Saturday, June 15, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 20, 2012

This A list all movie actor was told by his wife that she would leave him if he made a certain movie with a certain someone. The wife has a good friend who was hurt recently by the certain someone and there was no way the wife was going to allow her husband to be working everyday with the actress. None.

Ben Affleck/Jennifer Garner/Kristen Stewart


  1. Too bad Affleck's apparently willing to let his wife run his life. As for Garner's assertion (if true), it takes two to tango, and Stewart had no obligation to Liberty Ross. Her husband Rupert Sanders did, and he was a grown man at the time who freely chose to do whatever it was he did. That's where Garner's anger (if any) should be directed, not at Stewart.

    1. You take this way too seriously.

    2. Haha my exact thoughts. Who really cares that much.

  2. Except, that didn't happen. So there's that.

  3. Crack that whip, Jen!

    I don't get the Garner hate. I kinda love her...

  4. I can't stand Garner's annoying baby voice. And it always sounds like she's talking with food in her mouth

  5. I think all of you guessed this one. I of course had no clue.
    I don't care for Stewart, she's twitchy on screen, and off, she's sullen and slouchy. But, I doubt she made Rupert do anything he didn't want to do, so I surely don't blame her for that 'torrid' affair. Pfft. It was both, if it wasn't more him.

    Affleck is still the jackass on Mallrats in my mind. Always will be. I like Jennifer.

  6. Ben should've reminded her that him making movies puts a roof over her head and affords her the luxury of being at stay at home mom but if she doesn't like it , she can always leave.

    1. The "luxury" of being a stay at home mom? First, she works. Second, are you effing kidding? You've clearly never enjoyed the thankless 100-hour workweek of a stay at home mom.

    2. I appreciate working mothers and stay at home moms. Stay at moms deserve more credit for what they do and not condescending hand clap that society and career women give them BUT you know Jen doesn't take care of her kids. Her nanny does but not Jen. Just like Angelina doesn't comb her children's hair at least not the black girl 's hair.jen works when she wants to. Does something here and there to keep get resume updated. Is Jen works, it cause she wants to not because she has to (bills ,rent, etc).
      Call it what it is .

    3. Wow, that was pretty racist.

    4. What's racist about what I said . The hair thing? Whitefolks in general can not comb it as they day "manage" Blackfolks ' hair. They can't . Even Oprah tells you this.

    5. Yeah, i get all my info about black people from oprah. This may come as a shock, but white people are able to learn how to care for black peoples hair. Some of your ideas are from the 1950's!!

  7. Lord help us all if Kristen Stewart is considered some irresistible vixen that men can't help themselves around. I mean, its insulting! She is so plain and ordinary.

  8. @justcurious: He could say that and then Jen could remind him that she stuck by his unemployed behind for years and brought in the bacon.

    In addition, I get pretty tired of the "she didn't make any vows" excuse. If somebody is fuxing someone that they KNOW is married, I'm giving them the side eye too.

    1. Please, when did Jen support Ben??,,, this isn't some woman helping her husband work his way through law/med school. Ben was caked up prior to Jenn with one Oscar on his mantle . Jen contributed nothing to his success. She was already over 30 (old by H'wood standards)with a good but cancelled tv show and a boring superhero movie spin-off that wasn't good enough to film a sequel but who's movie soundtrack was better than the movie itself.
      The only reason Jenn is still relevant because she married Affleck. Plain and simple.

    2. The blind said Jen believe Kirsten hurt a friend of hers which is why she forbade Ben from working with Kirsten. It didn't say Jen was afraid of Kirsten seducing Ben on a movie set. Again, you're taking food off your fam's table with high school clique bullshit. Sounds like Jen is more loyal to her friend than her husband.

  9. I think we all guessed this one. Could someone explain the appeal of K-Stew...

  10. Somehow I think Ben not doing a movie with Stewert is a good thing. While not all of his movies are A+ box office hits, hers in in a much needed downward spiral. You don't want the fame, honey? No problem, I like my stars to act like stars.

  11. It make sense now.

  12. I doubt she was that worried Ben would be unable to resist her. More that they'd be dragged through the tabloids after years of rehabbing his image. He and Stewart had already made multiple covers for having an affair before he dropped the film. Ben and Jen are way too smart about their brand to risk that kind of negative press.

    And please with saying Kristen Stewart didn't owe Liberty Ross anything. She worked with the woman, ate in her home, played with her children. Slime move on her part and no excuse for it.

