Thursday, July 04, 2013

Blind Items Revealed - Kindness

January 11, 2013

A lot of smaller movie theatres have been struggling because they do not have the money to convert to all digital. A fundraiser was held at a movie theatre here in town to save a small place and the event was not doing that well until this A+ list all movie actor who is very well known on this site asked how much the cost would be and wrote a check for $60K on the spot. The other money raised that night went to replace the older seats.

Robert Downey Jr.


  1. This was already revealed

    1. It wasn't or shouldn't have been a blind because he was televised being at the fundraiser for the theater. you can see it on youtube

  2. and yet another reason to love Himmmmmm :)

  3. Knew it! Thanks Iron Man! Love you!

  4. How come we're still in January?

  5. Don't you question Enty, Betch. Enty is all knowing and infallible. I don't read this site, and neither do my friends, but the Twunt phone ring and the Twunt signal shines in the sky and I come here to defend those who are too incompetent to defended themselves. Bla bla bla bla.

    P.S. RDJ should got the Oscar for Chaplin. Fuck Anthony Hopkins where he breathes.

    1. Lol..dr. hannibal lecture deserved the accolades however rdj pre iron man..a hard to accomplish auteur actor..not in the thought that he p l ayed himself but he encompassed the parts as only "he" could...beyond method...when he gets it right..oh my stopping him...btw count..the ladies are ALL about you lately on the theory is...ur a 14 yo boy or a 74 yo grandpa.

    2. No way. It's quite obviously a female. Both Count and Enty are absolutely women.

  6. @Count LOL would that be his nose? Or his mouth?
    YAY RDJ! Tho this one was solved by checking the kickstarter webpage.

  7. I know this was revealed before, and I don't care. RDJ is my hero. Smart, compassionate,funny and hawt. Man needs to be cloned.

  8. Anyone know where this small town movie theater was located?

  9. If you are reading this Mr. Downey, please check this out.

    This movie theater is one of the only venues around that a low income family can enjoy.

  10. Anonymous2:08 PM

    He's awesome

  11. It was a small movie theater in LA, not a small-town movie theater.

  12. Oh honey, between the release of Avatar and rerelease of Titanic Jim Cameron had the studios upgrade every single theater that would be screening the film. No theater screening films of that size aren't converted yet. Studios don't release film prints anymore. Not even art houses.

  13. Glad this was revealed. He really seems like a down to earth, regular guy. Love him.

  14. Hes really trying to atone by being a mensch.

  15. Fantastic! So important to support small movie theaters if we want entertainment that is not The Lone Ranger. RDJ rocks!

    Happy Independence Day to THE BEST ONLINE COMMUNITY! Thanks for another six months of smarts, humanity, pushing limits and laughs.

    Off to KCRW's 4th of July Block Party at Grand Park in downtown LA. If you're in town and looking for fun -

    Have a safe great holiday!

  16. WhoCaresnow12 and others..I don't believe it was revealed as much as someone put a link to this story in the response for the original.

    There are quite a few small Art Houses that are not part of a chain that DO need help. The blind doesn't mention the screening of any particular film. Did I miss something?

  17. @TinselSass, will RDJ be there? :-b

    Happy July 4, CDANers!

  18. Happy 4th July you lot across the pond.

  19. Love Robert Downey Jr. Not a Less Than Zero kind of a guy.

  20. I think he defended Mel because when RDJ couldn't get work due to being un-insurable Mel paid the bond, the insurance, his guild fees and other stuff. Basically, he said he'd vouch for Robert to be on the movie, and cover the cost if he screwed up. And, I think that meant a lot to RDJ at the time. So, yeah, he's going to return the favor when Mel's in the same position because that's what friends do.

  21. I can't possibly love Robert Downey Jr. anymore than I already do.

    I'm so proud of how far he's come with his past problems. He seems like a good soul.

  22. Robert Downey Jr is an angel at heart! He puts the sexy back in kindness and gratitude!

    I wish Enty would post more kindness blinds bc they always make my day!

    Pour another fruity cocktail for me :D

  23. When you have been to hell and have the opportunity to crawl back and not only stand but triumph, then you give a hand to those who stood by you when no one else would. Love him

  24. Love this guy, I'e been his since forever. No matter what, no matter when. Addiction is such a bitch and him getting past his, helped me with mine.
    "If a Man with everything can come back from losing it all... What's your excuse?"
    Love Him!

  25. Himmmm is my hero. I thought he was lost, then he came back raging. He's been through it all and came out better.

  26. Love himmmmm....for some reason, Alec Baldwin has been helping out a very small town in my state....( I am DRUNK and do not feel like looking up why)....and this has been happening for a few is RI, by the way...

  27. @Megan00m: If I was this smart, and not the complete mark that I was at 14, I would have gotten tons of action.

    I'll never live to 74. 65, I'll be quite happy. 70 and I'm cashing out. Give my kid/grandkids checks, and I'm going to turn into a quart of gin at breakfast kind of drunk.

    I'm almost 40.

  28. @Temp Grape: Yep. Tits like cantaloupe, snatch like a vice. When I leave the room, all the dudes say, "Damn that ass is nice."

  29. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Now THAT is a Star.

  30. I am love unconditionally with RDJ.

  31. FYI - this was the Silent Movie Theater which is now Cinefile. Their telethon starts up again in mid-December.
