Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Business Week Interviewed Farrah Abraham

I think everyday that there is no headline that I could write that would ever shock me. This one comes close. Business Week asked for and was granted an interview with Farrah Abraham. I don't know if the reporter managed to convince his editor that it was going to be some think piece about an up and coming band, but we know the reporter wanted to have sex with Farrah. I'm assuming it is a guy. It has to be a guy. The reporter's name is Louis. As long as it is not a typo and there is an e missing at the end, I think we can assume it is a guy. I bet Louis has seen her porn about 50 times all in the name of research. In the interview Farrah talks about her plans to go to business school and get her Bachelors degree by next year which is when she wants to open her first restaurant. Seriously Business Week? She is not even actually in business school. She is taking some kind of online class. She is just a porn star nominated for best back door scene who is talking about going to business school. Kind of like the escorts who say they are doing it to save for medical school. Farrah would also like them to know she already has a successful career. WTF is it? She said she did the porn for herself so what exactly is her career?


  1. These people are disgusting

  2. Is that her? It looks like wax.

    Maybe that's an improvement?


  3. The secret ingredient is....

    I've decided this must be the theme of the day. :))

  4. What is the point of the hooka pipe?

  5. I guess she got into the magazine via the back door? LOL!

    1. *snicker* Well played.

    2. There should be a "like" button on these comments!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. She wants to go to business school?
    I think that's great.
    Just be sure to tell the Dunkin' Donuts nearby to remember to give her the mothaf*ckin' receipt.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Maybe they want her opinion as an insider.
    And I thought BW was a decent mag. What will Bill Gross, John Paulson and the others sharing pages with this butt-hole?

  10. Look at the hooker with a hookah! Way to stay relevant, Bloomberg.

    1. LOL @ MadamChef. I was going to say the same thing.

  11. Money knows no morality

  12. @Roman Holiday: I believe breathe freshener after a meal. In Farrah's case, it is similar: mask the scent of a belly full of blown loads on her breath.

  13. You know, it could be just a veiled advertisement for her escort services. A lil "He rich dudes, pay for me to go to college and you can re-enact my James Deen seen every Saturday till I get my diploma."

  14. She was on Howard Stern this morning - Howard had obviously never heard of her and admitted that she was on due to his staff's recommendation. She also got a little lippy with Robin. Can't wait until this trick's 10 minutes are up.

  15. Oh and she said she's a "chef" and that the video was meant to be private. Howard just laughed.

  16. @MBK: I hate you for making me want to listen to Howard. I have been clean for like 2 years now, after 20+ of listening.

    How much better would the interview have been if Jackie or Artie was in studio?

  17. Artie would've made the interview better : ) Howard was trying hard to make her interesting, but she just isn't. Even Robin gave up.

  18. This is like interviewing Joe Francis on human resources or Lindsay Lohan on financial management. The human race is in the gutter. Officially. I said so.

  19. It's now Bloomberg Business Week,
    which kinda explains it all.

  20. I wished an OD on Dina Lohan in another thread, so I might as well continue to cleanse my self of hate by wishing a painful asshole or stomach cancer death on Bloomberg. Elitist POS has done more to kill mom and pop businesses in NYC than you can imagine. Mom and pop businesses don't have stock prices to manipulate, so they are of no use to his thieving cronies.

  21. enty is all WTF is it? hahhahha

  22. I just cant with this chick.
