Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blind Item #2

This former A list mostly movie actress who has been trying to make a comeback from her C list status won't be working with her recent director or co-star anytime soon. At a recent event for their new film, the actress refused to talk to either of them, despite it being a Q&A session. After the Q&A session she also refused to talk to any of the attendees even though they were all industry professionals. She said she was far too busy. Probably trying to figure out another way to get back with her long ago ex.


  1. Yep she is pining for Johny D, big time

  2. Winona had a screening/event for The Iceman in NYC a couple of weeks ago. Must be her.

  3. Ugh, now thats a recipe for disaster.... Altho everyone loves a happy ending.

  4. Not Winona. She just did a Q&A for Iceman and was pretty talkative.

    1. @ Asher, I think it's at least meant to be Winona, true or not.

  5. What about Meg Ryan? Is she still with Mellencamp?

    1. They were together recently, at least. If it Meg Ryan it would have to be her pining for Dennis Quaid to qualify as 'long ago', I think.

  6. I thought of Winona too

  7. Winona is a good guess. Seems like a lot of blinds where a diva claims to be too busy to do something.

  8. Not Whyno! Jesus girl,meet and greet is the name of the game in your business.Was she running short on her Adderol?

  9. First thought is winona.

  10. Wasn't she also wih the L&O guy on Criminal Intent? JD doesn't seem like her type any more.

  11. I was thinking Megan Fox right up to the getting back her ex thing (Bey, new TMNT movie, psycho mood swings, etc.)

    If it is Winona, hate to burst her bubble but JD has been out of her league for years. Even with his drinking, smoking, and his apparent lack of personal hygiene he still manages to land really hot women.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Winona is hot...forever

  12. I would say Meg Ryan (who is known to be icy, contrary to her persona) but Winona is the one currently being quoted all over the place. (SHe just said something about Heathers being her own Rocky Horror Picture Show where she can quote all the lines when it comes on. I just caught parts of Heathers the other day and was shocked at how poorly it has aged. It was pre-Queer Nation and all the celebrities coming out and the anti-bullying campaigns -- the thing is a big ball of homophobic slurs and bullying and violence.)

  13. The always androgynous Zoe Saldana, ex- Bradley Cooper

  14. Wynona. This was an easy peasy one.

  15. I guess Winona Depp even if her Q&A is on Youtube and she talked with every one

  16. @Char: YES SHE IS!!!

  17. I knew it! Winona.

  18. I like Wynona, and hope she's not hankering for Johnny. He's a good actor, but he's just weird and...smelly.

  19. Sounds like Wino or Urma Thurman.
