Saturday, July 06, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 12, 2013

This former A list tweener was at a Grammy party over the weekend and had her first line of coke ever. She said that it was the best thing she ever felt and then said except for sex with her B list actor all movies boyfriend but then said, "No, this is better. besides right now he is probably having sex with that b**ch he thinks I don't know about."

Miley Cyrus


  1. And look at her now a piece of train wreck trash

  2. This girl gets more unappealing by the day. I can't for the life of me understand why people with some actual talent work with her or give her shout-outs. And that last video of hers....what a mess.

  3. You mean the Clive Davis party she went to solo while they were on a temporary break? That party? How dare she behave like a 19-20 year old

  4. First line? I find that hard to believe.

  5. I'm sure Liam doesn't know she was doing hard drugs behind his back either. They never registered as a likely couple for me.

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Wow some self awareness from Miley. A pleasant surprise.

  7. Wow some stupid ass behavior from Miley, a not so pleasant surprise.

    The 27 club apparently sent her an invite.

  8. Coke fiend Miley just made the boner crest the halfway point to 3/4.

  9. I'm not going to dump on Miley for this. First I am surprised this was her first line of coke. Also glad to know that she wasn't unaware of her fiance cheating on her.

    I did my first line around that age. I was lucky enough that the person I got it from was someone who was a friend, who told me that if I was to ever do it again, I should only use money that I could play with, and not bill or food money. That advice always stuck with me and thanks to that I never went nuts. Sadly Miley probably has LOTS of money to play with.

    1. ITA Basil. I didn't try my first line until I was 21 and I had been smoking blunts and drinking for 7 years before that ( not proud just facts ) .. And guess what! I didn't run off and become a huge coke whore.
      I don't knock the girl for trying her first line. Drew Barrymorw was in rehab by age fecking 12. Cocaine, done occasionally and bought by someone who isn't going to cut it to smithereens isn't the end of the world and certainly doesn't make someone trash. If that were the case most of our worlds " role models " would be in a landfill somewhere .. I'm not saying its cool - I wouldn't touch it these days - buts she's twenty - chill out folks -

    2. There is never a "right" age to try drugs. You are all losers for having done so. I was never that stupid to be persuaded or even have an inkling to try any of that shit.

  10. Drop off the face of the earth for a year or so, grow your hair back some, get a role in a Disney backed ABC network sitcom for the Fall '15 season. You'll be fine.

  11. Oh dear god, you're a bunch of prudes. In most big cities there are adults aged 19-20 all over that do things like drink, smoke, experiment with drugs. Not all, but quite a few. Don't fall off your pedestals

    1. @whocares I'm always surprised at the finger wagging on here. They'd probably die if they knew Hillary duff got that first set of caps on her teeth because meth was eating her teeth up...oops...did I just tell that? LOL

    2. Escandalo! Thanks for the dirt @hollywood dime!

    3. Now that's news I can use, Hollywood! I can't wait to tell the kids I used to babysit that Lizzy McGuire did meth until her teefs fell out!

    4. @Hollywood dime. Finally gossip. Getting tired of reading blinds. Thanks

  12. I like Miley, she can't be tamed!! I would hate to tell y'all what I was doing at her age.

  13. hey whocares, why don't you stick to criticizing Enty's posts. We're not trying to sell anything. Just expressing our personal opinions. Don't fall off your pedestal now.

  14. @hollywood, goes for you too. Thinking Hilary's drug rotted teeth is LOL worthy speaks volumes. If you were really smart, you'd realize no one is envious of your worldly cynicism.

    1. @phonenix the LOL was at myself for 'unintentionally' sharing gossip, something you would've realized if you weren't so busy wagging your own cynical finger. So please don't try it. Go back to your gilded cage where celebrities are angels and above reproach like you.

  15. Call me jaded but I also find it hard to believe it was her first line.

    @hollywooddime that's not the first time I've heard Hilary was into hardcore stuff. Shame if true but she seems to have turned around nicely at least. Her baby is adorable. You wonder if she could do it why can't some of the others?

