Saturday, July 06, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 13, 2013

This former A+++ list television actress and one of the most well known names to ever be an actress and who will always be well loved tried to walk into a restaurant the other night and be seated. The place was packed and she had no reservation. She was with one other person. Our actress talked to three different people at the place and no one had ever heard of her. When it became clear that star power was not going to get her a table, our actress, graceful as ever thanked them and walked out. One patron who saw it happen said it almost made him cry to watch it. It was the most awkward scene he had ever witnessed.

Mary Tyler Moore


  1. Holy cow! What is the world coming to? But kudos to Mary for being such a class act.

  2. It happens to the best of them! I'm just glad she was graceful and walked out with her head held high as opposed to throwing some type of fit.

  3. Yeah, why is this considered awkward? She tried to persuade the owner to give her a table, and ultimately respected that the restaurant couldn't because they were booked. Instead of throwing a fit, she simply left. Sounds like class to me.

  4. Compare HER to some trashy, talentless Real Housewife in that same situation!

    MTM always a class act.

  5. Why didn't the patron speak up? Is he THAT delicate of a flower? Almost cried but didn't have the energy to pull a server aside and whisper "in case you didn't know, that's MTM"?
    Obviously he had the energy to yap about what happened.

    Agree that she handled it with class, though.

    1. I was at a jazz festival hosted by Dave Koz in the Gaslamp District San Diego. We were going into a restaurant when Dave tried to come in and security wouldn't let him in with bottled water. I told the guard "Are you kidding? That's Dave Koz, the host of the festival." Dave gave me the cutest smile and bowed his head to me. He just stood outside and stayed quiet. What a sweetheart.

  6. No one heard of her ? No Way...were they from Mars ?

    1. No, they're probably young, under-paid, people who don't give a shit about TV/movies.

  7. MTM doesn't look like she did. Alan Cummings once said she looked like a burn victim. It's also a good possibility that everyone working was most likely born when her show had ended.

    1. I think that's the point everyone is missing, Sherry. Yes she handled the situation without diva attitude but I don't think I'd recognize her on the street either. She wrecked her face

  8. Damn I would have tried to give her my table, if only for the boners she caused when I used to watch old rerun of The Dick Van Dyke Show. I'd prob omit that part..

  9. I find this one very hard to believe. Even if you've never seen her in anything (which I would find hard to believe as well) her name alone must ring some bells. Whatever, if this is a real blind then good for her.

  10. Just because she is Mary Tyler Moore, it doesn't entitle her to a table. I feel so sympathy for her not beig recognized. Welcome to the real world.

  11. OMG. I would have offered her a seat at my table if I were that patron (and dish the dirt on DVD and Betty White, of course).

  12. She should have phoned ahead for a reservation, just like anyone else. I'm sorry she was embarrassed and disappointed, but I don't see why she had any right to believe she should get somebody else's reserved table.

  13. she has very advanced MS as well as some cognitive problems now. this is sad.

  14. Hey, I got this one! And it's a travesty that no one recognized her.

  15. She didn't get a table, was polite, and she left. Why are some commenters here bashing her for walking into a restaurant and trying to get seated without a reservation? Even with restaurants that take reservations, MOST of their business is walk-in.

    I've done the same thing where I've talked to a few people to try to get a table, but realized it was a no go. Only difference here is that a patron recognized her.

  16. She handled it with dignity, but the whole thing could have been avoided if she had simply made a reservation, so I don't exactly feel sorry for her.

  17. Agree with Joanna. Who cares who she reservation doesn't mean that she gets to kick someone else out. Sad BI though.

  18. Mary Tyler Moore isn't recognizable any more. Her face is really frightening up close, it's sad. Her face is so tight, I don't think she can fully close her eyes.

    1. Yep. See Alan Cummings statement previously mentioned. And her husband is a plastic surgeon, no?

  19. Pretty sad when this generation would have been ecstatic if Ke$ha had walked in, but they have no idea who MTM is. :(

  20. I adore the MTM show, and even though many members of the original cast is still alive, they're all very elderly. I can totally believe no one recognized her or her name, I watch re runs of the MTM show on MeTv and if I have friends over when it's on, most of them have never seen it before and/or have never heard of it.

    MTM was a huge star in the 60s and 70s and her production company oversaw a ton of hit TV shows at the time, not to mention a feminist icon (even if she said she herself wasn't one). I'm sure to go from being one of the most powerful and recognizable women on the planet in name and face to not is difficult for anyone, let alone someone in their late 70s. I don't condone what she has done to her face, I think she got bad surgery in the 70s and 80s and then made it worse trying to fix it.

    I just wanted to echo the sentiment that she behaved in the manner she always has; with grace, class, and dignity. Something celebs like JLo and Salma Hayek couldn't do if a million dollar paycheck depended on it.

