Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

Alex Pettyfer seems to be enjoying the attention of several women, but I wonder if you prefer him or
Chris Evans who is filming Captain America.
Prince Harry on the Jersey Shore yesterday. Ordered a drink called the Snooki and kept showing his abs to everyone.
Amber Rose has a lunch without her baby yesterday.
Drinking his lunch yesterday was Jim Toth who was in NYC with Reese Witherspoon.
Sheryl Crow at some Macy's party.
Camila Alves was there.
Even Tracy Morgan showed up.
Tamar Braxton showed off her baby bump at the BET Awards nominations.


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    i think Alex is PERFECT for the christian role in 50 shades

  2. The caption with Harry Windsor saying "kept showing his abs to everyone" joined by a pic with him holding Chris Christie (I hope it's well spelled) as if he were showing him in public made me giggle.

  3. What's up with Chris Pines face
    Lets hope Chris Christie didn't drink any of that Snooki drink and showed his fl"ab"

  4. Chris Evans over Alex any day. And, no, that wasn't a gay sex joke. Though....that would be kind of hot.

  5. Yummy Chris Evans; Captain Sexy is what he is.

  6. Harry and Christie in the same photo! I love them both

  7. I swear no one in South Jersey/Philly goes to Seaside Heights, probably because I remember it looking like a garbage dump..

  8. For no reason i cant stand sheryl crow. At all.

  9. Oh and Toth is ballsy to be drinking wine in public. At lunchtime. Ballsy.

  10. As long as he doesn't drive.

  11. Yum Captain America!!

  12. jim and reese must have drinking issues. they were just both arrested for being drunk, she looked like a fool in that film. and now its lunch and they're both drinking? really? that's enough now. and where is their new baby?

  13. jim and reese must have drinking issues. they were just both arrested for being drunk, she looked like a fool in that film. and now its lunch and they're both drinking? really? that's enough now. and where is their new baby?

  14. It's nice to see Reese has some leftover baby paunch.

  15. Reese and Jim are well matched, they are chin twins

  16. Okay - don't print a caption that says Prince Harry was showing his abs under a picture of him with Jabba the Governor - that's just blatant false advertising.

    Also, are both Jim Toth and Reese stupid enough to be enjoying a liquid lunch in a public place where they can be photographed or just Jim? Can't really tell what Reese is having. Or maybe they just don't care anymore and this is their PG-13 version of a Hunter S. Thompson lost weekend...

  17. And Auntliddy - maybe it's because several of the people that were "bullied" by Lance "I'm A Big Cheater" Armstrong have said when they were together she, at a minimum, knew about his use of & forcing teammates to use performance enhancing drugs.

  18. Chris Christie reminds me so much of Danny DeVito.

  19. When I started scrolling I was worried I was gonna have to put the Gov on my list.




  20. Evans


    Prince Hot Ginge

  21. @yodelay: Mansogyny! Why must you treat those men like meat? They are innocent creatures with feelings and emotions, and shouldn't be objectified like that. I DON'T KNOW WHY ENTY ALLOWS THIS! And Petyfer is only 23, that is like borderline....


  22. I like yodelay's list, I just prefer a different order.

    Hot Ginge

    Captain America

    Number Four

    Oh dear Lord I would LOVE a piece of that Ginger Prince!

  23. Alex pettyfer is gorgeous but Chris Evans wins. But wtf is up with that photo? Doesn't even look like him

  24. NOOOOO!!!!! Stop with the constant MANSOGYNY around here. And we don't want to hear your 14 year old fantasies of every filthy thing you want to do with those poor men. Mansogyny! They are MEN not MEAT and they deserve to be treated with respect! Mansogyny!!!! You think they want to see you rank them like a class of Hereford steers?

    1. Yes. I believe that is exactly what they want. ;)

  25. Can I vote no to both Alex P. and Chris Evans. One's a douche and the other is blander than Wonder Bread.

  26. I'm way too old for Chris Evans but he still does something for me.

    I know we're being funny with the "mansogyny" bit.. But given the Latin root origins of misogyny (mis = against/hate gyn = women) I can't help but read that as Man-So-Womanly. Which is just weird. At least misandry sort of makes sense as a word. But I think y'all were looking for "objectification."

  27. Hey Count, if they didn't want me oogling them, they wouldn't walk around looking so bangable.

    Besides, everyone knows men don't have feelings anyway. ;-)

    1. Could not have said it better myself!

  28. All I can see are Capt. America's biceps, all I can think of is Capt. America's herpes. :( Call me Chris, we'll cuddle.

  29. I can't help but think of Days of Wine and Roses when I look at the Reese & Jim photo.

  30. Look at Pettyfer with his shirt off. He's just asking for it.


  31. KILL: Tracy Morgan
    FUCK: Alex Prettyfer
    MARRY: Chris Evans

    PS Hello, my friends! I decided to end my Bruce Springsteen-induced boycott 8D

  32. @Mala Propism: I understand how the word breaks down, but I couldn't come up with anything that sounded better than Mansogyny.

    Also, you are never to old to daydream.

    @Yodelay: Just because a man walks around looking bangable doesn't mean that he is asking for it. That is Cro Mag thinking. EYE RAPE IS RAPE! It makes the victim feel dirty and dehumanizes them. A man should be able to walk the streets dressed however he wants without creeps snapping pictures of him to post all over the internet so degenerates can oogle them.

    Some of us DO have feelings. I cried when Lt. Col. Henry Blake's plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan, I cried when Jeter broke his ankle, and I've been chasing denial down bottles of cheap booze since I heard Jolie's puppies had to be euthanized. Don't you tell me I have no feelings! x(


  33. @Count,

    Really? You are a terrible person. "Rapey eyes" is just as demeaning as the K/F/M thing. And joking about Angeline Jolie's double mastectomy - REALLY x2?

  34. Chris Evans looks like he had one course of steroids too many....
