
    He makes fence posts look intelligent.
    I'm guessing his IQ is smaller than his shoe size!

  24. He looks and acts like an especially immature 12 year old

  25. He would've wanted Goehring's daughter to be a belieber too

  26. Never thought I'd hear Bieber and Anne Frank in the same sentence.

  27. He is truly ignorant and self absorbed.

  28. He's such an arrogant delusional tool!

  29. I worked at our grade school book fair this week. There was a ton of Justin Bieber books, but no kid was buying them. I think we sold one all week. A few years ago they could not keep them in stock. Now they were on the clearance pile... and still no one wanted I thought it was rather telling. Justin's fans are growing up - they aren't interested anymore, and have moved on to the next best thing. (One Direction, from the sales)

  30. That headline is BEGGING to be clicked.

    @ms wonderland - seriously, can you see that? "@annefrank i will cut u! lv my @justin alone or die! u r not gr8!"

  31. Words nearly fail me, does this boy have no education at all!

    He can't go away fast enough.

  32. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Hot box marathon you say???? Bieber is a spoiled, wealthy adolescent on drugs, travelling the world. Where will he be in 20 years? He'll be lucky to be a checker in a grocery store with good benefits. How many of us had school girl crushes on douche bags? What he's saying isn't that weird for him. In his immature, ego centric mind all women do beatle-screams for him, pulling their hair out and crying, so this makes sense.

  33. Was he dressed for the tour or did he wear his pants below his tightly whites?

    He is just so goddamn dumb that it makes me laugh. I love him. What an idiot.

  34. this kid is in for a very very big fall. at least the old boy bands of the past had each other to commiserate with. he won't have anyone. tic toc justin, tic toc.

  35. STFU, bieber. This kid needs to get a clue. And a swift kick in the face. I'm embarrassed for him!

  36. This is what he wrote in the guestbook (according to the story I saw and apparently its on the Anne Frank Museum facebook page)

    "Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber."

    Such an idiot. I'm going to wander over to twitter to see if the idiot squad is asking 'who is Anne Frank?'

  37. Lotta, he DID call it the Sixteenth Chapel on the David Letterman show, lol.

    He has no education--I saw him do an interview once and he talked about how he stopped his schooling because he thought he could learn more from a weekly meeting with his business manager.

  38. Kids, stay in school. Become singing stars later, pleeeease.

  39. Hahaha! I find this hysterically funny. At 20, he's the center of his own universe. Not so different from most 15 year olds. It's kind of sad that so many people who become famous and rich as kids/teens, go on to be adults that are emotionally stunted, and unable to function in society.

    Justin Beiber is hugely popular with high school girls. He's probably too old for the kids in grammer school.

  40. Pompous little dou**bag. Anne Frank died in terror, pain, and despair. I am so sure her life and death would have been all about Justin Beiber, had they been comtemporaries. Not. Beiber would have been chosen as part of those doomed to the ovens as well. There's nothing heroic in you Justin, just a whiney little diaper wearing self centered brat, who gets mad at anyone who doesn't make everything about you. Go snivel in the corner. So ready for this twatter to recede into history.

  41. Wasn't there a blind reveal about Rihanna pegging him or him putting on dildo shows?

  42. Eh, no bigs. In 20 yrs, people will still admire Anne, will only consider him a footnote in history. This too, shall pass.

  43. di bulter - the term for him is 'fart in the wind'- you smell something bad then its gone.

  44. I hereby official revoke Scooter Braun's Jew card. I exile him forwith to the Mormons!

    Scooter, report post haste to Utah and take your prodigy with you.

  45. What a fucking tool.

  46. Hitler would have been a belieber.

  47. I think that this is the best descriptor that Enty has written and solid mantra HolidayinCambodia!
    As a girl who has been to Dachau, I am actually bewildered that is his sound bit for a profoundly emotional experience.

  48. I find it hysterically funny that someone can actually be this stupid.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. My IQ just dropped 50 points after reading that.

    This drooling fool with his Pampers pants should be smacked by his peers for being so effing ignorant.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Just when I thought he could not be a bigger ASS... TA DA!!!!!!

  53. I am not sure why people here are so astonished that this guy, and his fans have no idea who Anne Frank was. But guess what? They do now.

    I work in a library and over the weekend people have been placing reserves on Anne Frank books, bios and the Diary. I am willing to bet that every library in North America and Europe has probably had reserves placed on books about Anne Frank this weekend. Whether he meant to or not, Justin did some good.
