Saturday, May 18, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

October 19, 2012

Ever wonder why these two reality judges hate each other? It is because the female judge threw herself at the male reality judge and being who he is, he had sex with her. He never mentioned it again. She wanted more. He said she was good for 15 or 20 minutes, but could never spend longer than that with her.

Adam Levine & Christina Aguilera


  1. he is such a shit..

  2. Wow. Didn't see that one coming. I like CHristina but,damn, would not have imagine Adam hitting that.

  3. Well isn't he the sweetheart?

    Unless she did something terrible to him there's no need to go making nasty comments. You keep your business to yourself and don't badmouth people.

  4. Anonymous10:51 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. BOOM! What a DICK. I figured this was simOn & that Kara D something Or other....

  6. so in public he like's them 5'10 and lean and in private he likes them short and squatty, he hooked up with Jessica Simpson too (allegedly).


  7. Oh Anna, you are the worst. Just the worst.

  8. +1 @Robert. Isn't Anna just precious?

  9. Anonymous11:03 AM

    You all don't agree I take it? Just my humble opinion. I wish it wasn't that way, I think women should be able to do whatever they want to do sexually/socially/whatever, and not be judged, but the social mores are what they are. Can anyone come up with an arguement other than saying I'm the worst? How am I wrong?? Just trying to start a ball rolling, I'm curious about others opinions on the subject...

  10. She had to know what he was like before she went there with him. I mean, even I knew he was a trashy manh0r. Why would she expect anything other than what she got?

  11. You wish it wasn't that way? Why not say something like "Unfortunately, many small minded and sexist members of society think a promiscuous woman is a slut, and a promiscuous guy is a stud. I wish it wasn't that way and hopefully it will change."

    You said "A promiscuous woman is a slut" without any qualifiers. That is not the case, and with any luck that viewpoint is becoming increasingly outdated.

  12. Anna, I respectfully disagree with your statement about a man needing to be special to "get that much play".....uhm NO, he just needs to be a horndog. Ugly guys get play, too (side-eyeing K-Fed)
    And really, saying the male counterpart to a SLUT is a STUD? Really?

  13. I must be only female on the planet to not get the appeal of Adam Levine....I'd make him scrub down twice b4 I touched him, lol

    1. 50 foot pole with a sharp point on the end would not be enough. Blegh.

    2. No, ruby, I'm right there with you. Creeereerrp

    3. my eyeballs need a Silkwood shower after I see him -- I totally don't get it, either

  14. A guy who fucks everything that moves is a GOD! Six kids, different mommas? Hot! Spreading herpes? I'm getting horny thinking about it! Genital warts? SEXY!

    Anna is so right. Women who do the same thing are nasty pieces of garbage. Guys are just so much better.

  15. Anna, Christina is richer than you, your parents, your children, your children's children and their children after.

    She can fuck whoever she wants she is in control of her own world.

    We are just posting behind computers. Not really the same, you slut.

  16. I don't get it w/ Levigne either...he's just too feminine for me. Wait, I guess that makes him a slut! Lol!!!

  17. Hi Anna! Changed our name again, did we?

    This was already a blind reveal.

    I like mine better:

    Ever wonder why people think the original author is no longer writing this blog? It is because of things like this.

  18. Anonymous11:30 AM

    oh wow, you guys, not trying to bait anyone, I'm taking my comment down, take it easy guys. I was using the you ignorant slut one liner from Dan Akroyds SNL days. Christina can do whatever she wants, I'm not hating on her, just commenting on how culture judges men and women differently. Simmer down.

  19. I knew it. And she should've hate fucked him finishing before he got a chance to busting a nut, walking away leaving him with a serious case of blue balls. That's how you should have done it, XTina.

  20. Anonymous11:32 AM

    My point was that men get praise for being slutty, while women get maligned for the same exact behavior, it's a double standard, it's not fair, I don't like it, I don't want it to be that way, it's just an observation.

  21. If you don't like it then you shouldn't do it.

    The difference begins with you.

    Make that change, Anna. Make that change.

  22. +1 Bacon Ranch (hmmmm! Bacon ranch sounds good!)

