Saturday, June 22, 2013

Blind Item #2

After years of affairs and false starts and stops, this B- list mostly movie actress who shot to fame on a huge television show is getting a divorce. She has almost gone through with a divorce several times, but each time she started it, the guy she was having an affair with would back down when he realized how serious she was getting. This time though, the guy she met last year on set has been perfect she says and is ready to break the news to her husband.


  1. Sarah michelle gellar?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jew broad, fights Dracula.

  4. If Heigl is B- I say her.

  5. The First Law of Wing-Walkers is a great guideline for employment.

    It's a lousy guideline for marriage.

  6. Omg. If sarah breaks Freddie heart. I'll cut a bitch. Hope its not them.

  7. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I think this is Buffy, he hasn't been going to events with her, she's not shy about saying he's at home watching the game, etc.

  8. Smg isn't mostly movie, Buffy ringer and a new show coming this year. Her movie attempts are pretty lame, I think more went straight to video than ended up in a theater

  9. Smg isn't mostly movie, Buffy ringer and a new show coming this year. Her movie attempts are pretty lame, I think more went straight to video than ended up in a theater

  10. What emily_h said. Sarah is NOT mostly movie, and in fact she has a new TV series in September.

  11. My money's on SMG. So who's the beau?

  12. What if it's Heigl and Topher Grace!

    1. I think Heigl's husband would have a better shot with Topher Grace!!

  13. Sarah was all TV before she did the horror movies which she got because of Buffy. Heigl was mostly movies since a kid but really wasn't that big a star so Ill say her.

  14. SMG had her 2nd baby in September 2012 and the BI states that the affair began last year. I don't think this is her unless she's into hooking up with dudes whilst pregnant.

  15. Jessica Alba. She seems resentful of Cash.

  16. My guess is Heigl, but whoever it is, she is pathetic for not being able to leave her husband without another man waiting in the wings for her.

  17. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner... It doesn't sound like the dude has to necessarily be a leech.

  18. Gillian Anderson and scared of commiting to her Duchovney??

  19. "Blogger barbaraLA said...

    Jew broad? Seriously?
    All that talk about Paula Deen and no one calls that Jerk on Jew broad?"

    First off, it is a reference to a quote. Artie Lang went to see his uncle and the old Italian guy was watching Buffy. Artie questioned it and his uncle said that as a description of the show.

    Second, what is wrong with the line that makes me Paula Deen like?

    Maybe no one called me on it, because no one saw anything wrong with it. "Jew" is not a slur and I use "broad" all the time. Although "broad" maybe considered low class, which is why I love it, it is not a slur. You never hear someone in an argument say "You broad".

    So please enlighten me as 2 y u gots da butthurtedness.

    1. Count, your comments are my favorite. ;)

  20. Anna Camp from True Blood/
    Mad Men?

    She met Skylar Astin on the set of Pitch "Perfect" in 2012, and last month he was with her on the premiere of True Blood season 6...??

    ..although they are both kinda C list...

  21. Jew used as an adjective (as opposed to Jewish) is considered offensive.

  22. So you are telling me "Jew fights Dracula" is not offensive, but "Jew broad fights Dracula" is offensive?

    And I'm not saying offensive as in "sounds coarse" I am saying offensive as in equivalent to the N-word. Cause you know, "black" sounds low brow compared to "African-American", but it is a far cry from insulting.

    In the end it is kinda moot. I'm sure they picked a worse word to be their word, so I'm probably in the clear. I won't be losing my show on the Food Network.

  23. Thanks Dorothy. Kind words are always appreciated.

  24. Re: Jerkula

    In the brief filed against Paula Deen et al, one of the allegations of verbal abuse against Ms. Jackson,is "Bubba Hiers referred to her as 'my little Jew girl' "

  25. OK Babs, if you wanna call it abusive, I'm fine with that. Now just run and find Buffy to complain about it, cause since it was directed at her specifically, she is the only one who has the right to feel abused.

    I still reject the notion that anything I wrote was offensive.

  26. Wait a minute, after thinking about it, I feel the need to rescind my last statement. We aren't in a work place environment here and there is no assumption of a certain level of decorum or politeness.

    Was my initial post impolite, ab so friggin lutely. Thats what I do. I don't find it to be abusive or offensive though. I am not Miss Buffy's employer and have no reason to be polite to her, just like she has no reason to pay attention to a damn thing I say.

  27. @barbaraLA There are plenty of us who find the Count incredibly offensive, but we've seen what happens to people who call him out on it so we choose to ignore him.

  28. Yes, they lose arguments.

  29. Someone whose handle is "Count Jerkula" says something offensive. SHOCKING!

  30. @P.: Shhhhh. Don't go trying to bring rational thought into this. You will mess up the entire dynamic.

  31. I heart you Count!

    People are too damn sensitive! Seriously, people you need to relax.

    Count is one of those guys who says things for shock value. He means it to be's funny.