  13. More power to her although I have never witnessed anyone onscreen have(sorry twihards) chemistry with Kristen Stewart

  14. @justcurious: You seem to forget the years when Ben was unemployable and had pissed away most of his money on gambling and JLO. During that time, Jen was the one who brought in income from a few movies and her cosmetic contracts. I'm not a fan of hers but your post acted like she just up and booed up with the Affleck we know now and just sat around popping out babies which isn't true.

    1. I'm not a follower of Affleck. The JLo excess coverage and screwing DD was enough to turn me off. He has an odd choice in females but you're a fool to think he was supported by Jennifer . If he did gamble his money away or silent Yt all on JLo, what woman would marry a man like that , let alone $upport him????

      I never said she sat at home poppin kids out But she knew she didn't have to worry about mortgage when she married Affleck and could work when she wanted to just like Tom Hank's wife and Travolta's.

  15. Anonymous10:21 AM

    em..... I don't understand when people come on here and say that we take this stuff too seriously, or that it's all made up. No one's taking anything "too seriously" or freaking out in any kind of way, we are talking about theories for a blind item subject, not whether the blind item is true or how seriously we should take it. Go take verbal craps on your coworkers conversations or whoever's around you, we don't need it here Debbie Downer!

  16. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Ben and Jen are both power players, yes she was getting a little long in the tooth, but she's always been a sweet IT girl, and has alot of nice endorsement stuff still. Like her new neutrogena adds. Their star power is equal, their earning power equal, neither of them can act their way out of a paperbag without alot of serious cut aways and lip biting, or brow furrowing and consternation. They help each other, share the childcare/household responsibilities, both bring in money, no one was that bad off before and together they're a great team, imho. And this blind makes sense, if we believe the other blinds about Ben's infidelity and love of strippers. She has a right to put her foot down when she's not comfortable with something, based on his past behavior. imho

    1. Jen's a power player???? By proxy , right? Cause of her husband . Kinda like the only reason folks pay attention to Jada is because of Will. No one cared about Katie for years until she married Cruise. Now that's she divorce, it's the only interesting thing about her.
      A power couple would be Bey and Jay not Ben and Jen.

  17. @justcurious--she wasn't saying he couldn't make the movie...just that she wanted a different actress to be in it. That is probably the smartest idea ever as Stewart seems to suck at acting (I am going by what everyone else says as I can't be bothered to see a movie with her in it).

    1. The blind said Jenn threaten to leave Ben if he made the with Kirsten . Really?? You would break our marriage because I'm working with a bitch that you don't like???? We're talking a paycheck here.
      If a woman gives her husband that type of ultimatum , they won't last. Talk about insecure.

  18. @justcurious: Um, the same could be said of Affleck and that was my point. You keep focusing on supporting him when YOU are the one who acted like Jen Garner needed his unemployed behind to support her. He wasn't bringing active income into the household and she was, therefore, if Ben said the mess you posted then she would have every right to remind him that she was the one bringing in income for a certain period.

    1. I never said Jen needed Ben to support her . I 'm saying Jen as an working actress didn't bring as much to the table as Ben did. If this was Angelina or Jennifer Anniston, that would be a different story. You acting like Ben would falter if Jen left him. He's a triple theat : actor/writer/director he will always have a job.

      Even JLo and Gywneth Paltrow do better career wise than Jennifer Garner. The best career move, Jenn has ever made was marrying Ben. The 2nd was having babies . She's set for life at least fur the next 18 years if decides to leave .

  19. Yes I agree that Rupert lastnameescapesme is to blame for the affair than Kristen. He was the married man with children he should have thought of. Instead he thought with the "little head" instead of his "big head". Kristen is just stupid. ALL women should know that this COULD happen with their own husbands/family. I'd never want that kind of Karma waiting for me!

    @Sugar- I know!!! Kristen is extremely bland with less than mediocre acting skills. Expensive clothes, heels, and some eyeliner can do wonders for a girl. Maybe she has an awesome personality and attracts men that way? HA.

  20. Meh I say power to Jen.

    Think about it, would you want your significant other, working with a person who obviously has no problem stabbing you in e back with a smile in on the face? Probably not. It's not like Ben needs the money from that movie either.

    I've been the wife, and the other woman. But I didn't feel a ton of guilt over being the other woman, even though it was fun and I didn't want anything to come of it. Fortunately we were never caught and I will never be the other woman again. There's too much guilt and thoughts swirling around there. But I do believe it takes two to make it happen. The guy sent me vibes and I played on them. Plain and simple. I think both Kristen and Saunders were equally to blame. Not that Kristen seduced, and not that Saunders took advantage. They mutually did it.

