Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Jennifer Carpenter Breaks Up A Marriage

You would think that a woman who had been cheated on and had her marriage destroyed by an affair would probably not be the kind of person who would do the same thing to another woman. If your name is Jennifer Carpenter you would be wrong. After splitting with her ex, Michael C Hall because he cheated on Jennifer during their marriage, Jennifer has had an affair with a married singer named Seth Avett. A long long time affair. According to Radar, the two have been carrying on for years and just two months ago Seth's wife said everything was great. Yesterday, Seth released a statement that his marriage is over. Now he and Jennifer can be together until one of them decides to cheat.


  1. Confusing as hell!!

  2. 1. people shouldnt commit to a monogamous relationship until they are totally ready.

    2. if someone wants to have multiple partners, they should just be honest about it.

    3. i love mch :)

  3. This is way too complicated for me! Reminds me of a math problem,"if x cheated on y, then what is z?"

  4. I have never noticed a correlation that woman who were cheated on themselves are LESS likely necessarily to do that to someone else.

    Kind of the opposite. But I'm just speaking from my life observations. Maybe the real stats prove me wrong.

  5. Just Hollywood being Hollywood.

  6. My heart jumped just now. Thought that was Dave Grohl for a minute. Phew.

    1. @gloaming - I thought that at first glance, too!!

  7. This reminds me of AngieJo saying she didn't cheat with Brad because her father cheated on her mother. Of course it was hogwash because later they admitted to having an affair during the making of Mr and Mrs Smith.

  8. Omg nooo. Seth you were my favorite Avett brother and now all your songs are LIES!!

    Seriously- great fantastic band but Seth, you made me so sad today.

    1. My thoughts exactly. I love TAB, just saw them 2 weeks ago. I always say how in love with the music Seth looks, now I just can't see him the same!! Damn it, Seth!

  9. well, I guess I'm done feeling sorry for Jenny. ~sigh~

  10. More cretins who deserve each other.

  11. I don't know the difference between this Jennifer, Jennifer Morrison or Jennifer Westfeldt.

  12. The name of the Avett Bros latest album...The Carpenter!

    (cue dramatic music)

    1. Ugh. Now I won't be able to wear my The Carpenter tee anymore! Seth is really ruining my day:/

  13. @greenmountaingal - in addition to the more recognizable jennifers: anniston, garner, lopez, connelly, and of course, lawrence.

  14. I have always found her unattractive. The dude looks like her. Unattractive and dorky.

  15. So is this saying her years-long affair with an Avett brother occurred during the time she was married to Dexter? If so, then Michael C. Hall and Julia Styles are redeemed.

  16. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Wasn't dexter married when he started dating her? I could've sworn that was the case.

  17. Do not be confused EOS. MCH was married when Dexter first starting filming.

  18. If memory serves, MCH's 1st wife was married to someone else when they met.

  19. If you were to ask me who the best actors/actresses were I would respond as such:

    1) Everyone else on the planet
    2) Jennifer Carpenter

    She almost ruined Dexter for me (even first season, which was incredible) but then the show's writers did the job for her.

  20. Here we go again with the woman being the blame. Jennifer Carpenter seduced that poor man and used her wicked ways to magically unzip his pants and pull down the tighty whities and force the peen to rise to her will. She then cast a spell that cracked his marriage like a shell because she is an evil, wicked HOMEWRECKER and he is an innocent victim.

    She's a bitch for cheating with a married man and he's an asshole for cheating on his wife. HE wrecked his marriage, she helped.

  21. That's the girl from White Chicks.

  22. Wait...years and years they've been together? That means she was cheating on Michael C. Hall, because they only just divorced in 2011. That's only 1-1/2 years ago.

    Something smells fishy. She played victim for the publicity and Dexter let her. Wasn't this a BV somewhere?

    1. Yeah, that's the math I was coming up with as well.

  23. @MadamChef - I was thinking that too. She's not the only one who broke up the marriage.

  24. Sluts. That's all I got.

  25. crila, remember that he battled cancer and she made it a BIG point that she stood by him and how could he?
    I agree, it's fishy.

    MadameChef, when you get publicity for being the poor put upon wife of a louse, don't get caught doing exactly what you are getting sympathy for. That's common sense 101.
    Both of them are idiots but she's a bigger idiot. Who can't act.

    So yes. Yes. She is the biggest loser.

  26. didn't julia's people deny she and michael ever had an affair? i thought they did but my memory could be wrong. but maybe she tried to throw julia and mch under the bus so people wouldn't find out she was the one doing the homewrecking. also for years? doesn't that mean she was cheating on MCH when he had cancer?

  27. So if I get this straight she was the poor wife who was cheated on by Hall- although all along she was cheating with this married dweeb?

  28. Let's just get over the whole "homewrecker" shaming bit, please. No one has a responsibility to anyone's marriage except the people that are in it. If a wife can't keep her legs closed or a husband can't keep his dick in his pants, the onus is on them. Unless you're betraying a friend or family member with an affair, the fault lies squarely on the head of the cheating party's inability to remain faithful to their partner. If they don't have that ability, they should reconsider being in committed relationships and stop being assholes to people who believe they're in one.

