Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Helena Bonham Carter always looks like she could start filming something from the 1800's in under a minute.
Justin Bieber needed a bodyguard to watch the Miami Heat game last night.
David Beckham did not and bowed to King James.
Joaquin Phoenix takes a shoe break on the set of his new movie which also stars
Maya Rudolph.
Joe Simpson shows you how much he loves the ladies.
Meanwhile, on Sunday there was another baby shower not for a Kardashian. It was for Cacee Cobb and thrown by her bff Jessica Simpson.
Kate and William head to the 60th anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth.
Mariah Carey was too old to wear this about 20 years ago.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like (Corn on the) Cobb's dress.

  3. Hey Beber you are in a building watching a b-ball game, take ur f'ing sunglasses off, idiot!

  4. Jessica, take a clue from your friend Caycee...see how nice her hair looks? Infinitely better than your monochromatic peroxide blonde. God how I loathe monochromatic peroxide blonde...and I'm also talking to YOU Gwen Stefani and Christina Aguilera.

    Speaking of bad style, Mariah...no, just no. You look pathetic in that outfit. Not cute, not sexy by a longshot, pathetic.

    1. Obviously the theme for Chestica Bellyball's baby shower was Bad Hair Day in 1982. Better than Kum Kartrashian's Miserable Summers' Wet Nightmare I suppose.

      Shrug to the lot of them.

      Becks looks like a teeny tiny Elf bowing to Fee Fi Fo Fum Jolly Basketball Giant. Sooo funneh.

  5. I would be so mad if that bodyguard was blocking my view of the game for some self entitled little piss-ant, who doesn't even look like he cares to be there. Does he even know how to play basketball?

  6. How pissed would you be if you had second-row courtside seats and that dude was standing in front of you the whole time?

  7. I love HBC. That woman can do no wrong no matter how crazy she dresses. She owns it.

    Can you imagine sitting behind Bieber's guard? It also doesn't look like he's sitting courtside. I bet he's pissed. Hope that body guard brought bottles and a burping towel for the fussy little jerk.

  8. Anonymous12:28 PM

    How come we aren't discussing Jennifer Love Hewitt's vajazzled pregnancy announcement??

    1. @bflogurl

      I just saw that news! I'm happy for her. I'm even happier that her announcement will take more attention away from the other one I will not name

  9. @KPeony same here on HBC. Some of these stars dress weird for attention and to get in mags, you can tell (see Gaga and Kardashian Maternity Wear) - but HBC never comes off that way. She 100% owns what she wears and you can tell it is her personal style and she doesn't give a darn who thinks what about it.

  10. Can't decide if I would prefer a Kardashian or beiber free month more.. Bodyguard or not, I would love to dump a $12 beer on that little smug bastard's head..

  11. I LOVE Helena, but that really is the perfect description of her. Dead on, Enty.

  12. Yeah, he needs a bodyguard. If I were there, I don't know if I could refrain from spitting on him.

  13. Princess Kate is soo pretty and always well dressed.

    1. Wills needs to start wearing her fascinators. It is the only way to distract attention to his rapidly balding pate. The hot just DIED when his hair went away. Boo!

    2. Hehe @SophiaB - now I'm picturing William in a fascinator, desperately playing it low key, so nobody realises what he did there ... lol.

  14. Wow, look at Joe Simpson's body language. He's afraid if he gets too close, he'll get girl cooties.

  15. Wow, look at Joe Simpson's body language. He's afraid if he gets too close, he'll get girl cooties.

  16. Helena holds only two fashions under her belt. A 19th century Victorian goth, or an insane homeless woman. Both of which I applaud her for.

  17. My ranking of the best looking prego is 1. Kate 2. Cacee 3. Maya 4. Jessica

  18. Justin is such a turd. When are his 15 minutes up?

  19. I love HBC. She is who she is! Not Hollywood generic. :-)

  20. Anonymous1:26 PM


  21. so true if Bieber needs a bodyguard go sit in one of the corporate boxes so you don't spoil the game for real fans

  22. Preggo Tag Team


    2 skeezers in the car w/ Joe Simpson

  23. Oh for fuck's sake, Mariah- STOP IT!

    Chestica is huge, and so is Caca Cobb....I thought the whole point of baby showers is to provide familes with what they need for the baby- rich people don't need them! JMO.

  24. Beiber looks like such a little douche sitting there in his sunglasses with his giant bodyguard blocking people's view. It would be worth wasting a 12 dollar beer for the pleasure of dumping it on that little turds head. At least then when the bodyguard took him into the bathroom to change him,the people behind him could see the game for a while.

  25. The driver with Joe Simpson looks like a possiblt tranny and the tattoo girl is a bit rough trade for a minister.

  26. Yeah, I'd be beyond pissed if Justin's bodyguard was blocking my view. I bet there was some pissed off people there. He's such an asshole.

  27. Hey Maya! Looking good girl!
    Congrats to Kate and Jessica on looking good to preggers.
    I really like Helen B. Carter style. Do you girl.

  28. LMFAO @ the expression on the face of the tranny driving Joe Simpson around. Caught on camera!

  29. Couldn't love Maya more. This is her 4th child with a famous director and I've never seen a pap photo of one of them. Her parents' story is so bittersweet. On the later recording of Lovin' You you can hear her mother sing "Maya Maya Maya" at the end.

    Couldn't agree more with @figgy. Gwen Stefani and co. are actually balding from the years of over-processing and bleaching, and I'm not convinced that they aren't totally bald at this point.

    Joaquin looks like he left his dentures in a cup on the hotel nightstand.

    I hope Bieber (booper party pooper) felt like an ass after seeing how legitimate worldwide star David Beckham behaved at the game vs how he behaved. Oh wait, he'd have to be capable of feeling shame or humility first.

  30. Jessica, pregnancy makes your hair look great if you leave it alone, not if you make it look worse by adding extensions and whatever the hell else you got going on there.

    Has something happened to Mariah Carey's implants as a result of her pregnancy? She just looks odd lately.

  31. Love Hewitt is preggo? Huh. Cool I guess.

  32. Mimi, PULEEEZE for the love of humanity, put that shit AWAY!!!!!! All that money....wasted on crap that makes her look like a sausage.

  33. I love Helena. She doesnt give two shits.

  34. Also, Kate Winslet is pregnant by RockNroll.

  35. I wish Mariah Carey would find some dignity. If being beautiful is the only thing she had to offer the world, that's her problem. That she has nothing else going for her is just sad.

  36. HBC is the best :)

  37. The things I would do for David Beckham...

  38. OMG, hahahahahahahahhaaaaaaa! Kate and RockNRoll are having a baby!!!!!!! EHRMAGERD!!! I'm having hysterics just imagining what he's gonna suggest for names. Thanks for the laugh, I needed that today.

  39. Eww Joe S... Just say no to yellow hair

    Cacee and Jess look so happy!

    Mariah is starring in a new show "the 80's called I answer everytime"

  40. The Joe Simpson photo reminds me of Weekend at Bernie's. Nothing like propping up a corpse and driving it around.

  41. I can't stand Justin Beiber. I can't wait til his star falls. He's just become so arrogant and weird...kinda like Michael Jackson did.

  42. LOVE Maya!
    A big yuck to Mariah's liposuctioned and tummy tucked stomach! So rubbery looking!
    I would love to look like Princess Kate when I'm pregnant, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to look like Jessica :/
