Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Don't Bring Sizzurp On The Plane

2 Chainz was arrested after trying to get on a plane with pot and the main ingredient to make sizzurp. This was not just a slap on the wrist arrest. 2, or his friends like to call him 3, was charged with a felony. Now, of course since he was arrested in Los Angeles this means he will serve no jail time and will probably even have his drugs returned to him to use should he be placed on house arrest for an hour or two. I'm not sure why people think they can bring drugs on to the plane. Have they not seen those little machines that look through your bags or the see through scanner most people have to go through before getting on a plane? Yeah, they are going to see that weed in your pocket.


  1. I wonder if this is has any connection to his robbery in San Francisco? He was very uncooperative with the police up here when he got robbed on the street.

    1. Hey Henriette! I'm moving to the Bay Area next month! Is there anything I should watch out for?! SF always seemed so peaceful to me, but I have been hearing some frightening stuff lately....

    2. Don't take the BART:

    3. I visit there often and have never had a single problem. And the BART is not bad at all. There are some shady areas but that's every city. The people are really nice.

  2. I have a confession: I tried sizzurp. After reading about it here last week, I remembered we had 1/2 a bottle after Mr. B's pneumonia/bronchitis last winter. So I tried the recipe (1/2 the drug, actually). All I can say is good Lord, what a high - for about 1/2 hour. Then it was all I could do to stay awake the rest of the day, went to bed around 8:30 and slept for 12 hours. I can see how you can get addicted to that high, though.

  3. Wow, SusanB---Hooray for science. Thanks for taking one for the team.

  4. @libby - I actually thought of you - remembering your interest in science, of course ;)

    Actually, there's enough left for 2 more doses, might save it for a holiday.

  5. @LeGrange
    It's EXTREMELY expensive! They say NYC is more expensive, but I don't think that's true. I just visited NYC and think it's cheaper there.

    You can only buy a house if you're a millionaire or inherited one from a family member. It's a renter's city now. The crime is getting pretty bad here too. The parking is a nightmare and meters run on Sundays now. SF is thinking about charging people to drive through certain parts of the city. Great, another bill. Summer is cold here, so wear layers for the fog.

    I'm a native trying to escape myself. This town is filled with vapid rootless techies now, and I find that depressing. I want to move to Maine or Nantucket. I would love to move to Louisiana, but the weather is tough for me. I'm tired of living in tourist trap and trendy city.

    1. I was going to NY than visited SF on New Year's Eve and decided to go there! God I hope I can transfer....

      Yeah I noticed the wind makes it really cold!!!!!! Had burns on my face! But since I'm not really into snow (lived in Canada before and overdosed in it), I decided to go somewhere snowless....

      Ok you got me a bit scared right now....

    2. @LeGrange. Don't worry, it's not always freezing cold. Sometimes it's 90 degrees and a sauna in your house/apartment because it has no A/C, because it's always cool there. *smiling brightly*

      Seriously, though, San Francisco is a beautiful city if you can afford it and you exercise the same common sense you would use in most big cities. Take cabs, driving there can be a nightmare because the tourists just don't get the one-way streets. Learn to use the buses and BART (BART is not all crazy naked people.) Find a religion you're really fond of, because the bus drivers are all INSANE and you'll need prayer to get you through some trips.

      GO TO THE EXPLORITORIUM. A lot. Go to the Zoo, the Natural History Museum. Go to Berkeley anytime The Grateful Dead are playing, even if you don't go to the concert, it's like stepping through a timewarp. Go to Pier 39, yes, it's full of tourist, but so what. Go to Alcatraz.

      Then, in a couple years, start house hunting in Concord, Walnut Creek, Antioch (stay away from Richmond, Pittsburg and Bay Point [which everyone still knows is really West Pittsburg.])

      I'll try not to pout about the fact that I can't afford more than a long weekend there. *g*

    3. @Gayeld Thanks... Ill make sure to visit those places!!
      Ill really stay out of richmond since I have an ex who lives there now... Haha!
      Ill live in Oakland an hopefully move to Berkeley. Lets see how that goes! :)

    4. @LeGrange. Good luck! Be careful in Oakland, there are parts that are beautiful, but it didn't get the reputation it has for no reason.

  6. Won't this be a Federal offense? If so, the fact that it's LA will have no bearing. Hello, pound-me-in-the-ass federal prison!

  7. Aw, SusanB, I'm just happy to be remembered. *blush*

    And I totally plan to try it too, next time I get bronchitis and they give that codeine cough syrup.
    *clinks glass of sizzurp*

  8. @LeGrange
    Think about this: If SF is so great, why do the majority of natives leave?A lot of New Yorkers leave and return to New York, but not San Franciscans.