  29. ohhhh Jennifer. She is probably one of the least intelligent people I have ever met or worked with EVER. Dense doesn't being to cover it. She is a self centered twit. I'm not shocked that she would be the 3rd party in an affair.

  30. Nothing better than having a bunch of typos in a comment about how dumb someone else is! Yay me! Lol

  31. Right on, discoflux!

    hollywood dime, interesting. I always liked her in Dexter. Shame to know she's a dope. I'm more curious about MCH though.

  32. MCH is cool, I had beer with him once and I've been to his house (very cold though) he's awesome as Decter, in real life though he's jut a guy and says please and thank you but adds "bud" to his sentence "Thanks Bud"

  33. MCH's first wife was the Broadway musical actress Amy Spanger. It was the first marriage for both. She has since remarried.

  34. So let me get this straight: If we're to believe what we've been reading here the last couple of years, JC played up being the Wronged Wife to the max and basically managed to get Julia Stiles blacklisted for supposedly sleeping with her husband, and now she goes and does the exact same thing with someone else's husband? Hello, hypocritical much? *smdh* Karma's a bitch, baby, and she's just about to make you her bitch...

    (Yes, I blame the men here as well; both parties are at fault in these cases.)

    1. Apparently not only did this NOW but was doing it THEN. This chick is crazy AND highly unattractive. I got nuthin against weirdness in any flavor but she is just odd looking and has no charisma or glow.

      It will probably take me 10 years to deswnsitize enough to feel like wayching Dexter. I am so nauseated by the extremes of violence on television and in movies (except for Fargo, which had me splitting a gut with the woodchipper scene laughing all my myself in a half full auditorium in Berkeley) so until they steamroller my sensibilities I will never try to watch her performance to see whether I have any opinion on her acting. Is that an epic runon sentence or WHAT?! I take some small pride in my inability to locate the right place for a sentence. Really. Cannot.

  35. You pretty much summed it up, Robin.

  36. It says that she had the affair AFTER she split with MCH. I also don't think Julia was blacklisted. It looks like she's getting more work now than the few years before Dexter. That being said, I hated her on Dexter. I thought she was terrible. Damn Lumen. I almost stopped watching it but I couldn't pull myself away from MCH in that sexy brown henley. I want to rip it off him and do naughty things.

  37. Damn shame. Loved the Avett Bros. Can't remeber if this is the one with a small child too.

  38. Sounds like discoflux likes to fuck married men! BOTH people are to blame. If you know someone is married or in a relationship and you screw them, then yes, you ARE a scumbag and you deserve shaming. If you act inappropriately and harm others, then you get what you deserve. All you people who excuse despicable behavior only encourage it, people couldn't cheat if nobody was willing to sleep with are just as disgusting and scandalous as cheaters and the assholes they sleep with. You should be ashamed of yourselves but...well I know you're not.

  39. Looks to me like HE broke his own Marriage

  40. Oh and that is one dog assed ugly bitch. Who would fuck that without two paper bags and a whole lot of alcohol/drugs? Woof!!

    1. Your husband. He calls that Saturday night.

  41. I think she's great as Deb! Doesn't sound like she's a very good person though.

    And Julia Stiles's season of Dexter aired in 2010. JC and MCH filed for divorce in Dec 2010. It was finalized in 2011... So it does sound like she moved on after things ended with MCH... Why with a married man after what she just went through, who knows?

  42. I love the short movie (8 min.) that Julia Stiles did for the movie "Actors in Shorts". She did a great job acting (I think she got better as she got older), and it was very funny.

  43. Do not see how anyone could find her attractive,especially after seeing her "act."

  44. I thought she was awesome in "Quarantine."

  45. I guess I am on Mars because 1) I do think she's pretty and 2) I do think she can act. I mean Dexter is my only data point because I haven't seen her in anything else bc most of her movies look kind of sucky, but I think she does a good job with a kind of tough character on Dexter. She didn't have much material to work w the 1st season (damsel in distress) but since then she has evolved a lot and so has Deb her alter ego. I mean her face does look a bit weird straight on but so do other pretty actresses (like the soon to be Queen on GoT-- shooting her straight on is bad news, but otherwise a cute girl).

    However I am very saddened to hear that she sucks as a person. I had heard the opposite. Any chance Hollywood Dime you could elaborate on that??

  46. Yeah, Carpenter broke up the marriage all by herself, the hussy. Avett had nothing to do with it. He was just lying there innocently with his wang out, and the she-devil jumped on it and ripped him away from his loving wife.

    Yeah, women are the root of all evil. You'd think we were in some fundamentalist church/tent/shul/mosque here.

  47. She didn't wreck his marriage, he wrecked his marriage. She was just an asshole for getting with a married guy.

    So sick of the married party never being the homewrecker.

  48. Oh, well, it's always the woman's fault. The poor helpless menfolk are VICTIMS!

  49. Wow, the people who want to excuse the flea-bitten trash who lay down with dogs don't seem to have read the trail before posting. Plenty of people blamed both parties. Sorry if this story hit too close to home for any delusions of blamelessness.
