Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Emmy Rossum at some event. Not sure how she ended up on top.
The Goopster at a book signing in NYC. Apparently people showed up. Disappointed.
Halle Berry is still in Argentina and enjoying the junior size portion of fro yo.
Also pregnant and also eating, Kim Kardashian.
Hugh Hefner celebrated his 87th birthday yesterday.
Justin Bieber's new haircut reminds me a lot of

Yeah, it is like a geometry book exploded all over Julianne Hough and Theresa Palmer.
Jon Hamm showed off his Hammbone even in high school and
January Jones on the far right at her high school.
Justin Timberlake is one happy guy.


  1. Why did Enty label the Octomom picture as Kim Kardashian?

  2. KimK is just not attractive- take away her sparkle and mess of procedures and she's just a mess.

    Miley and Justin are twink twins!

  3. *spackle aka make up

  4. Not a Goop fan, but love that outfit!

    I had to zoom in, it looked like Kim K was eating out of a tin of Dinty Moore beef stew!

    I like the Jon & January pics. :)

    1. I love Goopy's outfit too, but she is not a natural beauty and needs to wear make for christ sakes.

  5. Miley looks just plain ugly with that hair. Biebers already a lost cause.

  6. I didn't know Hef was married to Chelsea Handler.

    Oh Hammy, nothing can keep you down.

  7. Damnit. I was about to make myself lunch and then I looked at JT's nose...

  8. What a bunch of boring people!!! Excluding the Hammbone of course.

  9. Oh my.. Kim... take it easy girl. All my snarking on her and her family... I don't take it all back, but now I just feel mean. Look at the poor girl. She's a mess. Jeeeeezus. She was always a little bigger, and that was great but, she looks so pale and doughy now. Put DOWN the ice cream Kim, it is not your friend. No matter how much you eat, it's not going to make the pain, shame and emptiness go away. Yikes! On the plus side, I feel much better about myself now!

    1. She's eating Quaker oatmeal express, probably the brown sugar one.

  10. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I love the Hamm and JJ high school pictures. Xander was right he's been an exhibitionist for a long time, I'll bet he "forgot" his bathing suit in high school too.
    JJ's pic just screams 90's to me. I think I had the same sunglasses as her!

  11. Entry totally stole my line. I've been saying for weeks that Miley and bieber can't be distinguished with those fugly hair do's.

  12. *raises lone hand* I love Miley's look these days! Leave Miley aloooone!!! ;(

    KimK. Oh dear! LMAO!!

    1. I'll join you! I love Miley's style as well. I've always been envious of those who can rock a super short do.

    2. @Reese - me too!

    3. Live you ladies, but miley looks too too ugly with thus "look." Completely unflattering.

  13. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Oh and Kim K looks like shit. Shocker!

  14. Kim K has the WEIRDEST pregnant body EVER.

    Jon Hamm was ALWAYS adorable!

  15. Kim Kardashian

    She can't stop eating.

  16. Why shouldn't Emmy get the top spot? She's more talented than most of the goobers that get the top spot.

  17. I predict a weight loss promotion in Kim K's future. I think it's funny that she claims she is only craving healthy snacks like carrots. Busted!

  18. I like Miley's new look too, Reese. I'll join you in the hand raise!

    Look at how genuinely happy JJ's smile was back then.

  19. I'm not liking Emmy's makeup here and Goop looks hot.

  20. Enty. Wow. So much Goop hate. She's a bit pretentious and out-of-touch with the common folk. Fine. We know this.

    She does NOT, as far as I know, kick puppies or have swastika tattoos. I mean...for goodness sake.

    As a person who has health issues that have been resolved with adopting a similar diet, I know that I plan to get her book from the library. I'll happily give a full review should anyone want one. ;-)

  21. Funny how TMZ doesn't have access to the same photos of Kim Kardashian that everyone else does ... (Did the Kardashians give TMZ all their early-year scoops on Paris Hilton or something? Why is TMZ 100 percent in that family's pocket?)

  22. @ Reese & Jeneral - my thoughts exactly! Hahhaa

    January Jones looks exactly the same now. I look nothing like I did in HS ( thank the gods )

  23. @JBE: I knew you'd be happy with that pic. Does that make up for the fact that there won't be more Jessica Alba photos?

  24. Is that the Beaver in Drag? hehehe

  25. PSL - Pregnancy makes all her implants go wonky.

  26. JT annoys me.. I just really don't get the appeal! And did he have his hair chemically straightened or does he do it with a straightener everyday now?

  27. Wow, I just love the candid pics of random celebs and the cryptic quotes that Enty HOLY SHIT IS THAT KIM KARDASHIAN?!?!