  16. @phoenix I believe @hollywood was likely throwing sarcasm at what she saw as perceived finger wagging here, and not Duff's old drug habit. But he/she can speak for themselves.

  17. @Pookie, no one finger wagged specifically over the drug use, just expressed their personal distaste for her adult 'career' or lack thereof. I probably came closest since I'm the only one who mentioned drugs up to that point.

    Do you think it's appropriate to come into a thread, criticize people for their opinions, and that's it? It's not my idea of fun, especially when done in such a condescendingly superior manner.

    1. @phoenix you should find the definition of 'irony' because you are the embodiment of it! Being critical while saying others shouldn't be'!!! Hilarious.

  18. Anonymous11:35 AM

    oooh,,, great dirt Hwood Dime! Esacandaloso indeed!
    Meow! Phoenix, sit down and have a piece of chocolate or something, even my ass is chapped from your burns!

  19. Anonymous11:37 AM

    as far as Miley, I too think she's being tasetless and vulgar with that last video, but she's a kid growing up under the spotlight, always has been, and I'll be interested to see how she develops and matures as a person.

  20. @pheonix -you're one of those people that thinks the National Enquirer is real news, aren't you?

  21. Oh and by the way, the only person that singled you out was You. You might want to work on not trying to be the center of the universe on a gossip blog.

  22. No whocares, Anna, and hollywood. I just don't like people who think they have a special 'I can be an asshole pass' when it comes to calling out others for their behavior. Hypocrites.

    1. @phoenix you mean 'calling out behavior' like YOU'RE DOING?! Are you serious? Enjoy your Saturday.

    2. I have some insider stuff about Miley, share it here, sometimes, but mostly it gets ignored, so I feel ya. I do know that Miley & Tish went to Clive Davis's party, and that other than hanging with Kelly O, they spent most of the party sitting w/ Kloe K, & preggo Kim, quietly talking...

  23. She's a loser?

    She's done a tone of charity work. Went to Hati, supported fans with serious illnesses, and ...

    Dolly Parton is her "honorary" godmother.

    She loves the herb and doesn't shy away from that fact when the subject comes up.

    She seems pretty upbeat and positive about life.

    And she's like what, 20 years old.

    She's alright with me...

  24. I just want the kid to quit sticking that cow tongue of hers out!!!! WHO told her that was cute?!?!

  25. @hollywood, no, but I did learn something. People who live in denial are dead serious about it. Have a great day yourself.

    1. So the denial is working well for you then?

  26. I feel bad for Miley. She's genuinely talented but she's pissing it all away.

    Here's my two cents. whocaresnow and hollywood dime are both annoying tools. Happy Saturday everybody!

  27. so many glass houses in comment section of a gossip blog, who knew?
    And @cee kay I'm a bitch not a tool, but thanks for the two cents that no one asked for.

  28. @hollywood et al, what you're failing to pick up on, is that most people only open their mouth in situations like this after biting their tongues for a loooong time, so no, we are NOT like you... and with that, I'm done, so let those cutting barb zingers fly baby! :)

  29. LEAVE MILEY ALONE!!!!!!!!!

  30. Oh Miley... Not surprised she's doing coke. I am surprised that it took her this long to try it since she's in Hollywood.

    This whocares person needs to leave. This is a gossip site, and there is a disclaimer at the bottom of the page, so yes, some of this stuff is not real. But we still like to guess. So eff off.

  31. I always find it strange when someone mentions the names of some of my favorite commenters - those that add to the site rather than most - and says they "should just leave." Then when there's a handful of others who agree and I decide that there are so many ghost accounts on this site that there are probably only a couple dozen real people posting here under dozens of fake accounts.

    Meanwhile, I wish that Miley's realization was enough to get her to walk out of that obviously useless relationship.

  32. Can't help it, love Miley.

  33. As long as whatever drug a person chooses to partake in doesn't cause problems for someone else (causing accidents involving others, taking money away from a family and leaving them needing basics, stuff like that) I don't care what someone chooses to do on their own time.

