Thursday, July 04, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 11, 2013

This C+ list talent wise all movie actress with A list name recognition was recently shut down with her new toy by her overly protective husband who suspected she was talking to an old flame of hers who has popped back into her life. He also is making sure that she is accompanied when she gets a nice big paycheck soon. He knows that if she was left alone without him for the week she will be gone that she will never come back.

Megan Fox/Brian Austin Green


  1. She isn't all movie seeing her first big roles was on Hope and Faith and a few guest appearences on Two and A Half Men....

    She needs to ditch his ass. what the hell is wrong with her?

  2. " shut down with her new toy" Can someone translate?

  3. Stockholme syndrome. Run girl, run. You and your baby. Run.

  4. @Kim - I guess it's a new phone.

  5. I think most people know her from movies.

    She needs to LEAVE. Take your baby and move out.

  6. @Jason, oh yeah I guess that makes sense.. haha.. you don't want to know where my mind went...

  7. Kim - I can think of a a couple regular posters here who might want to know...

  8. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Runnnnnnn megan!! runnnnnn

  9. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Her toy was her Twitter account .. he shut that down
    I wonder if she got hoe tendencies and BAG actual saving her

    yea right lol runnnnn Megan

  10. @Lotta -Yes. i remember that - she had been on twitter and he shut it down. @kimstyle - LOL I also remember thinking the same thing about the toy

  11. I thought it was a sex toy at first too- we all have our minds in the gutter. lol

    He is a fucking asshole!!

    Funny tidbit, I have an addidas sweatshirt of BAG's. A woman I worked for years ago swiped it from him, and I wound up with it. It is huge and comfy and I love it....

  12. She must be totally neurotic as well as being a germaphobe to put up with this POS. He needs her foyer financial security because he doesn't work much and she has a franchise and other roles.

  13. He's working more than she does in the last year. He's not the a-hole entry makes home out to be.

    1. I truly hope that us true whocaresnow

    2. He is, whocares posts a lot of hearsay not facts.

  14. Who is her ex? I don't get the appeal with her, or him.

  15. Not that shes so great what with weirdo surgery and all, but why does she tolorate this ass balloon?

  16. That's just pathetic.

  17. Didn't he stalk her Brazil promo trip? Who knew David Silver was a RL jerk!

  18. Argh, me man, dominate you woman. Blah

  19. Anonymous11:10 AM

    you can't watch her forever you insecure, washed up, tiny dicked, has been, used douche BAG.
