Saturday, May 04, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

September 10, 2012

This A+ list female singer was snubbed by her fellow A list friends at a recent party because she had said she was far too busy to perform at a charity event that the rest of the group had performed at, but still found the time to come party with them. She has said before that charity is fine as long as there is a paycheck in it for her at the end of the night.

Lady GaGa


  1. Damn, not cool, girlfriend!

  2. Nah, Gaga a self absorbed twunt? Yer kiddin me.

  3. And now she's sick...karma

  4. Anonymous9:53 AM

    not good at all. My opinion of her just went down. And aparently she's in rehab right now too? the excuse for her not being seen is that her hip is injured...

  5. Anonymous9:53 AM


  6. And....Gaga is officially OVER. Good riddance

  7. Bitch. She needs to just go away; I'm thoroughly sick of her.

  8. Who are the A list friends? Good to know they recognize she was being an ass

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. And ber star is defintely fading

  11. I've liked a few of Gaga's songs on the radio but after hearing her whole album (Fame or whatever) on a road trip, I can't stand her! Her songs are annoying and not real music whatsoever!! I get car sick kind of easily, but Gaga made me wanna GagGag.

  12. What an asshole! I would also love to know who the A-list friend were. Good for them!

  13. Anonymous10:12 AM

    She has friends? Lol.....

  14. I'm kinda bummed that she is all talk about things like this :(

    And MAJOR props for the A list friends!!!

  15. I was obsessed with her during her first album, and them that was it. She thought that she was bigger than herself and the rest on her stuff has been crap. She's done. A one-album wonder.

  16. I like her talent, but not the person she has built around it. She can auto bot stuff with her, but being carried inside an egg and meat dresses did me in.

  17. Stick a fork in her as she circles the bowl.

  18. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Yes I think she can be put in the former A list category now.
    Somewhere Madge is shredding hydrangeas and laughing manically.

  19. Her friend in question is probably Elton John. I can totally see him being bitchy (rightfully) about that kind of behavior, esp. because he's involved in a lot of charities.

  20. When is enough money? Sucks that she needs a check for every charity event!

  21. Disappointing

    My DD is a HUGE fan of her music.

  22. I'm disappointed. I always respected her activism. I'm sad that it's a sham.

  23. She's been seen out in a wheelchair a few times. Doesn't necessarily mean that she's not faking it, though. If anyone would go that far for a cover story, it's her.

  24. I loved her first album but now she bought into her own hype and is just pretentious. But she has done a lot for the LGBT community to make it more mainstream and acceptable to the frightened. I give her props for that.

  25. I'd really like to like this girl, but she's not very bright if she doesn't understand the definition of the word "charity".

  26. She used LGBT community much like Madge did (To a degree). Gaga's contrived persona however was more of a champion of gays, the bullied etc. But ultimately just like Madge she wants to be worshipped by the gays. Total fraud.

  27. Am I the only one that wonders if her "hip" surgery isn't a cover for a different type of operation? Maybe the final step of a larger procedure?

  28. I knew she was a selfish twat.

  29. Celebrities who take paychecks from charity are vile.

  30. Whoever is behind her style is major out of a job. It's probably a whole team of people! I thought the hip surgery might be a ruse too.

  31. I've said this for as long as I can remember, the people who do more for charity are the ones who can least afford it.

    Fuck this cunt. (I apologize to all those who hate the use of that word, but in my opinion she symbolizes what the derogatory word means.)

  32. I hope this isn't true. I'm not a huge fan of Gaga's but I've always respected her as a musician. If this is true than I've lost all respect and am actually disgusted by this. WOW it takes all kinds.

  33. *then (before the grammar police come and find me LOL)

  34. I always resented her from co-opting her name from Queen. So many artists say Queen was their inspiration but so few of them can hold a candle to Queen. I'm glad this stuff is getting out about her and her celebrity is fading since she seems to be an utter asshole.

  35. No! Man.... I love her. Always thought she was genuine and truly cared - similar to MJ.

  36. Unless she's having a triple bypass or a personality transplant, I can't imagine what larger procedure would have her out of commission for this long.

  37. I think the procedure she is under going is a Butterface-ecotmy.

  38. I'm actually shocked.. I thought she was the total oposite... WOW. Oh well another one bites the dust into divaness and selling out.

  39. I actually don't believe this one for a second. Sorry. And I used to give some credibility to the site. Weird...

    She donated A MILLION DOLLARS to Hurricane Sandy relief. She has her own freaking foundation that she started with her own damn money.

    I've met a lot of celebrities, and she was, without a doubt, the most genuine one I've ever met. I left feeling like a friend. And she spent over an hour with my friends when she was scheduled for 20 minutes.

    Also, the tranny jokes are getting old. We've seen her vagina. Get over it.

    And she's not in rehab. That has been shot waaay down.

    Actually, how's this? She PAID FOR MY FRIEND who is in a wheelchair to come to New York and consult with her hip surgeon (so there's proving that, by the way), and is paying for her to go back to get surgery. My friend's own surgery was postponed, so she gave her THE WORLD. Oh, and she didn't tell any media about it. The only reason anyone's even gotten wind of it is because my friend decided to release a statement to the fan community since people were finding out from other people and she was starting to get questions.

    The public opinion of her sickens me, when this is the kind of thing she does over and over and over again, not for press but because she's a wonderful person.
