Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Amy Adams is making a new movie and obviously her co-star
Bradley Cooper has decided that it will be a bra free set. Bad perms are allowed though.
Malin Akerman shows off herself and her baby for the first time since giving birth.
Alyssa Milano has a Grease audition after this.
Yeah, I'm not sure what Miley Cyrus was thinking either.
Mena Suvari and her boyfriend always seem like a very odd pairing.
Get used to seeing a lot of Nicole Kidman at Cannes this year. It will probably be obnoxious.
Steven Spielberg is already dreading it and attempted to escape while
Carey Mulligan and Marcus Mumford are their usual sunny selves as they arrive in Cannes.


  1. Amy Adams had some work done or is it make up? She looks different although I can never tell her and Isla Fisher apart.

    Miley is auditioning for Pretty Woman 2 or a Dominatrix?

    Sorry but Mena's man looks like the only LA gangbanger,lol.

    1. Also can't distinguish Fisher from Adams.
      And is Nicole waving in the photo? Coz the arm looks strange.

  2. Amy Adams bores me.

    Mena is hot.

  3. I thought Mena's man was Turtle from Entourage.

  4. "Mena Suvari and her boyfriend always seem like a very odd pairing."

    Um...YEAH. That's what I've been saying. She's only 5'4 so this guy must be what..5'1? He's Snooki size.

  5. Anyone see Mena
    in American Horror Story? Amazing wish she got no work

  6. I can't handle more Miley. I just can't.

  7. Mena's bf is also her dealer.
    Amy Adams looks really good.

  8. Amy Adams always looks slightly blowsy to me, whereas Isla Fisher has this impish quality. I really want to see the movie where they play sisters.

  9. Mena Suvari loves her some cholos!

  10. Anonymous1:14 PM

    ewww mena , hes not even cute

    i LOVE amy adams
    ive loved her in all the movies shes done

  11. Miley was thinking, this fun and everyone will take my picture. I guess.

  12. Amy does look different...

    No words for Bradley's hair...Well besides not liking it lol...

    Alyssa Milano is coming out in Mistresses...

    Eeeekkkkk @ Miley...Still trying too hard to get attention....

  13. Alyssa Milano- and she could pick 3 toes to keep as a trophies if she needs convincing. I've wanted some of that since I was like 10.

    The next 2 are tough. Amy Adams is better looking that Miley, but she alleged to be a kook and no a kool kook. Miley go the young and prolly still sorta fresh thing going on, but I hate the hair.

    Miley - more fun crazy and she can twerk it.

    Amy Adams - very few times would she be this low on the list.

  14. Can't think of Amy as other than a creeper anymore. Thanks Enty.
    That pic of Mena and her b/f made me giggle. Sorry.

  15. While I am baffled by Mena and he bf, I ain't complaining because that's one less short girl with a tall guy. Stop taking our height appropriate men, short girls!

  16. No Mena for you count? Good. All for me - that is once she splits up with mini Ice-T.

  17. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Amy has larger eyes than Isla. She also has more of a fair complexion.

    The Kanye-Kardashian fight is going to be EPIC. If PMK think Kayne is going to go gentle into that good night, honey please!

    *Kanye shrugs in anticipation of the fight*

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    1. +1, tell it like it is giovanna

    2. Agreed Giovanna. I bumped into Mena at Yogurtland on LaBrea couple weeks ago. .......

      These racists must never leave their small towns and small brains.

  22. I don't know what "color" has to do with drug dealing... and she didn't mention anything about his ethnicity so you are clearly jumping to conclusions and being pretty salty while doing so.

    It's a gossip site. Conjecture and such. People make false allegations - that's the entire point of blind items. Move along.

  23. Malin Ackerman is so pretty there, good for her and congrats on the baby.

    Oh Miley. I like her so much but come on.

    Mena Suvari looks really pretty too, too bad she's probably got multiple STDs from the nasty gang trash she's with. He's like 5 feet tall!

    Alyssa Milano has the worst overbite/horse teeth. It is so distracting. And she supposedly loves baseball, the world's dumbest and most boring sport. But I guess she looks good for her age. Stupid outfit though.

  24. Hey Giovanna, I think your race is trash and I've been around them up close and personal in a former job. I AM a racist cunt and proudly own it. So how about them manzanas, puta? Does your employer know you're using their internet when you're supposed to be scrubbing the toilets?

  25. @JBE: There a lot of quality meat in this post, but I only allow myself fleeting thoughts of 3.

    I like Mena, but really, since 1999's American Pie/Beauty until the last Pie Reunion, only thing she's done worth watching is Spun. There gotta be something that ails her.

    And look at the competition. Alyssa might be one of the first hard ons I ever had. I've never tasted a ginger, so Adams stays on the list. And Miley is richer than both them combined, times 10, and does birthday threesomes. I'd be getting some of those Rim Man condoms to use with her. The ones that dissolve when moisture gets on them. I gotta find my Rim Man CD.

  26. Oh, and the Google say Suvari is 5'4. I thought she was 5'1 or 2. So w/o them heels on, they are probably the same height.

    @888: You were deemed to stupid for StormFront so they sent you here, huh?

  27. From @888:

    "Hey Giovanna, I think your race is trash and I've been around them up close and personal in a former job. I AM a racist cunt and proudly own it. So how about them manzanas, puta? Does your employer know you're using their internet when you're supposed to be scrubbing the toilets?"

    The Enty Moderation System is as broken as 888's pretend trolling attempts.

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  30. Actually I think 888's comments, while inflammatory, should not be banned from this site.

    It was the useless wackos that were the problem. As tasteless as 888's posts can be, they are not all like that.

  31. Giovanna, you learn to ignore some commentors on this site after a while. It's just not worth going after them - there are too many here who have ignorant views and comments, yet think their shit doesn't stink.

    it can be a fun place if you wade through it

  32. What in the hell is wrong with you people?

    888 - have another one and pass out already.

    hunter - go home.

    Amy Adams? Buy a freakin bra

  33. Randomly annoying posters are worse than someone who says if you aren't white, you're trash.

    Whatever the fresh hell was happening last week has nothing on the idea that blatant racism is better than being annoyed.

    My pet rock is suing for identity theft.

  34. KILL: Bradley Cooper
    FUCK: Marcus Munford
    MARRY: Mena Suvari's boyfriend

    1. @kimberly Joyce...there's something about your posts that really makes me like you. :)

  35. Carrie Underwood is someone that I find talented that periodically pops up here. Didn't check the other comments tho I usually do, but I bet someone wrote Carrie Underfed at some point. Slightly disappointed, tho I understand the "perfection" pressure factor.

  36. @BaconRanch: What kind of friend are you??? Don't tell Amy to buy a bra, ask her to do a topless scene.

  37. Nicole Kidman may be a bitch, but she is always impeccably dressed.

  38. @Giovanna, it's "he and I," not "him and I." And tattoo artists can be dealers too. ;-)

    I don't think @skimpymist is being racist; to my eyes, it's not that he's Latino, but that he's so very, very wee that it's hard to imagine a gorgeous celebrity being attracted to him, unless he's got one heck of a fabulous personality, which perhaps he does. Or unless he's doing something for her like supplying her with drugs. This couple would just set off the "whaaaat??" bells no matter what race he happened to be.

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