    Anna, with text, it's a little difficult to see that you were making an 'observation'. Perhaps a little sign that you're being sarcastic would help? /not sarcastic

    1. There so needs to be a sarcasm emoticon.

      Waves to Reese! (Guess we need one of those too.)

  23. Only some men-whores get praise for being slutty.
    Remember satyr Hillary Clinton's husband who almost lost his power for that, or ETSean penn, or many others. They are mostly hated by men and women equally. Slutty females are mostly hated by women, whilst men either jack off thinking of them or really don't care.
    There is another point that is marrying/having long relations with slutty people. While males prefer from pure to non-whores, women prefer them with the most experience, the better. It's a femenine problem, and you are who have to fix it.

  24. Shitty but isn't this what he is known for? Don't be surprised when it happens to you.

  25. I guess since the comment that got everyone riled up was deleted, I'm going to remain confused, as always. :(

    Women can be much crueler to women than men are, barring domestic abuse and that sort of thing. If a woman sleeps around, she's probably going to be ripped to shreds through the grapevine and to her face by her fellow females. It's a sad thing.

    I think everyone should know by know that Adam Levine is like a quick Disney ride. You get on, have lots of fun, get off, and move on.

  26. I left out "throw up" and "hate yourself in the morning" before moving on, LOL.

  27. christina knew he was a jerk before she banged him, did she think the magic in her puss would change that? he hit it and didnt see the reason to go back for more, how is he being horrible to her? she wanted more he didnt, story of the world move along

  28. Wait...isn't she married? They're both sluts. No need to discriminate one just because they're a woman.

  29. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Thanks Reese. @ Madlyb I used the old Dan Akroyd news anchor line where he'd say to Jane Curtin: "Jane, you ignorant slut!" NOT calling Xtina an ignorant slut. Although Adam, is well known to be a man-ho so not sure why she'd expect more. Was just saying women are labeled when they sleep around because they can, men are usually thought highly of if they sleep around. It really seemed to bring out alot of anti-Anna hatred, as well as arouse that unbalanced horny troll person, since I do comment alot and blather on, I'll hang back a bit more from now on.

  30. Both of them are equally gross in their own ways.and both of them are consenting adults. That being said, Christina has to be pretty lonely. Hard to find a guy that has her money and fame and in that way is her equal. Her dating pool can't be big.

  31. @ Anna Nawmiss
    really wish I had seen your original post. What I am getting from the responses and your explanations is that you typed one thing and meant something else. So while I get that you had a point it also seems you made a sarcastic remark and provided no context.

    Not hating on you or anyone else. Just seems as if the context was missing from your original post. (the original post which has now been deleted and I have never seen)

  32. Didn't stop Xtina from coming back to the show.

  33. i don't buy this story

  34. Anna's right. There is a double standard. I picked that up in her original post. Men can sleep around and they are lauded for it. Women who sleep around are labeled as sluts. Sad truth, unfortunately. The double standard exists and it is going to be many generations before it is erased (if ever).

  35. Sorry for calling you the worst, Anna. It wasn't from the Akyroyd line, though. You said promiscuous women are sluts and promiscuous men are studs as if it were fact, not opinion. I can see how you meant something else but it really did read as though you were calling her and any 'promiscuous' woman a slut and suggesting she got what she deserved. But again, I can see how you might have meant something else.

  36. Wow. Xtina, don't bow so low. Adam is scum. Think more of yourself before you let yourself make these decisions. Have fun, but not with someone so gross (who has a big mouth, to boot!)

  37. Women hate women they perceive to be slutty becuse it makes them up their game. The hate starts in jr high when the first bj rumors start circulating and lil Suzie is just figuring out french kissing. Since everyone knows jr high and hish school are exactly what real life is like, the young bims carry the resentment into adulthood.

    Only time a broad should be shamed for fucking is if she's targets married/committed dudes. Other than that, get some dick ladies, some of you could really use one. Bring rubbers, play safe, keep it fresh and clean.

