Saturday, June 22, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 15, 2012

So, today I wanted to tell you about this actress. She is still an actress although she has not been in much lately. I would say she is still in the B+/A- list as far as name recognition goes, but as for actual acting and her status on the working list, she is probably a C+. Always more famous for things other than her acting, she is a big name. For years she has been the object of desire for many men. Men, who have seen her and are willing to pay a price to spend time with her. After her most recent series failed and the grind to find more acting work began to take its toll, our actress found a way to earn money and have a good time and make all those men happy. If you live outside the US and have a big enough checkbook you can hire our actress. She has a one week minimum and prefers a month. Last year she made more money by being the companion of men around the world than she ever did acting. She gets to go to parties and events and has seen the world. She tries to not get too drunk and every man who has spent time with her has had her back for another visit. She is not shy about it and will tell you flat out it is what she enjoys doing. No more auditions or wondering if she is going to get another role. No more being grab handled by guys at mall signings and endless photographs where she pretends to be happy. She has found her plan for the next few years and as she says, it's a living. Oh, and for sure this one will be revealed.

Pamela Anderson


  1. She was the main candidate when blind first posted. No surprise here.

  2. Exactly, @Texas Rose, even people without TVs or internet access knew this one.

  3. That should've been labeled easy easy really easy

  4. Hmm, I thought this was already revealed.

  5. This was already revealed at least once before.
    We get it, Pammy lays for pay.

  6. I don't know if I could take a week with her. She's a flat out mess, and you know damn well the yapping is insufferable. There would have to be an agreement where she got docked somewhere between 2 and 5 hundred dollars every time I had to tell her to shut up. Or maybe ever 4 STFUs is dry anal.

    P.S. The amounts of money some will spend to star fuck is unbelievable to me. Guaranteed for what they pay her for a week, you could purchase the services of an Eastern Euro broad lil too short to be a model, for 6months to a year.

    Heck the way the Greek economy is, you can get a hottie for a week long cruise, for the cost of the cruise and $300.

    These tricks are totally fiscally irresponsible, which makes it no surprise the Euro Zone is is economically swirling the bowl.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This has been revealed, I think last 4th of July

  8. There should be a site rule: When you reveal 1 version of a story, like Pam hooking, the Enties have to reveal all 16 versions of the story they have posted.

  9. She should mentor Don Johnson on this new trade. He has been doing it for free all these years.

  10. So do the enties just make several different blinds about the same thing? Then each time the blind is revealed it seems like its already been revealed before?

  11. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Eh.. I can't fault her. She's a grown, mature woman who I imagine saw her share of handsy directors and casting couches. How is high end hooking all that different? She's being paid well, knows the score and and is having a good time. it sounds like she has the right mindset for this to work for her. Still a tough trade mentally and emotionally but I think she can handle it.

  12. Pam never made a lot of money from Baywatch or her VIP series. I also don't think she gets much child support out of Tommy Lee either.

    She is just using her paid for assets the best she can. I think she understands what is expected of her and performs her role well. At least she is making bank.

    I also don't think her companionship is all just for sex. The men want to be seen with her and enjoy her company. Not a terrible way to spend an evening on the red carpet.

  13. so what does she do with her sons whilst she is pursuing her new career? and I am sure they will be so proud

  14. Kid Rock said part of why she lost her luster in his eyes was that she'd dump her kids on anyone...for weeks at a time. She even dumped them on his parents. I remember when they were young she was all about being a mom-at least that's what it "looked" like. Now, I wouldn't let her care for a pet rat.

  15. I think her kids are in a boarding school up in Canada - no idea of how much they might see Tommy. I used to see him with them when they were younger, but I think it's been years since I've seen either one of them with the boys. Probably better off for them, actually.

    How much do you all think she would be getting paid a week? She should not be broke because even if she didn't make that much from Baywatch, she had endorsements, i think she "wrote" a book, probably had a fragrance, etc - she was always at events.

    Enty says she's making way more doing this - I wonder what the going rate for this would be.

  16. Pam has no money compared to the lifestyle she leads. That is why she tried to hoodwink Kid Rock into marrying her.

  17. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Oh Pammy. She looks like an unconvincing tranny.

  18. Does she make enough hooking to pay her taxes in California? She owes the state I live in a huge amount of money. They list the deadbeats every year, and she is top of the least.

  19. boooo already revealed

  20. Very sad for her boys. How old are they now?

  21. Definitely revealed already. New year's? 4th? Those poor kids. Not only do they have those parents, the sex tape, mom's naked pics all over the Internet, now mom's an international hooker. I hope the Canadian boarding school is out in the boondocks with no Internet access.

  22. Her boys must be so proud.

  23. Isn't she a little old and, er, overused to be so desired? We haven't time traveled back to 1995, have we??

    1. Sweetheart, if you saw a picture of me (I an almost 56) and my lover (who is 30) with whom I've been intensely involved both sexually and emotionally for five years, you would have a serious W.T.F. moment.

      I am fat, disabled, and nowhere NEAR the likes of PA in looks. I happen to be intelligent, uninhibited, and a sex bomb. Regardless of looks, to some (more than anyone looking at me now could imagine-I have had quite a life) I am highly irresistible.

      My lover is incredibly good looking and fit. He is a lead singer in a punk band and is as badass as they come, along with being brilliant and sweet and well educated. He cannot keep his hands off me when we are together. And he is a very good friend who appreciates my presence in his life on many levels.

      Most of my lovers have been great looking and intensely attracted to me, actually. Even after I became seriously ill, fat and disabled. That did not change the way they felt-whether they met me before or after my body got very large. And they were not focussed on my size at all.

      The bullshit you appear to have been fed since birth about what is sexy, what is attractive, what is good looking, and what is desirable is just that: BULLSHIT.

      Compared to the way she looked in her youth, yep, PA seems rode hard and put away wet. But different people are attracted to different things. And just because she is no longer a sex siren in her 30s does not mean she is not sexy to certain men.

      I do not plan to stop having sex until I die. It is a god/dess given joy, a birthright. Perhaps you might consider opening up the narrow perspective that makes you think only SOME people qualify as sexually valuable.

      Maybe YOU will find yourself increasing in self-appreciation.

      I have always been heavier than the 'norm'. I have been laughed at and ridiculed for my weight. It was not easy to maintain good self esteem with the dismissal I have received from mainstream society. But despite my size, despite serious health issues that would slow down a racehorse, I have made my way, lived a successful life, kept my sense of humor, and oh by the way experienced decades of screamingly hot sex with great love and appreciation attached. Wrap your mind around THAT and give Pammy a break.

      Truthfully, I feel sorry for her-she has an obvious drinking problem, but she is doing her thing and noone should judge her-looks OR choice of income.

    2. Anonymous12:03 AM

      Wow, what a verbal barrage. TMI. Pammy looks, smells and is diseased as a used tampon. It has nothing to do w size, age etc. btw, which "punk" genre? I'm a fully fledged death gutter punk. Just innerested

    3. Verbal barrage is my specialite. Don't read it if you ain't innerested. K? I can post what I like. Good taste bad taste who the fuck cares taste. This site is one where people have their opinions on free range and that is why I like it. So. Um. Go dig some manure.

  24. This is a repeated reveal. Here and on Lainey.

  25. Pam & Tommy's kids (teenagers) go to a private school in Vancouver BC. On holidays, they visit Pam's parents since the grandparents live very close to the private school. So basically, Pam's parents are raising them in Canada.
