Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Jon Bon Jovi Says Richie Sambora Is Using Again

The good thing about a Jon Bon Jovi interview? He called Justin Bieber an a-hole. The bad news is that he kind of let the world know Richie Sambora is using again. In an interview with The Standard, Jon said, “It’s getting more and more difficult every day to not just sit here and say something… Because all I can say is this — it’s for personal reasons. He’s been through it before, fortunately for us the same guy who filled in last time was available this time.”

So, he does not come out and say it directly, but he does say Richie has been through it before. Now, he could mean a relationship with Denise Richards which he has done multiple times and which, I could see him leaving the band for. I mean she has five kids right now to raise, plus a Charlie.


  1. Good thing they have a stand-in, they'd be livin on a prayer without one.

  2. At his age, is it get clean or die? How long can you do that to yourself? I know everyone brings up Keith Richards, Ozzy,...but weren't/aren't they clean for long periods of time?

    B/c I have hair on the brain today...
    I LOVE Richie's haircut there. The short shag needs to come back.

  3. Aw, ethorne, take his hand! You'll make it, I swear.

  4. Sorry, Enty, but I don't think Jon did anything wrong. He didn't disclose any specific personal medical information about Ritchie Sambora, but he addresses the obvious question about why Ritchie will not be joining the upcoming tour.

    What is he supposed to say, that Ritchie had the sniffles and decided to stay home?

    He was kind, he was truthful, he was honest. More than he had to be, because I'll imagine that dealing with a close colleague who is an addict is no picnic.

  5. What's he "using"? Is it coke? Booze? Heroine? What's Richie's main problem?

  6. I freaking love Jon Bon Jovi. Of course Richie Sambora's absence is going to come up in an interview about the band touring. Sambora is a such an integral part of the band. I love when JBJ and Sambora go all acoustic. Hope Sambora kicks his demons. I also hope he reconciles with JBJ. This one gives me the sads for sure.

  7. I liked what Bon Jovi said about Bieber. I agree with him, and he has the experience to know what he's talking about.

  8. I think there is trouble in paradise with these two and Jon isn't as innocent as he is trying to be. Jon has always been taking shots at Richie in a sly fox kind of way.

    Worry about your daughter Jon and try to work things out with your bandmate who you call a friend.

  9. He could have meant rehab too...something else he's been through before. Richie's been quiet on twitter--one every week or so. My guess is that he tweets when he is on a day pass.

  10. Past time for Jon to cut his daughter loose. She's 20, an adult. As is Sambora. At a point addiction becomes a choice. Why would anyone want that in their life!

  11. @Count Jerkula +1. I'm not a hair band kinda girl at all. Unless its Tommy Lee. He could throw me around anytime.

  12. @Henriette Richie likes the coke.

  13. @ethorne, that was BAD. And funny! I DIVE for the dial whenever Bon Jovi comes on. While it seems a bit of bad form, for Jon to out him, I can see why.

    He seems like a pretty down-to-earth guy and he's going through a drug issue with his child, imagine the odds for Sambora's kid? I have the utmost sympathy for people with addiction issues, but MORE sympathy for their kids.

    Hi, Jerkie!!

  14. I heard on a radio show the other morning that Richie just walked off the tour because he and Jon had a falling out over money. Maybe Jon isn't being quite upfront and is throwing some shade?

  15. It could also be something not drug related at all like an illness with his mom. His dad died of cancer, so that could be what he's been through before. I would think if Richie was in rehab or out partying, it would have leaked by now.

  16. Nutty - I agree. It's not like no one is going to notice that Richie Sambora is not touring with them. I understand he's got demons but it sounded like he left them in a lurch - pulled out right when the tour was supposed to start.

    Redd - I had also heard that there was a falling out over money but don't believe that. After this long together, I would think they would have financial arrangements pretty well worked out by now.

  17. I wish nothing but the best for Richie Sambora - hopefully, he pulls through whatever he's going through right now.

    I just have to say that I love...LOVE Jon Bon Jovi!

  18. Actually he started the tour but left rather abruptly to return to LA.

  19. One of Bon Jovi's sons looks a lot more like Richie than Jon and I've heard rumors....

    1. Oh stop it. None of Jon's kids look like Richie. Whatever rumor you heard is wrong.