    1. Love everything about this

    2. This is only one facet of the issue; you omit the reality that men still hold a double standard in the Madonna/Whore complex. Men want to play w/ the latter, but marry and make families with the former. Biologically, they have all the time in the world to play with the fun-time gals and put off choosing the right sweetheart.

      Women, on the other hand, have a significantly shortened window for baby making. Perhaps there's even some residual biological, Darwinistic component that makes us judgemental...?

  38. Its funny. Woman complain when woman get called sluts, but it is usually them that's actually doing it! When guys call girls sluts, most of the time its not a bad thing. Guys fucking love sluts! Pretty sure a lot of woman hate Man sluts as well, They sure do get a lot of abuse on cdan anyway!

  39. You people are getting way too worked up about this whole thing so I'm just calling bullsh*t on the entire reveal. This wasn't about Xtina & Adam, it was really Randy Jackson and the b*tch was Simon and his man-boobs. One good t*tty-fuk was all Randy was looking for, but Simon just couldn't let sleeping dawgs lie...

  40. I think all sluts should be shamed, male and female. You think screwing around is just great and you're proud of your actions, then fucking own it. Don't snivel and cry that other people are judging you because that's the price you pay for being so "liberated". Nobody has to approve of anyone else and their life choices and they damn sure don't have to pretend to so that your feelings aren't hurt. Besides, imo people that advocate "if it feels good, do it" are worse than any so-called judgmental person. Thanks to that mindset we've got role models like Kim Kardashian making the skank life look like something to aspire to, and incurable super STDs because people can't keep it in their pants. Standards are there for a reason, not because everyone is a jelus h8r but to try and keep some sort of level of decency. Once you tear that to shreds you end up with the disgusting society we currently have. But hey, you might like this so who knows.

    1. 888, your comment seems kinda ignorant. Not sure if its how it is meant but it came across as telling sluts to own it then turning around and shaming them for doing what or who they want. As long as it isn't the Backdoor ferret I don't care what anyone does or doesn't do. You want to shag around, go for it who am I to judge? It's cool as long as your safe and comfortable.
      P.s: I was a slut when I was younger want to tell me abou t the stds I don't have? Not all 'slits are std ridden, not are they " h8rs" some just like sex or feel it is a bonding tool, a way of getting attention they never got ectera. Not really your place to say love

    2. @888,

      You commenting on standards and decency is the best thing I've read all day! Your standards are hate everyone who isn't white. That's very decent of you.

  41. Here's the count again, blessing us with his 12 year old girl logic. I work in a night club on the weekends. Most of the girls I work with are waaaayyyyyy more promiscuous than I would ever think of being. Guess what? I love them all. Because they're my friends, and I do not give one singular fuck about who they sleep with. That 'women hate women' bullshit is tired and simply not true. Women and men, in general, hate each other equally.

    1. @gemtwist: do the more promiscuous girls ever Prude Shame you?

      Prudes are the ones who need to be shamed. Keepin the pussy under lock and key like its gold or something. Its just meat, like chicken nuggets, pork chops and dick. The less you share it, the less joy you will experience in life.

    2. what about the poor meat that can't find anybody to unwrap it? :'(

  42. I think all racists should be shamed. The second I see a racist name on the internet, I know their comment is going to be 'BLahblahblahblah IT IS EMBARRASSING TO BE THIS STUPID.' Poor racists. :( It must be awful to walk through life so dumb, and have everyone looking at you like you're a pathetic piece of ignorant shit.

    1. GemTwist, high five. I just joined your fan club

  43. omg @Ruby Soho, I just said that same thing to my brother the other day (we were talking about the voice). I said that Adam Levine just looks like he needs a good scrubbing to me. Do not get the appeal.

  44. I'm guessing they're probably both over this by now... It's not like this is an uncommon occurrence in all walks of life.

  45. So, when a woman makes the 1st moves, he's too intimidated to last more than 15-20 mins in the sack? Why the heck did she want to try again? This "Blind" was pretty transparent, though.

  46. I think promiscuity is for the young, bored set. We middle agers are never bored what with mortgages to pay, kids to put thru college, family get-togethers, improvements on the house, etc., etc. Mindless sex gets replaced with a mind-blowing BM, a stellar cup of coffee, and an awesome glass of vino.