  28. Sorry, stream of consciousness.....but seriously, HOLY SHIT.

  29. To be fair, she IS eating oatmeal. And she made damned sure that label was facing out!!!

    If she didn't pack on the makeup, fake tan, and spanx - she'd ALWAYS be pale and doughy. Let's not blame the fetus for that.

  30. Kim is eating oatmeal. It's weird how much paler her face is than the rest of her body. Like she applied white cream or something and it's not all rubbed in. This picture shows her natural look and we normally bitch about her caked on makeup. She should do it more often; people will see her as human for a change.

  31. You guys are funny. I don't care what she's eating. Whether it's oatmeal or Fro-Yo, who cares?

  32. I think Fiona Gallagher deserves the top spot. She's had a rough week between Frank and Steve.

  33. I'm more frightened of the Quaker Oat's she's holding than how she looks. Garbage.

  34. I have a high school picture on that same staircase as John Hamm.

    And what in the holy hell of ink shop accidents exploded all over Julianne?

    Finally...I'd totally go to a Goop book signing. Sunny? Field trip?

    1. Hi Lola!
      Totally! And I would practice my Spanish with her and ask her what blush she uses. I think I have officially become a Stan :)

  35. It's weird to see January Jones (a) smiling (b) with friends.

  36. On a further Jon Hamm note, I don't remember him being known for showing the goods or anything in high school. He was in a different grade than me but close enough I imagine I would have heard something like that.

  37. I did not realize Reggie Bush's girlfriend was pregnant, too. That explains so much.

  38. Lola! I forgot that you went to John Burroughs! :-)

  39. That picture of Hef favours him by a good thirty years.

    Kim looks...ordinary?

    I liked Miley's new look but in recent weeks something has changed. The look in her eyes is slightly manic.

  40. KimK, Princess Kate, and I are all due in July. Princess Kate doesn't even look preggo, I'm in the middle, and KimK just looks bad. I don't have access to millions of dollars but I look a little bit Better than that. And I'm working full time and chasing a 2 yr old. I also try to dress appropriatly for my size and stature. If I had $$ I'd look more like Princess that KimK. I hate snarking on preggo women, because there but for the Grace of God go I, but come on. I think she's doing this crap on purpose. I think I need another month off from her. Though I'll be glad her and Princess will take all the paps away my birth. I was afraid there would be a riot for pictures. You know how that goes! I also think KimK is going to have "issues" with birth just to make life more interesting and about her.

  41. @AKM...

    Yes. I am famous by association. You may address my assistant.


  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I feel like in that photo you can see Kim's fake ass, like the crease on the bottom where her ass meets her thighs goes up a little to high

  44. "Silly Girl said...
    You guys are funny. I don't care what she's eating. Whether it's oatmeal or Fro-Yo, who cares?"

    EXACTLY. Honestly, you all whine and moan that celebs don't show the real side of pregnancy etc and then you ALL rail against the girl for EATING or not looking her best while PREGNANT. Way to empower your fellow women.

    FUCK. *head desk*

  45. Loved all the 80's pics of Jon Hamm. I would have crushed on him so hard back then, ala Jake Ryan.

  46. Wow! This is the first time I actually think Kim Kardashian looks beautiful. She's natural and pregnant.
    I also thought the Biebs got his haircut in honor of his bestie Miley.

  47. @Lola, was Hamm a nerd in high school? When I saw him in that picture I immediately pegged him as the nerd in the high school caste system.

  48. Julianne, if you have your heart set on marrying GMD, youve gottta dress better. A lot better. Xenu would not approve.

  49. stop snarking on KK's pregnant body!!

    I dislike that family and dont get the fascination, but lately I only read comments like 'whale' 'fat' and stuff like that, and that's not ok!!
    Some pregnant women become aerostatic ballons and her complexion is bound to that.

    1. Beta and all- i dint think people should snark on her oregnant bidy either. Its the godawful, monumentally, world class, stupendously ugly clothes she insists on wearing. I snd im guessing others, are wondering why someone with all her resources would dress so ugly and unflatteringly. Its hard to figure out why. And saying its on purpose is giving her too much credit; i think thats her taste.

  50. Wow, I didn't realize Kim was so pale. Nothing wrong with it, I just didn't know.

  51. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Holy Moly! Saddle up that Kardashian!

  52. I feel that Kardashian has snookered all of us. She announced that she was HURT by all the comments about her body, when she wasn't showing and wasn't in public and no one was making comments about her body. Then she shows up in that outfit all the time? Just tune it out, people. She's a motherfucking nonfactor.

  53. I was snarking on her clothing choice. I dress to flatter my growing body, not accentuate the negatives.

  54. Kimbo looks pretty uncomfortable.

  55. You can actually see the outline of Kim's butt implant in that photo.

  56. Google Bev Bighead from Rocko's Modern Life, and look at Kim Katrashian. See a resemblance?
