Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

The Affleck/Garner family wins most happy of the day today.
Bethenny Frankel dodging the rain in NYC while
Brooke Shields uses an umbrella, ella.
Britney Spears on her way to work out.
Christina Ricci looks good, but soooo thin.
The amazing Cyndi Lauper.
And on the opposite end of the spectrum, Courtney Stodden.
A great photo of Ellen and Portia de Rossi at the Arrested Development premiere.
Also there were Jason Bateman and his wife and
Laura Prepon.


  1. Affleck family photo very sweet. Having family argument bullshit right now, so it looks even nicer. Yes, im indulging in some self pity

    1. Affleck uses his kids for pap photos to portray himself as a loving and attentive father and husband. He's neither. Garner is just as much of a famewhore as Jessica Alba, or even the KTurds for that matter.

    2. JLo, is that you, you bitter skank? ^^^^^^^§

    3. JLo, is that you, you bitter skank? ^^^^^^^§

  2. Can I tell you how HAPPY it makes me that Brit-Brit has some lumpy-bumpy on the front of her thighs in this picture. I feel so much better about my own. :-)

  3. Britney's got some serious cellulite going and who's the lesbian with Courtney Stodden?

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Love JBateman.....


    I've recently become an AD fan via Netflix. Love the cast. Don't know how I missed it on TV.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Awww auntliddy hope it resolves soon.

    Courtney makes me sad. If she didn't have parents that pimped her out to the highest bidder, maybe she wouldn't have become such a ho ho ho and could have had a chance at a normal life.

  7. I am pretty sure I can see Courtney's vagina in that dress.

    1. Indubitably.

    2. Right? My thoughts exactly. Ew. She tries way too hard to be what she thinks sexy is. Sexy is not streetwalker chic. Tsk tsk

  8. I thought the Stodd's cleaned up her act for awhile there, but apparently not.

  9. Remember the blind about the actress (I think it was labeled actress) who was losing a lot of weight but still had a round face?

    I thought of Ricci then...

  10. Courtney may as well have worn a bathing suit.

  11. I think Britney is wearing pajama shorts. Is she wearing those to work out?

  12. I agree Christina Ricci is super skinny, but if you look at her arms, they look normal and healthy, unlike a lot of emaciated Hollywood women whose arms are scary bony and veiny. She's only 5'1" so she is tiny in general. What do I know.

  13. This batch of photos makes me really bummed about the time I left my Totes Bubble Umbrella at a coffee shop. That was the best damn umbrella I ever owned - even stood up to the worst downtown Chicago winds.

  14. That's some pic of Brittany - welcome to my life.

    Doug Hutchison is not improving with age.

  15. Cathy - I just bought a tote bubble umbrella at target. They are awesome. I tend to always have one.

    I, too, am so thrilled to see the cellulite! Whew! I look like an international popstar but with better hair!

  16. Yeah, Ricci is thin but she also has a tiny frame. She still looks healthy (unless she's dressing well to cover it up.)

    Is it bad that I find the one shoulder more offensive than the length of Courtney's dress?

    And holy moly I cannot stand Laura Prepon. She is such a bad actress.

  17. Talk about looking thin..Look at Portia! Hope she's not having trouble again. I love her.

    Oh Lizard and Peepaw..What is the point. Who wants to bet they don't really do "it"? Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Ugh. Hey look! She got rid of the Lucite heels.

    Wow Laura, thanks for dressing up. You could have tried a bit harder.

  18. Poor Bertney. How can she look so hot and alternately like such a mess?

    1. Bertney!!!! I will refer to her as such from now on! Lolololol

    2. Bertney!!!! I will refer to her as such from now on! Lolololol

  19. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I love Cyndi Lauper! She put out a blues album (yes Blues) a few years ago and it's awesome!

  20. Bless her heart, Brit-Brit will never not be a Person of Walmart.

  21. Courtney Stodden's dress is slightly bigger than the cloth I wash my face with at night

    1. HAHAHAHAHA!! And yes I laughed out loud over this!

  22. @harryknuckles- you're an ass and totally false. Are you just sad to see a functional family unit because you've never been apart of one?

  23. The boys behind Violet Affleck look like they are plotting something.

  24. @auntliddy...sending hugs and love to you!! xoxo

    Courtney makes me so sad. :/

    Cellulite!! Hell yeah, baby, rock that cellulite!!