    In fact, the government has actually made more illegal drug users by trying to curb drug use. Here's an example: They banned the sale of Ephedrine because some people were using it to make meth. Some people I know myself used to use Ephedrine because of the hours they worked and needed to be able to be up to work different shifts. If used properly, there were no side effects. But since they banned it to curb meth dealers, the meth dealers have adapted and started using other things to make it. Those same people I know that used to go to a convenience store and buy a pack of them for a week are now buying meth for the same thing and are not only breaking the law but putting God knows what into their bodies. JUST. TO. MAKE. A. LIVING. FOR. THEIR. FAMILIES.

    Sorry, that last bit was kind of off topic but I feel people get too worked up about drugs. This post has been sponsored by Bud, Bud Light, Red's Apple Ale, Jack Daniels and Smirnoff Vodka.

  34. I love Miley idgaf who knows. She's young, it's normal to experience FYI. Just because she did one line or how many ever doesn't mean she's about to be the next Lohan. Jesus.

  35. @lostathome, if Miley is smart, or at least has people around her who care, she should use the Kraken as an example of WHAT NOT TO DO IF YOU WANT A SUCCESSFUL CAREER. I did coke, and weed at her age, still managed to get to school and graduate from college. It's called partying when you are young enough to bounce back enough the next morning to do whatever it is you need to do. Let's hope Miley does the same thing. That first line of coke doesn't automatically lead to skid row. Meth on the other hand.....

  36. I don't think whocaresnow should leave, but I do think he or she has been negative in every single post over the past few days.

    I think a majority of readers here are for entertainment, not because we believe each blind to be true. There is no need to point out how sad we are because you made an assumption. If you are going to comment here, this is a majority of the company you will keep. Rather than making generalizations, try getting to know the people a bit first. It may make time here a bit more enjoyable for you.

  37. I like Miley so much more now! Not because of the coke (I don't give a shit about that) but now in general.

    Short blonde hair punk ass Miley is SOOOOO much better than that annoying mousey snaggletooth tweener.

    If you'd told me a year or so ago she was gonna turn into one of my favourites I'd have laughed your ass out of town, but here she is and I LOVE HER.

  38. Mala Propism, the best is when the same poster has multiple accounts and uses them to praise themselves.
    Eventually they make a mistake and if you are quick enough you can catch them in the act.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. @Marie, curious. What is it about Miley that appeals to you so much? Is it just her look, or do you think she's celeb caliber talented, i.e. are you into her movie acting and newer music?

  41. @Pip, fair enough. I can appreciate your perspective.

    BTW, I've been on here for a few years nw. Why would I leave?

  42. @Phoenix - I think her look helps (she's never looked better) but its not just that. She seems more honest now, like she's less of that cookie cutter tweener that nick and Disney pump out, and more like a real person. I don't watch her movies, I don't listen to her music and I wish she'd officially dump that loser, but I see a lot more that I like in this Miley than the old Miley.

    I like a hot bitch with a fuck you attitude. Chicks with balls out confidence - that's what I like to see.

  43. Also, she didn't disappoint me at the Met Ball like basically everyone else did. IT WAS A PUNK THEME! Could there BE a better theme for a fucking COSTUME BALL? Jesus.

  44. Ahh, a huge Miley fan in general Marie. I get that. There's been celebs I've felt can do no wrong no matter what they do also. Thanks.

  45. I hate to say it, but between the bogus blinds and the horrible video streams, the only reason why I come here is to read the trolls.

    They never disappoint.

  46. Disney must be so PROUD !

  47. Could not care less about a young'un trying a drug like coke--unless she makes a habit of it. But man, I so wish that Liam guy would just vanish. The Hunger Games movie was fun... if you mentally delete all the parts in which he appeared. The guy is one of those awful Black Hole actors who sucks anything of interest out of a scene.

    Miley's retro Punk phase is silly, but inoffensive. She always seemed a nice kid, so I hope coke loses appeal for her asap.

    While working in nightclubs during the 80s saw too many friends & lovers have their personalities twisted from sweet to sour by coke addiction.

    So, yeah; as a middle-aged mama hen, I'd rather she stuck with the dumb hair-cut/dye-job, dated S3X Pistols tee-shirts, & weed.
