Thursday, July 25, 2013

Kanye West Gets Free Pass To Beat Paps

Kanye West is not going to face any charges in the beating of the pap at LAX last week. Apparently, police have decided he was not trying to steal the camera, so there was no robbery and no felony. Now, Kanye did beat up the pap and that is a crime, BUT, it is also a crime that disappears if one party pays the other party some money. Kanye will have to open his wallet and will probably be $50K-$100K lighter, but that is a dinner bill for him. Once he pays, the criminal charge goes away and Kanye is free to beat another person on another day. There will be plenty more chances. Just think when that baby starts going out in public and the paps. If Kanye is anywhere close, he will go after them all because you know they are going to provoke him as much as possible. He is not strong enough mentally to ignore it and will explode. He always has. It is not just the last two weeks and his incidents. He is like Alec Baldwin. They can be provoke to violence and paps love doing that.


  1. Due to his permanent association with the K family, you can refrain from posts about Kanye.

  2. You just nailed it in your post "they are going to provoke him". I have no love lost with regards to the paps. Yes they have a symbiotic relationship with celebrities however I have witnessed with my own senses how nasty paps can get in order to get "that" money making pic, of a celebrity losing it. It is so not cool and if they get beat down, they asked for it.

  3. He's such an ass. I wonder if he has any idea how people think of him. And did you see his "clothes line"? Please, it is to laugh. 5 months in paris to come up with a tee shirt, jeans snd a hoodie. Tshirt like $149.!!! He doesnt have an original idea in his head. Im starting to wonder, in light of his self agrandizement, if hes mentally ill.
    Hes a dominating self important ass balloon, like PMK, which is why kim picked him. All the K girls pick these bossy losers in sick reflection of their emasculating mother.
    Ok, now im making myself tired! Lol. Off soapbox.

  4. Go back to France, please.

  5. Good, it shouldn't be a felony to beat a pap. They're not technically human beings anyway.

  6. Totally agree @Montana!

    Majority of paps are disgusting and deserve anything that comes their way. I love how they always play the victim when someone actually snaps! Like really? You were just an innocent bystander not pushing any buttons whatsoever.

  7. It's the same one Britney beat up with her umbrella. He must be a huge pain in the ass.

  8. I think if you are going to provoke someone then you deserve a sock in the snoot.

  9. PR stunt to promote his failing album and joke of a tour. He's trying to get back his street cred, but since he decided to associate with the K-Trash family, it's gone. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha - Douchebag!

  10. its interesting that right after the pap incident happened, the k's decided to cancel their show.

    coincidence? I think not.

    I think he pressured them to. nothing else would explain them voluntarily stepping out of the limelight.

  11. Cocaine is a hell of a drug....
    I watched this video, I wouldn't call that 'beating' per se, but whatever. The paparazzi in la are HORRIBLE. They antagonize people THEN turn the camera on where it makes it look like they've only been saying wonderful things and the celebrity is crazy. This is the same pap that had his van beat in by Britney, right? I'm sure he's no saint. Kanye is an idiot coke head but the pap isn't innocent.

  12. Am I the only on here who actually listened to the lyrics on Yeezus? Apparently so. I think it's time I finally come out of the closet.

    I love Kanye West, and all you haters just don't understand him. Everything he does is performance art, from his public run-ins with photogs to his $120 plain white tees. He is not Jay-Z or Tupac, raised on the "mean streets" slinging dope and hoes. He was raised upper middle-class by an Enlish Professor, and his music is only a portion of what he's selling. He is a very wealthy person and can afford to fly into any airport he wants (or buy his own plane), yet he chose to arrive at LAX and walk right into the paparazzi snake-pit. And now we're talking about him.

    1. I've listened to the album everyday since it came out last month. He's a genius.

  13. Well tyger you're certainly entitled to your opinion. I find this sort of "performance art" boring, juvenile and pretentious. Dont like it when any famous person does it- kaufman, phoniex- just isnt cool or funny or edgy. Just embarrassing.
    And maybe paps are in on it, which is even more pathetic, but they lay down in a hurry when money waved in their faces. I just dont get complicating your life and creating drama on purpose. And the$130 tee is a joke? On whom? The people who buy it? So hes making fools out of them? Just dont get it. If hes so talented, why not design some real clothes?

  14. Next time I do something assholerish I'm gonna say it's my performance art.

  15. Kanye is nothing more than a spoiled, immature, entitled little douchemeister, and his so-called "talent" is laughable. But he is a genius at marketing, I'll give him that. However, I do agree that if you poke the bear you get what you get.

  16. @PJJ gets it. And the situational irony that is being created is that each and every negative commenter on this very blog is now part of the greater piece that he is currently presenting.

    Bravo, Mr. West! Another masterpiece!

  17. Kanye is no genius.

  18. I think Tyger and Auntliddy are both right. I think some of what Kanye does is brilliant, and some of it is just childish.

  19. They should have named the baby Ima Letyu

  20. $100K to allow that little pipsqueak get a few shots in? Sure, why not. He probably pays escorts that much to bang 'em in the ass and suffocate the life out of 'em, so it's an even steven deal. Amirite, LAPD?!?
