Friday, April 12, 2013

Michael Lohan Says Lindsay Lohan Will Fail At Rehab

I don't know why Michael Lohan is being such a downer about rehab. He has failed rehab before. In fact, Michael failed after rehab at the same place that Lindsay Lohan is going to rehab. In an interview, Michael says he knows Lindsay will fail. What kind of support is that? The only reason he is happy Lindsay is going to rehab at the place where she is going is because that facility believes in family counseling. What that means is that Michael and Lindsay and Dina will get together and attend therapy together. This is prime selling opportunity for Michael. You don't think he is going to have a recorder with him? Tabloids on stand by? I think Michael would like Lindsay to fail because then she will continue to be a mess and he can sell stories about her and asked to do interviews. Lets say Lindsay gets sober in rehab and never touches a drink or does drugs for the rest of her life and decides Hollywood is a bad influence and goes off and works at a Taco Bell to become a manager and eat all the Cool Ranch taco shells she can. Tell me how that benefits Michael. It doesn't. He might actually be forced to get a job. No one will want to interview him anymore. Even if Lindsay does fail, do you want to put that stuff out there about her failing if you are her parent?


  1. I like Taco Bell.

    1. @FSP - I am Dan. 1962 was a long time ago.

      If you get that reference you win the internet.

    2. @Luca - I lose.

  2. How is he supporting his new kid? Get a job, douche.

    1. He doesnt support any of his kids, money wise or parent wise. He's so far up his own ass its not funny.

  3. ...and I didn't know Urkel was helping LiLo out.

  4. "Lindsay, honey, talk louder & speak directly into Daddy's mic. Uh, I mean tie."

  5. Honestly, I agree with him (and I hate saying that). Why would Lindsay succeed when she's never been forced to suffer any consequences for her actions? The courts are letting her get away with her behavior, people are still hiring her for various, um, jobs and she's doing whatever she damn pleases. Plus, she'll be in rehab in NY which is probably not the best idea considering that her F--ed up family lives nearby.

    I hope she gets the help she needs, but I don't think she'll ever be rid of her enablers.

    1. @greenmountaingal totally agree...which sucks because I can't stand Michael Lohan.

  6. Dear God,
    I can take these LiLo posts, or Tom cruise, even that nasty little manchild beiber. Just Please,
    Please don't let Enty post any articles that have to do with neither whoopi goldbergs crotch, nor anyone elses.

  7. Mmmm... cool ranch doritos locos tacos....

  8. Is there any possible way that gerbil could be any more despicable? I don't think so.

  9. The Lindsay Lohan posts are always a variation on 2 or 3 themes. Linday's a prostitute, Lindsay steals, Lindsay and drugs. By now...very dull indeed.

  10. A burger sounds good for lunch...

  11. Did you see the rehab place?

    1. I had a coworker eho went there years ago-about the time truman capote was there. She did well. And if people dont know who he is, i am old, lol

    2. auntliddy, shame on anybody who doesn't know Truman Capote!

    3. Agent, u so right! Ive read his work- its completely awesome. People may remember him as a drug addict, willing jester of the hoi poloi, but that does not negate his amazing writing talent.

  12. It's Friday and I could really go for a burrito!

    Anyhow, LIHO's dad would know. As one of her first influences and an epic failure he and Dina should give themselves a pat on the back for laying out such a great foundation to success. Or is that a smack upside the head?

  13. No way. I thought the judge wasn't going to let her do rehab in NY.

  14. I think a burger for lunch is a good idea.

  15. I read michaels diatribe, and what he said was if rehab DOESNT include family therapy, specifically he and dina sitting down with linds to show her the error of her ways, rehab will fail. Because these grade a parents can really straighten her out.
    And if course, he shld keep his large, useless mouth shut.

  16. Like he has failed at LIFE in general??? Woman beating, coke head, alcoholic jack hole. He needs to STFU & get a damn job. Soooo sick of this batch of overpaid trash.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. It sounds like reverse psychology...although Lindsay doesn't appear to have a Type A personality.

  19. I hate it when deadbeat dads think they have a say in anything their kids do or don't do. A*wipe, you failed at being a husband, a father, a MAN. Shut your face and go talk to Dr Phil.

  20. She really should go here:

    She might have a chance then.

    1. Hazelden doesn't get the press like the Betty Ford Centre, but its the best treatment facility in the world; they also have Master's degrees in addiction research and counselling. My dad's been in AA for 41 yrs (in June), and he's spoken at Hazelden a bunch of times. Also met a huge movie star a few yrs ago... I think I know who, but my dad won't break his anonymity.

    2. She doesn't necessarily need to go to any treatment center-especially overpriced ones like Betty Ford or Hazelden, etc. She needs to go to 12 Step recovery like AA/NA, stop putting alcohol and other drugs in her body, distance herself from assholes who bring her down and use her for their own selfish purposes, and find some sort of spiritual life. This may not be in Hollywood, although other actors have found sobriety and recovery and are still working with successful careers.

  21. He is a failure at EVERYTHING....including, and most importantly, being a human being!!!! What an @$$!!!!

  22. He's just saying whatever he can to be sensationalist, get headlines, etc. If he had said, I wish her the best and had shut up about it, would we even be having this discussion?

  23. Why do we repeat anything this waste of tissue says.

  24. He's right, and he would know. She's this way from being raised by him.

  25. Anon, waste of tissue- i love it!!!!!! Kudos!!!!

  26. I've read a lot of Truman Capote, but don't know if I've read it all.

  27. As I said on Dlisted: Although he is a horrible person, he seems to be the only person in her life facing the truth.

  28. For the first time I actually agree with him. Lindsay will fail, cause Lindsay doesn't want to get better. She's being forced into rehab.

  29. Michael Lohan is the new Joe Jackson.

  30. "What?! But we thought this time would be different and Lindsay would really clean up her act!" said no one, anywhere, ever...

  31. @Topper, my husband went to Hazelden. He's straight as an arrow now, but his opinion on Hazelden was that it wasn't all that great. For one thing, they promised follow-up and didn't do it. Or maybe rehab is designed for a different "type" of alcoholic than him. Dunno.

  32. I'll be surprised if Linds lasts more than one week in rehab. No cigarettes, no cell phones, no paps ... how is she going to survive?

  33. I agree on the part that they need family counseling. Does that mean, however, that they themselves will follow the advice of the counselors? I'd be very, very surprised.

    And I'd give asshole here a pass if I thought he was saying this because he cared but he's saying this because he wants press. This family is so terribly fucked up they deserve their own psychological classification.

    Yes Lohag will fail because these shithead enablers AND USERS continue to suck her dick so they can suck her money out of her wallet. They are leeches of the lowest order.

    Remember how the last place (or one of the rehab centers)told her she needed to get away from her family or she would never get better? See how she followed that prescription and how well she's doing now.

    Sadly, rehab was a total cheat. She needs jail period and end of story.

  34. In Cold Blood? Breakfast at Tiffany's? Other Voices, Other Rooms? A Christmas Memory? If you consider yourself a reader, you had to have read those at some point.

    1. TC short story I read," music for chamelans". Just beautiful.

  35. Lohan is a total mess who will be 6 feet under very soon if she doesn't get clean.

    BUT for crying out loud, this guy is her FATHER !!! He should be as supportive as possible to her.
    Instead he cuts her down as much as he can and stirs crap up so he can sell it to the tabloids. He is the lowest piece of slime that I have ever seen.

    If he wants to know why Lindsey is the way that she is, he and Dina need to look in a mirror.
