Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Alec Baldwin heads out of the gym after working out. I wonder if he is in a better mood then.
Bradley Cooper discusses mental health - only brings up Amanda Bynes 8 times.
Brad Pitt celebrates Angelina Jolie's birthday by taking her out.
Emily Blunt is sandwiched by Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson.
Emma Watson hangs out with Seth Rogen at the premiere of their new movie which has everyone in the world in it.
Mindy Kaling was there and so were
Judd Apatow and Paul Rudd.
Farrah Abraham earns some money by posing half naked and of course has more used items to sell on ebay.


  1. Paul Rudd never ages!

    1. Love him! From my home state of Kansas. Visits occasionally for family or charity, down to earth and genuinely a nice guy.

    2. @Peter- class act! I love that.

    3. @lotta He would always be that dude from Clueless.

  2. Emma Watson is just so sweet and pretty. I bet she's lots of fun to be around.

    1. @disco- I think so too! Chloe who?

  3. I adore Mindy Kaling, but that dress is fug.

  4. Mindy should have worn that dress with black on the sides and the whit stripe in the middle. She looks much bigger than usual with that dress. Seth Rosen made his own version of "new years Eve" but I'll actually watch this one except for the parts that have Jonah hill cause he is not funny anymore and is really lame.

  5. Blah blah


    Blah blah

  6. Alec looks like he has lost weight.
    Brad is starting to look like Micky Rourke in the picture at least
    Emily- horrid hair colour
    Mindy--horrible dress. Makes you look a good 30 pounds heavier. It's black on the sides and WHITE in the middle to slim.
    I HATE Paul Rudds hair.

  7. Emma Watson: 23, respected award-winning actress, soon to be college graduate. The Harry Potter movies are rated PG/PG-13.

    Farrah Abraham: 22, famous for underage procreation. Will she allow her daughter to see her unrated "movie"? "When she's around 13, 14, gets on her period, kind of wants a boyfriend age. I think then that's the year to really be like 'Look Soph, I have this tape.'"

    Soph, dear, turn off that Harry Potter. It's time for a real movie!


  8. I never found Brad Pitt attractive when he was so supposedly perfect. Oddly, I do find him attractive now that he's so goofy and his hair is apparently trying to mimic Angie's. Hmmm.

    1. The "mimic Angie" part about the hair is funny because Brad always seems to morph into a male version of who he dating. I find it funny and entertaining.

    2. You sick Figgy? That thought could only come from a feverish brain. I was up on Brad for a few mins then figgered out whut a pompous eedjit he is. Now that he is aging & bloating up I can barely stand to look at him standing next to that praying mantis zombie queen. Yikes! Just YIIIIIIIKES!

  9. Bradley can get it and I'm glad he talking about mental health.

    1. I'm glad he is, too. He took his role in Silver Linings and used it to really help which I can totally respect, even if he is a skeeze

  10. Mindy is just short waisted (is that a word?)and that dress really emphasizes it.

    Oh gawd not that stupid link again. Let it fucking go. Jeebus. Even she's tired of it. She hasn't posted in 6 months and it's all one 8th graders opinion.

    1. @SHerry. I'm pretty sure at this point Marieeee's just being funny (as in, "Oh gee, guess this is the part where I'm *supposed* to post that Emma Watson link.") She's already started drinking the Kool-Aid around here.

      Speaking of which, who made Grape today? Bleuck! *spitting*

    2. At least Gayeld gets me. Haha.

  11. Watson

    Back Do Ho


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. God Angelinas shiny shiny face..does she want it to look like she airbrushed 16 layers of Oil of Olay?

  14. Angelina needs some blotting papaer. I have never seen a shinier woman. And you should know I am pretty fucking shiny myself at times.

    And I love Paul Rudd.

    1. Yes she does...i can get shiny too but i hate it .She looks like I did when I was in costa rica the humidity just made my face one big oil slick

  15. Papaer. It's like paper, but much fancier.

  16. Is Farrah's c section scar smiling at us while it tries to escape her ugly mismatched bikini?

  17. I want to be Emily Blunt in that photo.

  18. What the hell is Mindy standing in front of? It looks more like a shanty town made up of 1970s office parts and linoleum than a premier.

  19. Emily looks much better with dark hair.

    Bradly looks cross-eyed!

    Emma is adorable!

    Farrah, go home!

  20. Botox also creates super shiny face.

  21. Oh Mr. Rudd how I love thee.....

    Let me count the ways....I would

  22. OT:Breaking News Jeniffer Love Huge Tits and Kate RockinRoll are having a baby.

    Well Not together But they both Preggers.

    Carry on !

  23. @RealDragon: Who is Kate RockinRoll?

    1. @Count Kate Winslet. She's married to some dude name Rocknroll

  24. "their new movie which has everyone in the world in it."

    Ever notice how these movies are NEVER any good?

  25. Kate Winslet's having a baby with that guy whose name sounds like an EmCee? Ugh. Just. Ugh. I don't like him. He seems so sleazy.

  26. Love Mindy so much. I wish she'd chosen a better dress.

  27. I've said it before and I know there are others who agree but gosh Kiernan Shipka (the girl who plays Sally Draper) looks just like Emma Watson. They could play sisters in a movie!

  28. I would love to strap myself on to Paul rudds face and ride off into the sunset.

  29. J.C., does anyone here give a flying fig about that Abraham chick? I don't know who she is, don't care, and yet every time I go on the internet gossip sites, this mediocre trick is there. What kind of colossal loser actually keeps track of this person?

  30. I'm ignoring Brad's face, but his body is looking pretty good. ;)

  31. Yay Paul Rudd Shaved! Now cut your hair! I love him in a nice clean cut look....

  32. I agree with what everyone said about Mindy Kaling. She needs a friend who will tell her the truth about bad fashion choices before she steps out on the red carpet - I volunteer for the position! ;)
