Friday, May 10, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Holly Madison was in LA yesterday trying to cash in on her baby some more.
Jennifer Aniston wore sunglasses in the dark and the rain in NYC. You know, because she is cool like that.
Speaking of not cool, hello Ke$ha.
Keira Knightley is on her honeymoon. Celebrated by eating something.
Even Kyra Sedgwick found that joke funny.
This could be my all time favorite photo ever. Vogue plays mean don't they.
Lake Bell, Katie Aselton, and Kate Bosworth at the Black Rock premiere.
Long time no see in the photos for Larry David.
Nick Lachey and Jeff Simmons really busting out those 98 Degrees hits.


  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Hiss. Swat growl

  2. Ha skimpymist. I want someone to post as my weird alter ego, spice.

  3. What did Kim K. do to Vogue to make them hate her this much?

    1. She was born.. jk. Guessing its because she's tacky and her fame is from making a porno. Oh and Anna doesn't like people that eat, unless its children's souls.

    2. Gayeld, Kim didn't do anything. Anna Wintour is a spiteful bitch who hasn't changed her hair in decades and is jealous of the beauty Kim's pregnant body has become.

    3. @Peter. Shouldn't she hate PimpMamaKris for that? ;-)

  4. So this is what it takes to finally get you up here?

  5. You want to do her too, is that it?

  6. I'm not good enough for you?!

  7. I came back here for you Nick

  8. Why is all the rum gone????

  9. My parents tried to take me away, but I fooled them!

  10. I came back here for you, and I found you with my best friend

  11. @Galeld, because Anna thinks Kim and the whole Kartrashian Klan is tacky and classless. She hasn't been shy about stating that, either. For some strange reason she loves Kanye, though, and until the fake pregnancy is over, they are a package deal. You can always photoshop her out, which is exactly what they did!

    1. @Silly girl. I have to agree with Anna. (And all the other posters who pointed out that starting your career with a sex tape leaves you no way to get out of the gutter.)

  12. I still love you Nick!

  13. Since Kanye picks out Kim's clothes this is a big slap to him as well.

    The clothing choice by whomever was indeed atrocious, and being worn by a full figured pregnant lady made it look like Kanye had drug his Aunties
    floral sofa to the Ball.

  14. Kesha looks like John Travolta in drag.

    1. John Travolta fucking wishes to be as beautiful a gem as her!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Ke$ha is NOW she is like the most cool HIP celebrity right now. I wish someone could steal one of her hairs and make a perfume with it. It would be called Houde De Stank. I would try to buy every bottle. It better come in a fucking trash bag or ziplock, otherwise I will riot the streets of LA with a pitchfork and a "DOWN WITH KEYSHIT". Hopefully people would join me!

  16. Haha, Kanye is standing next to some sort of large drapery or upholstered wall.

    It must be said: Kim Kardashian was banned from this event for years and only got in this year b/c of Kanye the Precious Fashion Poodle. I think she wore that monstrosity as a "f*ck you" to the snobs. I rather like her for that.

  17. What is wrong with wintour that she has to work overtime to be mean to kk? Im no fan of kims, but this is mean girl stuff.

  18. And jen aniston IS cool.

  19. To those of you that are uninitiated, I am an expert in the ways of love. I have made love to many fine ladies from the lowliest bus station skank to the classiest most sophisticated, educated, debutaint high society... bus station skank.
    Butt I have never made sweet butt love to Ho-lly Madison.

  20. It was a photo for "Best Dressed", and for that, Kim K was not.

  21. Larry Fucking David- he is prettay prettay fucking awesome.

  22. Wow, Jennifer Aniston looks more like Barbra Streisand every day.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      This the second time I have said this in the last 48hrs on here but...."omg!!! I thought the exact same thing!!!" and in fact I have been thinking that for quite some time. Thank you Thank you Thank you warmislandsun...I'm not crazy :)

  23. I am glad lake bell and Kate bosworth let their pits air out. It is getting hot!!! They don't like to be kept under layers. It makes them sweat more. :/

  24. Funny that Nick Lachey is running around doing his best to be Mr. Family man. It's a shame he wasn't like that with Jessica. He cheated while she did her best to be the perfect wife. Once she realized it just wasn't happening she left. I also think it was a cheap shot that he took at her dad. She is going through a rough time with everything right now.

    1. @inthebusiness what world are you living in. How did she do her best to be the perfect wife. Is it when she put her needs and career over his, had Joe intervene in all aspects of their marriage, partying with other men, spending money on stupid stuff like $200 sheets, acting dumb all the time because she thought it made her more likeable. The life she has now she chose because she was too shallow and narcissistic to appreciate what she had. Heck she's even worse now.

  25. I don't care of Anna Wintour is a mean girl. I LURVE that she sees KK for what she really is: A money grubbing, social climbing famewhore. Bless her for having some principals. Sorry Kimmie but you cannot make a silk purse out f sows ear. The fact is your "fame" began with a sex tape and you will never move above low class.

    Ugh..Is it wrong to just find Keshit so unattractive? She seems like the grossest woman alive and I'm asstounded (typo and it stays)that any man would want to do her.

    Now I'm channeling my mean girl.

    1. Because it's not like Anna Wintour is a money grubbing famewhore. Just saying.

  26. To be fair, Vogue has pictures of the Walking Sofa on its web site about the Met Gala - but that particular photo was to spotlight Kanye as one of the Best Dressed.

    And I love what they did.

  27. My anaconda don't want none unless ya' got buns hon'. And I'm a girl, so Enty better get to writin' some o' that gossip and crap about the girl who has an 'anaconda'. hehhheheheh

  28. I love Larry David!!!!!! I need a Curb fix!

    Darrian, you're doing a good job keeping me entertained today, thank you!

