Thursday, July 25, 2013

Adam Levine Had Sex With Nina Agdal 3 Days Before Getting Engaged To Behati Prinsloo

Just three days prior to Adam Levine proposing to Behati Prinsloo, he was having sex with Nina Agdal and also telling her that he loved her. Just two weeks earlier they had been out of the country on vacation together (above) and he had been telling her that he wanted to marry her. Apparently when he said the word her, he was not referring to Nina, but to Behati, who he asked to marry him. Adam is a real classy guy and I'm sure Behati will only get cheated on once or twice a month, because Adam will not want to press his luck too much. Adam is so classy that he broke the news of his engagement to Nina by text. It was probably right after they finished sexting.


  1. The bible says Adam & Eve. Not Adam & Behati.

  2. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Forgot to write @vip always look forward to your posts, blind item reveals and links!

    3. I love my Blanche!

  3. He's not the first guy (famous or not) to be an insensitive douchenozzle.

  4. Who cares...Behati is a mean girl and deserves what she's getting..

  5. So skinny, those two!

    VIP, I just love you. I never know what the hell I'm going to see when I click on your links :-).

  6. Behati seems like a drama bitch, they deserve each other

  7. I don't get his appeal...he's repulsive.

  8. He was probably confused about which skinny model he was with at the time.

  9. @Reese- we're in the same boat.

  10. Adam is a douche canoe (always wanted to use that word!) so nothing new. VIP I heart your links, keep them coming.

    @ Prada and Sarah, spill about Behati! why is she a mean bitch?

  11. @Pink - Adam and Behati started dating RIGHT after he and Anne V (her best friend until that point) broke up.

  12. While I think Adam is a talentless douche...wouldn't you have sex with as many beautiful women as you could?

  13. So, We're all to assume that this Behati chick is pregnant, right?

  14. Didn't Anne V. dump him? It's not cool to date a friend's ex, but it wasn't like Behati started moving in on him while Anne was still crying on her shoulder.

  15. @Cathy - seriously? I guess she deserves him then. Wow, I can't imagine a real best friend doing that. Some woman have no loyalty.

  16. Adam is a dog. Not going to change him.

    He's only doing what they all let him get away with so whose at fault then?

  17. I secretly love that you can see his stuff in that picture.

    Also, to everyone who seems to think that since he always does stuff like this it's okay, or that since females know he does this stuff it's their fault: fuck you.

    1. @Regina - you know that dude doesn't own one, single pair of chones. Super-glad I'm not in charge of washing his sweaty britches.

  18. well that's sweet.

    if you expect the dog to act like a cat then you have unrealistic expectations.

    and yes I would consider that their fault as much as his.

    they have been forewarned.........

  19. @rajahcat -- Amen!

    "Newsflash: Dog acts like a dog! No one is stunned! Absolutely everyone saw it coming!"

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @ Regina -- I will add that it doesn't make it her "fault," just that I don't think anyone believes that the fiance ir the girlfriend are or could be surprised as the post suggests.

  22. I still like him and Blake Shelton too so as usual my judgement stinks.

  23. Just three days prior to Adam Levine proposing to Behati Prinsloo, he was having sex with Nina Agdal and also telling her that he loved her.

    How, exactly, do you know this?

  24. Ditto what Mango said. I need some cold, hard proof of these claims.

    Adam Levine is too skinny for moi. And I'm not a model, so....

  25. Just checked out pix of these 3 girls...he sure has a type! It seems like he was like a kid at the ice cream counter trying to pick out which one to commit to. If I were Adam Levine, I'd be banging every hot chick (well, in my case, dude) I came across. I wouldn't get married until I was tired of it.

  26. I first read this as Adam Lambert! WHAAT?

    1. Me too. I have no idea who this guy is.

  27. @cali Me too, me too.
