Thursday, July 25, 2013

Whoopi Goldberg Is Ready For Barbara Walters To Retire

Yesterday on The View, Whoopi Goldberg got frustrated with all the talk about the royal baby, especially that Barbara Walters kept going on and on about it and that ABC was airing a special last night. Whoopi spoke up that she just did not care. Barbara took a shot at her on the air and then off air, Whoopi ranted about Barbara for almost ten minutes. According to The New York Daily News, Whoopi said that she was tired of Barbara and cannot wait until Barbara retires so she would stop cutting Whoopi off. The paper called Whoopi for comment who said she would never say such a thing about her boss and does not even think about the show for seven minutes after it is over. That part I would normally believe, but she hates being cut off. Whoopi then called the paper twice last night to try and find out who was their source. As much as Whoopi is protesting, it must be true.


  1. I agree with Whoopi a lot of the time, but I just haven't had respect for her ever since she defended Polanski.

    1. Yeah, that and her defense of Michael Vick.

  2. Shit, Baba isn't going anywhere...she'll have her embalmed carcass dragged out there til the end of time!

  3. Barbara is very annoying.


  4. I hate that Guillermo del Toro and Tilda Swinton have, like Whoopi defended Polanski

  5. I dont how one could defend a rapist, that is bizzarre. Whoopi is a crotchchety old lady who herself should retire. What does whoopi care if people are excited about the new baby? Just screen it out if not interested. Evrry single new baby is a delight and a ray of sunshine. Baba im sure can be annoying, but you dont bite the hand that feeds you.

  6. Poopie - Go support you lovely cop killer - POS!

  7. It's time for Barbara to !

  8. Am I the only one that is sick of Whoopi Goldberg? She annoys the crap out of me. I don't watch the View anymore because of her. I respect Barbara a lot more than Whoopi. And isn't the View Barbara's creation in conjunction with Bill G.? If Whoopi ever shut up then maybe she wouldn't get cut off.

    Sit down W. G. please

  9. Barbara is being forced to retire just like Regis was. Watch her during an interview on the View. She constantly interrupts guests while they're mid sentence and she is completely out of touch. They are letting her go before her antics are even more obvious.

  10. It's her show......

  11. that's a bunch of age-ism crap

  12. Whoopi is lucky she got that gig - what else does she do?? She should thank Barbara everyday!!

  13. The View has to be the easiest gig on TV. All you have to do is shake your head when Barbabra speaks and your bank account is filled at the end of the week.

    I'm amazed at all the ones who left to find a vacuum at the other end of their careers. (except Meridith but I think she got the Today Show before she left.)

  14. @ texas rose what do any of them do outside of that show? Whoopi however, produces many successful Broadway shows and continues to act. The View came looking for her not the other way around.

    1. @Hollywood dime - Maybe so. In that case they must have made her an offer she couldn't refuse. Thank you Barbara.

  15. How low has Baba fallen, ah back in the dinosaur age she was such a highly respected journalist.

  16. No one can dispute that Barbara Walters has a formidable history in broadcasting, but she needed to retire 10 years ago. She is narcissistic and high-handed when she talks about just about anything, and her constant cutting off of the other hosts because she clearly feels her viewpoint is the most important is embarrassing to watch.

  17. And I am ready for Whoopie to fall off the face of the earth.

  18. I love Whoopi and Barbara, for different reasons. That's why it's called the View. I didn't see the actual clip in question, but Barbara going on about the Royal baby is consistent coverage, and Whoopi not caring is honest. I doubt either one cares 7 minutes after the show airs.

  19. I tune into The View very occasionally, but the only reason I do at all is because of Whoopi. I don't agree with her POV on the royal baby, but so what? I do completely agree with her alleged POV on Baba Wawa, however.

  20. I thought Regis made a power play for more money by threatening to leave and it didn't work?

  21. I love Whoopi, she's very down to earth.

  22. I have been waiting for Baba to retire from the Biz since her First Celebrity Interview. She made Kneepads look hard hitting. SMH. Her rants/effusive name dropping and general ass kissing are offensive.

  23. I've never been able to sit through more than 15 minutes of The View. With every comment Whoopie acts as if she's a wise sage. She's so full of herself I can't stand her anymore. Barbara should have been put out to pasture years ago. THIS is trash TV.

    1. I feel like she's doing a bad parody of a wise owl. I'm glad I'm not alone.

  24. Barbara saws was never a real journalist. She bearded for Roy Cohn and he got her jobs.

  25. Barbara acts like her seat is a throne and she's the Grande Dame of The View. Oh well, we always have her to thank for the best interview ever aired.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. The View makes me sick. Period.

  28. I could care less about the damn royal baby. That's not our country. We should be more concerned with our own.

  29. I could give a fig about the royal baby, but I would just smile and nod if I'm paid to act like I do. It's news. The View is a 'news' show.

    Baba Wawa is older than Methuselah, never cared for her interviews or her.

    Whoopi's "it wasn't rape-rape" comment is on my top ten stupidest actor comments of all time. I lost all respect for her. Sister Act isn't the same. It's not even Sister Act II. Pfft.

    Let them fistfight. On TV.