  29. Knightly



    I never been with a chick that didn't have a gag reflex, and I think Knightly and Bosworth may have ruined theirs.

    I imagine a filthy time with Aniston, where a short ways in she reverts to happy place and refuses to say "no" or "stop" because that would be admitting she was present in the moment.

    1. I have a good gag reflex Count. Don't worry about it.

    2. I was born without a gag reflex county!

    3. Sweet. BoobsNSnatch & TwistyKoi how long can you 2 hold your breath? Wanna have a showcase showdown?

    4. I want you to slam me up against a wall and fuck me until Iose my virginity again!!! I am super tight. All the time!!

    5. Mmmm you like it rough? Just manhandling and hair pulling or smacking too? I don't do choking, sorry :(

  30. skimpymist
    Have you met her? Spent time with her? Talked to her? I have.
    I certainly wouldn't waste my time taking her in for a MENSA test but she's not as dumb as you think. Sly as a fox comes to mind.
    Keep in mind, when her marriage to Nick was going on Poppa Joe was her Reverend Father/manager, not the host at gay pride parades.

    That was then, this is now.

  31. Anonymous1:37 PM

    @ inthebusiness, I admire your eagerness about this wonderful but strange (and sometimes scary) industry but you forgot this: “He cheated while she did her best to be the perfect wife. “ She was most certainly not the perfect wife. My idea of perfect is perfect. No one is perfect. However Nick didn’t cheat on Jessica. Nick wasn’t the one who put on those shorts and washed that car and then continued the water fun in the trailer with a costar.
    Jessica may not be a sinner, but she certainly is no saint. Nick was the smartest of all and simply walked away.

  32. Well I flopped out of school but I still hang in the halls
    So there I was, you'll never guess what I saw
    Maybe a chicken, I thought it was a duck
    But it was a redneck fuck, so I walked up
    "Hey Willy Bubba, hubba-bubba-lubba
    My names Violent J, but my homies call me chicken plucker
    I been down with the clown since day one, it's day two
    I guess I got some plucking to do
    In these parts, we tie you to the desk
    And all line up and take blows to your chest (punch)
    Fists to your chin (punch), kicks to your head (punch)
    Walked in the school, there's hay in the hallway
    Leading to your locker, walk up 'n sock ya
    Then bounce your head around the class room and act nutty
    The teacher walks, and asked everybody (body, body..)

  33. Kay Eee Dollar Sign Hah! looks good in that picture.

  34. I hate to admit it, but you're right Himmmm.
    I hope I didn't make it sound like Jessica was perfect but in rereading I see where I gave that impression.

    I really did think Nick cheated but I guess not.

    Lesson learned over here. Thank you. And hey! It's good to see you!!

  35. @Himmm: Agree with you, Jessica slept with all the actors on that set (Dukes), then she went on to Adam Levine (??spelling) & famously appeared in his doorway nude under a trench coat, all while she was married to Nick.

    She thought everyone would want her & she'd be a superstar, in movies, music & whatever. Her hit movie was something like "Employee of the Month" (in a Walmart like store w/Dane Cook co-starring).
    Nick was lucky to get away from her & her family.

  36. Crap!!! More 'real' posters? Thought we got rid of 'em. C'mon trolls, if we ignore them, they'll go away. Don't feed the Jones'. I come here for the depravity and the personal attacks on Enty. Can we please go back to the way we were?

  37. That is awesome... Vogue thought a field of plain white nothing looks better in their pages than the S.S. Kim K !!! (Then again, maybe they're making a statement about her with the whole "plain white nothing" thing.). And is it just me, or does Kanye look like the bobble-head of himself in that pic? Or maybe it's just his ego.

    Al$o, doe$n't Ke-dollar sign-ha reali$e that hairdo ha$n't been cool $ince Bo Derek wore it and it'$ not the 80'$ anymore?


  39. Larry David - yes, I totally would!

    Wow, now that is a diss, Vogue. How delightful, heehee.

  40. Jennifer Aniston really needs a new stylist. Desperately. She has looked exactly the same for a decade. Not good.

  41. I've got a bad case of dysenty. Not a typo. Anyone got some yeast infection shit? I'm not clapping cuz Enty gave me the Clap.

  42. @canopener - get the fuck over it. We are.

  43. @MadLyb, unfortunately, it's the fuck that I can't get over. At least until they find a cure. Please pray.

  44. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Ke$ha. Is she related 2 Boy George? I just love cornrows.

  45. I'm but a simple troll, living a simple life, with simple needs, simple wants. I simply want Entry. To simply enter me. Just one more time. Plan B me!

  46. I heard Jessica kissed that dirty guy from the Jackbutt crew, it's hard for me to trust her after that smdh

  47. And then Enty has the balls to call her out on her weight? He's visionary. A prophet walks among us.

  48. Keira Knightly - naturally thin, but healthy. Check out her legs. Kate Bosworth - scary legs. Some people are just thin when they are young, it's genetics
    and luck. I've always like Keira Knightly, think she's adorable and a good actress and am glad she doesn't subscribe to the boob implant thing.

  49. Leave your comment
    In the next week, I will be deciding whether to go to a process which will involve the approval of all comments prior to being posted. I do not want to have to resort to this option, but will, and hopefully would only have to do so for a short time before returning to the system that exists now.

    Did you hear that? The great and powerful ENT has spoken. We just got told! He's gonna read EVERY. SINGLE. COMMENT. OR NOT.
