Thursday, July 04, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 10, 2013

This almost A list comedic actor who is A list not really for his movies, but for everything else he does managed to convince this C list celebrity ex-wife of an A list actor to sleep with the comedic actor. he said he could cleanse her of all her issues. She fell for it. She has also started showing up around his place and attending the same classes he attends.

Russell Brand/Brooke Mueller


  1. That is so out of left field for WOW.

  2. Ew. Is there a secret "6 degrees of Charlie Sheen STDs" game? He's like patient zero for over-30 Hollywood.

    Would you fuck anyone who let Sheen impregnate her? Just pointing it out.

  3. LMAO JUST LEGIT LMAO wow.... so random

  4. OMG why in the hell would he want to go there...

    @gloaming guessed Russell and @maemae got both russell and brooke first.

  5. Cleanse her of all her issues?
    Well that didn't work

  6. All I can say is... her dumb a* fell for Russell Brand using the word "cleanse." DUH.

  7. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Crackie 3.0 and Brand? What the hell?

  8. He needs it THAT bad? Hes almost as pathetic as she is.

    1. @sandy...he is an admitted sex addict.

  9. She is a sorry excuse for a parent. I sincerely hope she ODs. It will be the best things for her children.

  10. Oh..... the STDs....... gulp.

  11. What kind of "classes" are we talking about? At first I thought it was AA or NA, but those are usually called "meetings".

  12. So I guess Russell's sexual healing didn't work.

  13. @ Alanna- I think Brand does yoga

  14. Why, Russell? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?

  15. Ugh I'm so sick of hearing about Brooke Mueller, who is she besides Charlies ex? Did she used to be an actress? Even in small roles with small movies? A socialite or something?

  16. I'm glad to know Charlie is refusing to pay her "child support" for her crack habit

  17. Anonymous1:28 PM

    He fucking crackheads!?!

  18. Brooke was also famous for being on a Paris Hilton reality show---but she is more friends with Paris mom Kathy than Paris----strange people....

  19. @Lola no surprise if hes screwing total skanks and getting infectious diseases (however I might be giving him a bit much credit as to not being dirty himself.)

  20. Russell Brand is the man!

    I gotta use that line. I'll probably get slap. The power of being rich and Famous =[

  21. I'm shocked that with all the paps that follow these two around no one was able to get a shot of them together.

  22. So he's obviously still a sex addict- otherwise...::shudders::

  23. With so many women to date in Hollywood, he went after Brooke? I just don't get it. Eeeeew

  24. Slam me if you want, but I'll bet Brand genuinely thought he could help Brooke get clean. If his path worked for him, I'm thinking he just wanted to share and see if it could help her, obviously someone as troubled as he once was.

    He's a wounded soul and I think part of the reason he and Katy Perry didnt make it is because she wasn't "broken" enough (except for that jacked up early morning photo he tweeted of her -- that was just wrong); he had nothing to fix.

    My two cents -- happy Fourth!

  25. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I had to come back to this

    dude, why are u fucking a crackhead

  26. Charlie Sheen is an A list actor? Really?

  27. He was once upon a time. When he did good movies and good funny movies

  28. Charlie Sheen is twice nominated for an Oscar - Wall Street and Platoon.

    He is a VERY good actor- he just went crazy from years of drug abuse.

    1. Nope. He has never been nominated for an Oscar. He has been nominated for an Emmy and won a Golden Globe for Two and a Half Men. I would agree that he is A list for TV.

    2. Sorry. I am on mobile-- the above comment was for parissucksliterally.

  29. W. T. F. Ewww on both their parts. All their parts. Just ewww.

  30. The meeting of these two's various private parts and juices must surely be awesome WMD. Gross!!!!!

  31. girl7707: I'll bet Russell did think perhaps I can get her sober. I know he's struggled too. And hey if I get laid well then..Once he got a little closer though he realized it was a bigger project than what he could handle.

    Paris..Baby, loves ya but that was harsh. I hope she manages to get clean. A kid will always want their mother. Let's maybe give her a little benefit of the doubt.

  32. What a surprise.

    Seems meaningful.


    the sex part.

    But I have been cleansed through and through.


    Some Good Sex...

  33. Russell seems slimey, and looks smelly. Isn't he a former addict who tries to "help" other addicts? Why would he use that line on a person he knew was using?

  34. What an absolute load of cobblers! I don't believe a single word of it.

  35. Okay this one shocked me.

  36. So he's a 13 stepper. Jeeze

  37. He's a piece of shit for taking advantage of a sick woman.

  38. Isn't he supposed to be sober? If so, why would Brooke even bother with a guy who can't supply the drugs?

  39. I need to shower with bleach after reading this. Yuck. I can only imagine the STDs flying everywhere.

  40. how exactly does Russell Brand get so much sex? he looks so filthy, not in a sexy way.

  41. @Lucie -- Read a post by somebody who supposedly ran in to RB in a book store in the Self Help section [Yeah, right!]. She said he glommed on to her eyes and face as if she were the only woman in the world. 'Fell' into her face [not her body] and paid total and complete attention to her as they talked.

    They left together after deep and fulfilling convo. And then, BaDumdeDumDum at her/his place.

    Maybe, maybe not, but it could explain his allure to women. I think there was some indication that the woman was not a '10'. And maybe the outfits he wears are actually in pristine condition as is his hygiene.

    That's my theory, and that's why he's my guilty pleasure ;-)

    Happy Holiday Reveals to All!

  42. Anonymous10:52 AM

    He does genuinely seem to want to help addicts, giving a public speech to the house of commons about drug addiction being a mental disorder and how it needs to be treated that way. Perhaps he saw the wounded bird that he was in her eyes and wanted to reach out and help her, then ended up helping her with his d##k.

  43. Well, that busts Brand's flimsy excuse of him divorcing Katy Perry because her drinking was out of control, and he was a good boy who was clean and sober and she was threatening his sobriety with her partying ways. I figured he was a lying cheater that couldn't keep it in his pants. He's a greasy mess too. Why Katy? Why?