    1. IDK - if not for my kid, I might not mind a little promiscuity. lol I just don't want small town tongue-wagging to get back to him. There's nothing like having a "Mom on the move" to really screw-up a teenage boy's psyche. :D

  47. Me too @Madlyb. I go to the beach and miss all the excitement. Sheese. ;)

  48. Christina is no shrinking violet. She did what I and many other women would do in her position, and that is to climb on that Adam Levine ride and see if it's as good as people say. I doubt Christina would have given a shit if he hadn't have been a prick and said he couldn't spend more than 15 or 20 minutes with her! I'd still climb on that ride, though...just for shits and giggles.

  49. Hes cute, but his VOICE and he gives off douchey vibes.

  50. i saw an episode where christina was singing a solo. out there on stage in just a leotard. the 3 men judges were all just to the side chit-chatting. adam had his back to her. it was beyond rude. chrstina looked awful, and the men judges ignoring her made it such slap. like "she's not even worth looking at".

    not surprised to read this. she has substance abuse issues and he'll screw anything.

    for sure there's more to this. they recorded she's on that, "moves like jagger" song with him. everytime she hears that song she must want to scream.

  51. looks like a lot of drama on this post but no one here covered the obvious shudder that sent chills up my back....

    xtina? really? really. and remind you all, she was a big monolithic mound of fat cells throughout the program. xtina? looks like levine was the one who had to be drunk outta his mind to touch that. Yikes...

  52. @Me, was that one of her team performances? I can't remember any solo performances by her but I didn't watch all S3. One of the things I like about the show is that they seem to generally respect each other all as artists as well as pay attention to the other coaches when performing.

    I see a lot of people reacting to Christina or women being labeled as sluts but I don't actually see that happening. In this instance or in general on this site. Certainly it happens to women much more than men in regards to who & how they choose to have sex. I think it's clear Adam has the label of man whore on this site not Christina.

  53. She's probably hoping that he's gonna be lusting after her newly thin body .... So that she can have the pleasure of rejecting him. ;)

  54. @Rose, not sure which episode. i like the part at the beginning where they turn round, but only turn in now and then the rest of the season. the lights were very low, she was stuffed into her costume, and she was the only one singing. i tried to find it on youtube but couldn't.

  55. Whatever. Not sure I buy this one. Maroon 5 featured her on a song, presumably after all this supposedly happened. If they had sex, who cares? Enty has it out for both of them and always has...

  56. Adam Levine liking short girls is my next favorite comment. Thank you, @timebob! (I take umbrage at squatty, though. Just because we're low to the ground doesn't mean we're squatting, thank you very much.)

    @TeacherNan, I tip my cup to you!

    @the wahahas... the more things change, the more they stay the same.

  57. I agree to that CA would have know he was not only a manwhore but one with a big mouth - he said having sex with Maria Sharapova? the tennis player was like having sex with a dead fish. But then I'd think maybe that means he wasn't that good. Double edged sword when you talk too much.

    However just because they had sex doesn't mean Christina was not as cavalier about as he was. When celebrities work together, hard to say if they actually like each other or hate each other or are neutral or do they just see the advantage of working together overrides personal feelings esp since you don't even have to be together to collaborate on a song. You don't even have to be on the same continent.

  58. Feels like the start of a joke, "Two a$$holes have sex..."

  59. Sluts are sluts. Manwhores are manwhores. male or female. Call it what you will promiscuous behavior starts verging on slut behavior pretty quickly. I never understood why a woman would want to sleep wa guy who would do it with ANYONE. Why is that hot?

    To a guy like that who would do it with anyone You are just a generic piece of random ass who doesn't have enough self respect to consider yourself an exclusive hard to get treasure. Get a grip. Value yourself or no one will.

  60. I used to think Adam was super not so much...To me a man who is loyal and into the woman he is with is a huge turn on

  61. I used to think Adam was super not so much...To me a man who is loyal and into the woman he is with is a huge turn on

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.
