Friday, May 31, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former almost A list mostly movie actress with no acting talent is a B- or maybe even a C+ now despite her A list name recognition. She loves everyone thinking she is very successful with her endeavors but it is all an illusion. She is quickly going through every penny she has ever earned in an effort to make things right. It would help if her husband had not drained much of her cash a few years ago with a get rich quick scheme.


  1. Jessica Alba? I remember past blinds about her hubs spending their money, and she now has the "Honest Company" of all natural products. Maybe it's struggling?

  2. Should be labeled easy. Alba!

  3. I guess that's what you get for marrying someone named Cash.

  4. She should just sell her company to Amy Adams (who I'm sure would be willing to pay top dollar) :)

    1. Love it. Not sure i believe that one but still love it

  5. Does anyone know what the get rich quick scheme is? I didn't know he was into that.

  6. Miseralba had a cloth diaper delivery service. She tried to break into the baby business.

  7. She is a C- or a D+ - let's be real

  8. Cash is a producer, always a financial gamble for newbies, and that takes a lot of .. cash. That said, I don't know if this blind is about her.

    But let's be honest here - sometimes the true winners are those who get OUT of Hollywood and earn their livings in other ways. One of the worst investments that athletes and stars fall for are restaurants and clubs. The money sharks run through your credit line with fake purchases for the business, then the restaurant closes, they have the celebrity's money and the celebrity has nothing to show for it.

  9. My husband & I are talking about baby names, & he likes Cashel for a boy. All I could think of is it getting shortened to Cash & then thought of Cash Warren. He has no idea who Cash Warren is so I guess that's why we're a good match. Ignorance is bliss.

    1. @Erin B, my daughter's principalnis named Cashel, but she is a woman.

    2. Nasty Kim Zolchiak from Real Housewives of ATL named her kid Kash. Put it down and walk away slowly, you'll be much happier naming him Steve, Ted, or John.

    3. It's like the kids called chastity being sluts, name your kid cash if you don't want him to make any.

  10. Another vote for Alba.

  11. If not MiserAlba, then Megan Fox.

  12. First I find out Chloe Moretz has a baby, now I find out she's married?!!

    Somebody stop the madness!!!

  13. I thought Megan Fox first but Alba could work.

  14. I like the Alba guess and explains why she's always papped - needs to stay in the limelight for the $$.

  15. Cathy--hahahaha!

    I almost never get blinds,and this WAS easy!

  16. Megan Fox
    Not sure what her endeavors are though.

  17. Nope...changing my answer. It's Alba. "Cash" being the hint, also she's has that store or website or something, and she's trying to act like it's successful.

  18. Anonymous11:20 AM

    gotta be Alba
    i wonder if he did all this on purpose
    mayb even stole her money
    she seemed desperate once when they brokeup
    i remember all the guys were like YESSS SHES SINGLE
    next thing you know she was knocked up by him.

    some guys are just meant to go away ..let em

  19. Jessica "I stole a role from Rachel McAdams" Alba.

    That's called karma.

  20. I like Alba. She has like this insanely beautiful smile and although I wouldn't call her an acting revelation, she's quite decent to me.
    I would rather go for one-face-KStew, if we were talking about actors with no talent at all.

  21. Alba makes perfect sense. They live in a very modest home considering her level of fame. However, the DM recently ran a story where they were looking at prime land on which to build a new home. And, she's always traveling to exotic destinations, so she can't be too broke. Plus, Honest seems like a viable company. Still, the guy's name is Cash.

  22. Oh, Cash Warren was actually the director's assistant on Fantastic 4. In other words, the guy who gets water, coffee and lunch for the director. At least she's not into him for his money.

  23. The company is a good idea but it would need to find a lot of well to do moms to find a foothold in the market.
    I try to buy natural and organic, and I make okay money, but I couldn't afford to buy only organic and natural everything like she's selling.
    It may be healthier, but it's a niche market. It probably does well in California.

  24. I would be really surprised if this is Alba as I know several people IRL who use her products and I use a few of them for my child myself. They're actually really good if you're super picky about what you put on your skin. That said, I have no idea who else this could be.

  25. Miserable was NEVER an A-list actress, though.

  26. Nikki Reed, Alba or Megan Fox. David Silver seems to be living large, but barely works himself (unless you can called 'being made fun of' work). Cash Warren is sleazy and Nikki Reed's man was the answer to a blind involving an actress investing all her money in her husband.