  21. I'm with you, Kumquat and Bacon (though that does not sound like an appealing breakfast combo). If that happened to KrisK or a Real Housewive, Tantrum Time on TMZ. Mary Tyler Moore handled it with dignity and left. A sad BI about a fading artist who isn't fading because she's a drug abuser (Liza M) but because she has a debilitating disease.

  22. I love MTM and think she handled it well (as far as we know from blind) but I can't believe most here think it is ok for celeb to go into packed restaurant and expect to be seated ahead of those waiting in line (unless they have done ads for them or otherwise are a frequent guest.)

  23. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Why cry because someone's being classy, understanding, polite and considerate? She's beloved.

    1. That is NOT why the patron was crying! Please read!

  24. It breaks my heart that those people didn't know MTM. I had no idea she had MS.

  25. Love her, the person who relayed this blind item hopefully at least offered up a seat at his/her table.

  26. Crying (the patron and I) because the staff at the restaurant had No Idea who Mary Tyler Moore is. Starlets of today take note.

  27. "Ohhhhh Mr. Grant!"


    Mary will always be awesome in my book.

  28. MTM does NOT have Multiple Sclerosis. Where are people getting this information? She has diabetes, is legally blind from it, and has had a brain tumor removed. The poor woman can barely see. Her husband might be the one who has it but I'm not positive.

  29. A lot of restaurants in Hollywood keep an "unbooked" table or two in their rotation. One they don't take reservations for, but have in case a well-known celeb shows up. (Also, sometimes given to other walk- up traffic if not taken.)
    Because celeb sightings increase publicity and tourist dollars.
    No doubt MTM knows the practice, but still remained classy when she wasn't deemed star-worthy-enough to be worked in.
    At least she's a class act still. The reality star set would've thrown fits.

  30. In my book showing up at a packed restaurant and trying to name drop with not one but three different people to get a table over "regular" folks who have been waiting or actually bothered to make a reservation is neither classy nor graceful. I'm glad she got shut down and turned away. It's really sad that she is considered classy just because she didn't make a scene about it.

  31. Who cares if people don't know who Mary Tyler Moore is. I don't get why that's so terrible. Celebrities fade over time, the audience moves on, that's how it is in show biz. Anyway, next time she needs to get a reservation.

  32. @Mala - she may not have been in LA.

    @CJ - See my previous post - agree with you and I like MTM. It sounds kind of pathetic that she apparently dropped her name 3 times to different staff. At least she didn't make a scene.

  33. I love Mary Tyler Moore. Had it been any current celebs, they would've thrown a fit and made an a-- out of themselves. She is pure class.

  34. I have been watching the Mary Tyler Moore show reruns a lot lately and it is such a great show! She will always be an A++ list star to me.

  35. She used to be a real cunt, which is why her second husband kicked her to the curb.

    Yours in Christ,

    Massive G
    'My weekend beats your year'

  36. @texas rose, agreed! It's sad that 3 different people didn't know who she was not that she didn't get a table. She's a legend and left the way someone with manners should, but I still don't understand why celebrities thinks they can anywhere and use the "do you know who I am?" line. I still love her though!

  37. I'm 21, and this depresses me. Are there people my age who haven't heard of her two gigantic shows? Maybe I surround myself with a certain type of person, but I'm pretty damn sure the people I know know Mary Tyler Moore - and Dick Van Dyke, the cast of the Golden Girls, Carol Burnett, and a few other comedy legends quite well. It's not like Paul Lynde came up asking for a seat - and of course if that were the case, I as the patron would let him sit at my table.

  38. As a celeb, MTM has always been a class act. In her personal life, who knows. This blind is sad because she wasn't recognized, but it's a good blind that she didn't yell, pout and cause a scene, definitely something worthy of remembering you divas-of-today.

  39. The people working at the restaurant were probably 15 year old los angeles airheads, so I guess I shouldn't be shocked, but I'm kind of shocked. I'd lose my shit if i met her.


  40. It says she spoke with three people. This is not out of the ordinary. The host/hostess would likely bring in the senior server or junior/assistant manager - and one of those two would bring in the manager who would have final say.

    I used to work in a celeb hotspot in the 80s. I served Rob Lowe, Patrick Swayze, Martin Short, Jim Henson and so forth. This type of thing happened several times a night. Many soap opera stars were turned away... seriously. It came down to 1) how busy we were, and 2) hierarchy because we often had a head's up from publicists & assistants as to who might be dropping by. We had to make sure we could accommodate them.

  41. Mary Tyler Moore is an icon. In addition to being known as an actress she does a HUGE amount of work for JDRF. The woman is in her late 70's and not in the best of health.
    I am shocked that she was not recognized by her name alone. I feel very sad that some talentless person throws their name around expect all kinds of perks and favors and MTM was not given a table.