  25. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I think a lot of gossip sites ridicule the Afflecks--both Ben and Jen--because gossip blogs dislike a functional family that really does spend time with the kids and goes to school events. Gossip sites don't like that so they try to tear them down and create problems where there are not. That said, I like the Affleck family.

  26. LOLOL ethorne! *snort & cackle*

  27. I love the Affleck family....

    Damn Britney, I have 11 years on you, and my thighs don't have nearly the cellulite you have.....genetics I guess. (I do have stretch marks from growing, not claiming perfection here).

  28. The Affleck family seems happy and normal

    Love ya Cyndi!

    Courtney should just walk naked! She's like one strong gust of wind away from completely naked

    Christina Ricci is just tiny, she doesn't look scary skinny yet.

    Brit Brit! Thanks for making me feel better about my not so perfect body!

  29. @All About Eve, I agree with all your comments except if Courtney went naked she couldn't wear her four push-up padded bras.

    1. @Del, yuck! What an image that brings to mind lol

  30. Christina doesn't look too skinny. She is a small framed girl.

    Courtney should have just worn her bathing suit, would have probably covered more.

    Love the Afflecks.

    And thank you for having cellulite Brit! I'm feeling much better about my legs (after losing 170 lbs. they don't look great).

    1. Wow! Kudos! How did you do it? That's inspiring!

  31. Jesus fuck, Courtney Stodden. That's just in bad taste.

  32. @New Life..Good for YOU!!!!
    @KPeony: Those *are* jammie shorts, I have a pair just like them! My legs look the same too. Eek, next I'll be wearing barefeets in the gas station biffy :/

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Congrats to Cyndi Lauper! She was nominated for a Tony for writing the music for Kinky Boots. I used to see her a million years ago in NYC in a band named Blue Angel.

  35. Last year when I went to Las Vegas, I saw a lot of couples like Courtney and husband - girl dressed hooker-ish and the guy dressed like a shlub - walking around the casinos and streets. Completely in opposite orbits.

  36. Courtney Stodden looks like a common street walker. Who IS she and what is she famous for,anyway?

  37. Cellulite is genetic. I've always had it, even when I was starving myself in HS and currently (and I work out A LOT and eat really healthy most of the time).

    I used to get annoyed at Ellen for not promoting AD more when it was still on the air. I thought maybe she could save it. She did seem to try with Better Off Ted.

    Very OT: I signed up for Netflix JUST for AD and I've been trying to get Netflix on the Roku to work for weeks and am getting no where. Roku blames Netflix and Netflix blames Roku. Anyone know any fixes for this (Yes, I've googled...no help, just lots of forums w/ people bitching).

  38. When I first saw the picture of Cyndi Lauper I thought it was Christina Aguilera.. sorry Cyndi!

  39. Has Courtney Stodden's "husband" had a sex change?

  40. Old Cyndi is looking like younger Dolly!

    Oh Brit's legs, I feel ashamed at how glad I am to see cellulite. See, self? It's not so bad.

    I don't get the Affleck hate when it comes to their family unit. They are not great actors, so could they really pull off looks of genuine happiness?

    I don't get why reality show people are ever covered. It's the media that is keeping them in the spotlight.

    Christina Ricci looks awful there. That is not a flattering outfit, pointy toe heels have to go, and her hair looks thin and stringy. But she has spunk, so she's A-Ok in my book.

    I have no idea who Courtney Stodden is, but she looks like a common Vegas whore. I see her name on a lot of these things, but what does she do??

    AD is the best American show ever.

  41. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I like Laura Prepon, remind me why she's not a bigger star? Ricci for the rib showing, anorexic, bigger faced starlet that fainted all the time under hot lights. Stodden is so...meh, don't care enough to use the brain cells to give her an adjective. There's my Brooke, classy lady.

  42. I have those shorts too..but mine came from Target.

    Courtney, what's with the Pebbles Flinstone dress? Not the pattern..the size.

  43. @MrWolf.....I thought I was the only one who said Jesus fuck! It's morphed into 'shitfuck' lately though.

  44. Laura Prepon is looking smoking hot. So glad she went back to red. I wouldn't clean my toilet with a Courtney Stodden.