  21. "In addition, I get pretty tired of the "she didn't make any vows" excuse. If somebody is fuxing someone that they KNOW is married, I'm giving them the side eye too."

    ^This. This right here.

    If you know someone is taken, back off.

    Also, I've never liked Jen. She left her first husband for Vartan and then married Ben after breaking up with Vartan. She seems normal now but that still doesn't make me like her any better.

  22. Kristen Stewart is hot in the hottest girl in the trailer park way.

    Saying that "oh well, you're taking food off the family table", come on gtfo with that. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are in danger of going bankrupt if dude doesn't make a shitty rom com with Kristen Stewart? What, did his Argo money go to blackjack? Be real.

    Jennifer Garner's not known for being weak and it seems like now that Affleck and Garner have moved up to the A list, she's able to put the hit out on when she wants to.

    She was in previous blinds for smacking around Jessica Biel and notice that Kristen Stewart is no longer attached to Focus, the movie that she was supposed to do with Affleck.

  23. Of course it's also the husband's fault but no way does Stewart get a pass. You don't start up with someone who is taken, especially with kids.

    And while Ben and Kristen may not have done anything, the publicity would stink. I wonder who the friend was, don't 'think she and Libery even know each other. Obviously Stewart has a reputation in Hollywood even worse than even us gossip mongers know.

  24. I think Jen is a stone cold calculating bitch. Remember she did cheat on her first husband.

  25. Wasn't she in a sorority? That should tell you something right there.

  26. Praise Jennifer Garner! The wooden acting of Ben Affleck combined with the horrific acting of K Stewart would have been too much to take. Thank you Jennifer for putting the kibosh on this!

  27. Shit like this is why women hate other women and the "sisterhood" bs is just that....BULLSHIT. You DO have a responsibility to others, to be respectful of their families and to treat them as you would want yourself and your family to be treated. There is ZERO EXCUSE for getting knowingly involved with a married or otherwise taken person, and anyone who does is an asshole. You can try and justify it til the cows come home but you know that you want to be a selfish ass and act thoughtlessly and not have to face the consequences of your actions.

    I am aware that most of you think I'm a vile racist (no argument there) but at least I'm not out there fucking around and contributing to the destruction of families. Funny how holding non PC opinions is worse to some of you than being an actual homewrecking selfish asshole where people's LIVES are ruined instead of their precious feelings. And the saddest part of all is you don't see how completely fucked up your "moral code" is. Karma's a bitch though and what goes around comes around...remember that.

    1. I've been saying this for years. There's no sisterhood among women when it comes to a man , career or money.

    2. @888

      Totally agree with Paragraph 1, and definitely the vile racist portion of Part 2. And some parts, mainly to do with moral codes, but you don't need to put your vile racism on a ladder with people that actively pursue an attached person - they both suck :)

      Also - meta - vile racist (I just like using her words, hence the repetition) white supremacist '888' and moronic, poorly edumacated (based on post language, grammar, limited world view) Mr 'just curious' parleying. Lollorific!

  28. @justcurious: You originally stated this: Ben should've reminded her that him making movies puts a roof over her head and affords her the luxury of being at stay at home mom but if she doesn't like it , she can always leave.

    That sounds like you are saying he is supporting her to me. "roof over her head" and "luxury of being a stay at home mom" = supporting

    And for your information, Ben wasn't really acting right after they got together and wasn't directing or writing either.

    1. Yeah, HE was a bloated out of work actor with gambling problems who was being ridiculed by everyone for his bennifer personna. Id say garner rehabbed HIS image big time, not other way around.

    2. He is supporting her. I promise you she doesn't pay a mortgage in the house or houses they have. That's the benefit of a woman marrying a rich and affluent man , she doesn't have to pay bills. Every check she gets is hers, every check Ben makes she gets a lil' sumthin' .

      I know men ke to congratulate their significant other because that's what they're supposed to do . A good career and a wife and Family gives the image if having it all.

      Rehabb image??? Shiite, Travolta sucks dick but married a chick to keep up appearances, Cruise for some reason like to marry and can marry again if he wants but it doesn't stop his box office success.

  29. I don't think this had anything to do with Jen feeling threatened by Kristin. I think it's all about loyalty to one's friends. For Ben to be working every day with Kristin, and then socializing with Liberty on his day off would have been beyond awkward. He should have known that instinctively, and if he didn't then Jen had every right to make it plain to him where his values should lie.

