Thursday, July 25, 2013

Blind Item #1

This married, former B list mostly television actress from a hit show that has been canceled is now slipping down to a C because she does not work. Despite her fear of actually carrying a suitcase lest someone think she is a regular person, there is one bag she clutches and won't let anyone touch. That is because that bag has her magic pills. Not only her Adderall, but also several other prescription drugs which carry her through each and every day. She does spend a lot of her day prescription shopping.


  1. Sarah Michele Geller, show that was canceled -"The Ringer"

  2. SMG would be a former A list tv actress.

  3. SMG is on a new series in the fall with Robin Williams.

  4. SMG has been pregnant twice in recent years so I doubt it's her.

  5. Wow - I guess we look for a woman carrying a purse? No problem- should have it nailed shortly.

  6. LOL Texas Rose

  7. Drugs are bad, kids. The CDc just released a report with horrible stats about women (and men) and prescription drug abuse. Way more people dying from pill abuse than from heroin and crack and meth and injected cocaine. More people die from antidepressant use, more people die from opiate abuse, than die from street drugs. It's sick. Be careful when you go to the doctor -- I sound like Tom Cruise here, but be careful, people.

  8. @Barton: You are correct. We recently had a local uprising against a medicinal pot farm being put into my town. All these stupid yuppies thinking having 2 greenhouses in town was going to turn their kids into junkies, when in reality what will cause it is junior grabbing your Xanax or leftover percs.

  9. very interesting that right above there is a picture of Blake Lively carrying a small suitcase.Found it odd Ryan wasn't carrying it for her.

  10. This reminds me of the episode of Psych that made fun of American Idol. Gina Gershon (Paula Abdul) hung onto her bag for dear life!

  11. @Iceberg - I saw that episode - Gina Gershon was hilarious. I can't believe she doesn't work more.

  12. Oh Gina Gershon.. I recently watched Bound again, and OMG, that was hot.

    Last time I saw her she was in a Lenny Kravitz video.


  13. Calista flockhart where the fk she been hiding?

  14. I take 4 pills a day. None are habit forming narcotics. Drives me crazy I've got to take them. I can't imagine taking more than that.

  15. @texas - your test works :)
