Friday, June 14, 2013

Conversations With My Two Year Old Part Three


  1. If you're gonna tell a kid that all the cookies are gone, you need to stick with that story or they'll never believe anything you say.

  2. This dad is a whimp. Tell the child no, and stick to it. The whinning is hard to take... but giving in sets a very bad precident.

  3. seriously kids are easy to trick until they're about 5-6 and by then reasoning usually works. This dad is a pushover!

  4. the first video was cute, but the cute factor has gone way down.

  5. I think they all are cute videos.

  6. *snort* This one is my life lately. My three-year old just got in trouble for sneaky candy, so Mommy through the last of her Easter candy in the trash. She seems to think that I can magically make it remanifest if she explains in enough different ways that she wants it now.

  7. Whatever. I think they're cute. I just love the grown man in barrettes and fairy wings!

  8. What is even funny about this one? I'm so over these fame whores.

  9. I watched the first one and...did not like it. Don't think I'll bother with any more. We've left the toddler stage behind and I have NO intention of looking back, thankyouverymuch!

  10. I think these videos are quite amusing. I looked into who's producing them, and it's a group of indie filmmakers and actors that have a company called Warmland Films - in Vancouver.

    Not sure why you think they're fame whores, @Alice Tate.
