Friday, June 14, 2013

Blind Item #8

This star NFL player for an NFC team has been having an affair with the wife of one of his teammates. It all started when he saw her naked on vacation.


  1. Please don't be RGIII

  2. No idea, but that's some juicy gossip! Please reveal!

  3. I hope it's not RG3 he just got engaged.

  4. One of the main agencies I use is going to cut me off tomorrow night at midnight if I don't pay their annual subscription price. So, it is with that in mind that I come to you and ask for your help in defraying some of this subscription cost. I appreciate the readers who have purchased ads and that has helped a great deal but I am still several thousand dollars short.

    If you are so inclined I would greatly appreciate $5 or $10 or whatever you are able to donate between now and tomorrow night. I know many of you are suffering through the recession or are unemployed and I love being able to write for you and let you have a few minutes each day where you don't have to think about anything other than how many typos one blogger can make in a day.

    Not to make this sound like a PBS pledge drive, but for those of you who donate $50, I will send you a copy of Amber Tamblyn's new book Bang Ditto when it is released or a copy of her older book Free Stallion and have her write in it whatever it is you want her to write.

    In addition, whatever money is raised above the $6500 goal, I will donate it to a charity we can all vote on later in the week.


  5. Ooh FSP that would be delish!

  6. It does not say the QB is married, but I would not put this past Jay Cutler.

    1. It says "star" not QB... But Jay doesn't qualify in either case. He is, however, a classless pig, so perhaps it is him.

  7. Can opener, are you trying to bore us to death?

    We know. We all know all these things. I was here when these things happened and before. The people who were upset by it all left. This is the Internet. No one is here against their will. Except the COS drones

  8. Cutler is a pretty good guess.

  9. Enty, can you ban Kanopener's ip?

  10. Colin Kaepernick.

    (Alas, realignment has forced me to become a Niner hater.)

  11. One of the Philadelphia Eagles(Jason Peters) got arrested up here for drag racing on the interstate. I wanted to go up to the jail, stand safely on the other side of the bars, and say," Bitch, this ain't Fast and the Furious, and you damn sure ain't the frickin Rock!!" then laugh, and run far, far away.