    As for him putting a roof over her head, don't make me laugh. Jen has plenty of her own money. Her insistence on this would not cost them a cent in any case since Ben is A+ list and has his choice of projects at any given time. So if he didn't choose that one, there would be plenty of other opportunities.

  30. I seriously doubt Jennifer Garner is in need of anyone's paycheck to stay home with her kids. Unless she was a total dumbass with all of the money SHE made (she doesn't really seem the type to pass her money away). I think she would be just fine with or without Ben.

    And I have to say I'm in agreement with 888's sentiment here. And by saying that, I (and I suspect 888) am not excusing the actions of the married person.

    1. Especially when she living off those child support and alimony checks if she divorces him.

  31. Some of you people have the brains of a turnip. KStew and Rupert Sanders did not have an affair. KStew did not betray Liberty Ross. The whole thing was a stunt. A really stupid one that all of the players deeply regret because they made fools of themselves within the industry.

  32. @Harry: Alright, I'll bite. What exactly was to be accomplished by this "stunt" and did Liberty/Rupert already plan on their divorce before this "stunt" was hatched?

  33. I would've said the same thing. It isn't about being afraid of my marriage it's about my personal ethics and not having my family associated with that trash (either of them). Granted this is Hollywood but same thing about working with pond scum Polanski. Probably wouldn't take it so far as to say I'm leaving you but definitely, I don't want you working with her, it's really important to me. Lot of people are assuming Jen's manipulating him, telling him what to do, etc. It's a relationship not a dictatorship, she's a strong woman who won't take shit and has ideals. Nothing wrong with that.

  34. it's a fake! Affleck and Stewart were on the movie project since the begining and he dropped the project because of his next movie

  35. It's an easy blind to write that people will believe. Ben pulled out of the movie at Oscar time because he should shoot for bigger projects while he's the hot director. Readers are unlikely to know if Jen and Liberty's kids are at the same school and if they're all pals, or never met.

  36. I think that Ben is dancing to Jen's tune. I do NOT understand why they don't realize that at this point in their careers, a huge scandal would help and not hinder. JMHO.

  37. I think that Ben is dancing to Jen's tune. I do NOT understand why they don't realize that at this point in their careers, a huge scandal would help and not hinder. JMHO.

  38. I love Stewart so much. How odd that minor actresses would fear her.

    1. I think disgust would be a better word, not fear.

  39. I don't usually use a computer to post my comments. My phone is trashed and will require major surgery, so here I am. two questions: 1. how do I delete a duplicate comment. 2. how do I select an avi for my posting purposes? I r a compooter dummeh. :)

  40. Ben's allegedly been looking to get out of this marriage for some time now. Seems to me he should just let her leave.

  41. Really, Jennifer was just trying to protect Ben from making a flop by casting the worst actress in the history of movies. Way to go Jennifer!

  42. @ just curious and @888,

    Have you two met? Why don't you introduce yourselves and have a little get-to-know-eachother-conversation?
    I think sparks could fly....

    I'll be sipping a drink and waiting for the fireworks between you two kids!

    1. Lol, if you saw me confronting 888, you know you' ll call the cops . You wouldn't jump in but you'll call the cops. Might get on the witness stand and try to justify her prejudices by saying she's the product of some childhood trauma.....the "whitegirl whining " excuse.

  43. Sounds like bs to me. Money is money to these people. Probably more of a timing issue.

  44. i still think she is a BEARD


  46. just curious, if we play into your scenario of Ben funding Jen's happy bon-bon lifestyle, she's funding his family-man image, too. Preston is funding Travolta's "I was at the spa with Kelly" image.

    KimK's baby was born today. I agree with just curious and 888 today. Dlisted says the end times are coming and that must be the only explanation!

  47. There's a lot if folks that agree with me especially when it comes to race and sex. They won't say it outta fear of bring labelled but that's aight.

  48. I don't give a fuck about being "labelled" on a random forum. You & 888 are race baiters but stopped clocks are right twice a day. I'm mixed race, you both hate my kind.

    1. What's your kind??? Mixed race? Most Blackfolks you meet are mixed race. That's why there's many different shades of us . I'm lighter than Obama and both of my parents are black .
      Race bait like whom,Affleck? He said in an Vanity Fair interview promoting Daredevil, I believe that JLo and him got so much exposure because he's white and she's Latin. I disagree but that's me. Kim K baits race. The Clintons. Tiger. Sergio Garcia. Obama . This blog's moderator, The Entity.

  49. Haha! I like this one. Oscar needs wife's approval.