    1. @Henriette Oh..... Well no way to cancel that now. Hope I have a good time and nothing happens.... :( it is temporary, so might move somewhere else if it turns out to be not so great... Thanks

      @brooke don't think I can manage to stay out of the Bart, buts Jeez.... Will buy a taser!

  9. Oh, I forgot, SF is NOT a 24/7 city and goes to bed with the chickens.

    1. As a former New Yorker used to going out at 11, this was an adjustment.

      Had my fill of the Bay Area after 20 years. Some areas, like Berkeley/El Cerrito, have great weather and lovely vistas but it just got too expensive and the crime rate does not seem to be improving. I left two years ago and tbe empty store front situation in alarming. I just came back from a week of visiting and have ZERO desire to ever return. My friends can come visit me here in Canada.

      Even with the cross-cultural adjustment and similar economic worries, it is so much prettier and more restful here. I will bide my time until another option presents itself.

  10. I really did think that this was a made-up character from 2 Broke Girls, lol...cracks me up.

  11. SusanB, what was the recipe?

    TempGrape, good one!

  12. Yes, but don't they understand? He's a celebrity. They should have let him get away with it.

  13. Seriously? I don't like to take that medicine shit when I'm really sick. High schmigh, gross.

    1. Agree with you shopgal. Hate all that crap, only take under duress.

  14. A felony charge? For weed and cough syrup? Oy...

    1. @Cee Kay. I think it had more to do with it being at an airport. They sort of , kind of, take that seriously these days. When they're not harassing handicap children going to Disney World.

  15. He got.robbed didnt he? One of my friends said he got robbed and became No Chains. Im too lazy to google it.

  16. SF rules. I'm a Bay Area local and I've lived in LA and in the middle of nowhere north-state. I always come back here.

    He was robbed outside of a popular dispensary in SF with a massive entourage. He doesn't want to cooperate because he'd rather handle it himself. I'm not surprised. 2 Chainz has probably smuggled that stuff through in the past but he got caught this time. I've known friends who've gotten through with both promethazine and weed before.

  17. What is the sizzurp recipe? I might have some of that codeine cough syrup in my medicine closet ......

  18. SF is the city that the government pays the highest locality pay for, I believe it's 27%. NY is the second. I've never been but from what I've heard it sounds horrible. Typical liberal paradise and all lol. Did the mayor ever give the homeless credit card machines like he wanted?

  19. Oakland! It's Detroit of the west. There was a guy executed point blank on a surveillance camera last week. It was so shocking the local news wouldn't even show it. I currently live in a "nice" area of Oakland, and a woman got raped a block away from me last week, and the news didn't even cover it. I grew-up in the Potero Hill projects in San Francisco, so when I'm saying crime is getting pretty bad, I'm not exaggerating.

    It's supposed to be East and West Oakland, but if you get robbed in the Oakland Hills (a nice area), the cops won't even come out! I got friends who just had a home invasion, and they live right above the Oakland Zoo, and the cops took three hours to show up. Make sure you get a huge dog, good alarm system, and security cameras if you live up there.

    Richmond is actually doing better than it was just three years ago, ditto for East Palo Alto.

    San Jose is not experiencing high levels of crime too.

    As far as moving to Walnut Creek or Concord, the house prices are out of this world there too. Antioch and Pittsburg are now experiencing gang violence along with Vallejo. These cities are so far from the "joys of the Bay Area," one would have to live in his or her car.

    BART's last train to Fremont is 12:53 am, so don't think you can stay in the city too long after a show if you leave in the East Bay or along the Peninsula.

    There is only one nice thing about the Bay Area (no it's not the weather) it's the cultural diversity. My husband is Persian, and we never get looks locally going out, but around other places in the US (surprisingly not Louisiana), we do get those glances.

    Yes, the Bay Area is better than LA, but that's not saying much. LA is a huge strip mall spread out. Anything looks better than LA. I lived in LA for five years and wanted to die every day. It has the worse traffic and the Bay Area is second.

    Once my mother goes to the hereafter and my husband's parents too, we are pulling up stakes and letting this place fall into the hands of the developers and billionaires.

    Oh and Obama, keep your ass in DC, we don't need to pay for your security every friggen weekend. At least Bush II never visited the Bay Area for eight years.

  20. I meant to say San Jose is now experiencing high levels of crime. They are on the news every night.

  21. Oh, SF is pretty bad too, but they have a better PR team than Oakland. Good luck if you rent because the landlords are always trying to find ways around rent control in Oakland, not so much in SF or Berkeley though.

  22. The only place I got robbed in the Bay Area was Berkeley, twice! I lived blocks away from the Albany border, another "nice area."
